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Shahpura Lake,Bhopal(M.P)水质的物质化学研究及其特殊参考其边缘区域的地下水污染影响

Trivedi Sonal.1和H. C. Kataria1






Sonal T, Kataria HC。博帕尔沙普拉湖水质的物理化学研究,特别是对其边缘地区地下水的污染影响。Curr World Environ 2012; 7(1):139-144 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/cwe.7.1.21


Sonal T, Kataria HC。博帕尔沙普拉湖水质的物理化学研究,特别是对其边缘地区地下水的污染影响。环境科学学报2012;7(1):139-144。可以从://www.a-i-l-s-a.com?p=366/



已收到: 2012-03-15
公认: 2012-04-15


淡水对生命的存在至关重要。可接受质量的水至关重要,不仅是饮酒和国内目的,还必须用于农业,工业和商业用途。地表水是地面上或溪流,河流,湖泊,湿地或海洋的收集。通过沉淀自然补充地表水,并通过放电自然损失,以蒸发和亚表面渗入地下水中。湖泊是一个由土地包围的大型水域,并受到各种水生生命形式的居住。湖泊受到环境中的各种自然过程,例如水文循环。由于城市的巨大人口增长(从2007年的1951年的比率超过0.100万美元)和城市发展迅速,湖泊面临着各种环境问题,导致水质恶化。研究区域选定,估计水质和水污染水平,是博帕尔市沙坡湖。它位于城市的南部。它是1974 - 75年在Betwa灌溉项目中形成的人造水库。 The waste water inflow keeps the lake perennial and the over flowing water flows through a nala to join kaliyasot river which flows into river Betwa. Various physico-chemical parameters were studied to assess the water quality status and the extent of deterioration in the water quality of lake. The degradation of lake has occurred not only due to waste water effluent inflow but also by saltation, domestic sewage, immersion of idols and other activities around the lake. Thus the lake is subjected to enormous anthropogenic stress; the overall impact has resulted in the deterioration of the water quality, accumulation of toxic chemicals and sediments, shrinkage of lake area and above all, loss of the aesthetic value. It is well known that hydrologic environment is composed of two interrelated phases; ground water and surface water. Impacts initiated in one phase eventually affect the other system. The polluted lake water may enter into aquifer or ground water body of fringe areas, specially the downstream areas by percolation and influent seepage. The natural quality of hand pumps, bore wells and drinking water resources tend to be degraded in the fringe areas of lake. Several investigations and research studies have been made on water quality and increasing pollution level of the water body. They all indicate the alarming contamination of the lake which is very high as compared to the standard guidelines, revealing that nutrient load in the lake is very high and hypereutrophic conditions are prevailing. Hence periodic monitoring and preventive measures are required to save the lake from eutrophication. Although, few work has been done to understand the status of the lake, no study has been made on the pollution effects of the lake on the ground water quality of the adjoining areas. The polluted lake water may enter into aquifer or ground water body of fringe areas specially the downstream areas by percolation and influent seepage. At least sixty thousand population resides in the fringe area and is dependent on the ground water, moreover the Chunabhatti area acts as a ground water sanctuary for the town as the drinking water is supplied to the different parts of the city through the water tankers filled from the tube wells daily. Therefore the assessment and monitoring of its water quality is very important. Hence a serious need is felt for the study of the water quality which could prove beneficial for the large number of people.


为了研究沙普拉湖的水质状况,十三个地表水质监测站被选中在湖的不同点和十六、地下水水质监测站在边缘地区(水源主要是地下水)已完成。根据APHA(美国公共卫生协会)水环境联合会和那格浦尔国家环境工程研究所(NEERI)的规定使用水分析方法。2011年冬季,从选定的监测站采集水样。分析以下进行了理化参数:pH值,电导率(EC -µ姆欧/厘米),总溶解固体(TDS - mg / L),氨(mgNH3-N / L),硝酸(mgN / L)、总磷(mgP / L)、铁(毫克/升),氟(毫克/升),化学需氧量(COD - mg / L),溶解氧(毫克/升),总硬度(T.Hard。- mgCaCO3/ L),钙(mg/L),镁(mg/L),氯(mg/L),硫酸盐(mg/L),碳酸盐(mg/L),碳酸氢盐(mg/L)和大肠菌群。



表1:水质结果 - 表面水Shahpura湖 表1:水质结果 - 地表水Shahpura湖

表二:水质结果-边缘区地下水 表二:水质结果-边缘区地下水

图1:采样站描述 图1:采样站的描述

抽样电台 - 沙普拉湖的地表水
S.NO. 采样 地点
1 SW1 主要未经处理的kotra排水系统(湖泊上游的水源)
2 SW2 来自Chb后面的Charimli地区的排水点诺拉
3. SW3 PCB后面的Dhobighaat附近(高藻类生长)
4 SW4 靠近贫民窟地区行政管理(贫民窟地区)
5 SW5 靠近沙普尔拉公园
6 送回 沙普拉污水汇合处
7 SW7 靠近废物堰(出口)
8 SW8 Shahpura湖(近钓鱼点)
9 SW9 靠近Amrapali住宅殖民地
10 SW10 哈曼庙附近(废物堰下游)
11 SW11 靠近土邦(湖下游)
12 SW12. 地球大坝(靠近Sluice Gate)
13 SW13 废物堰纳瓦拉在湖下游,靠近运河


1 GW1. BSNL处所的管井(湖上游)
2 GW2. Nchse房屋(湖上游)
3. GW3. 在PCB(湖上游)后面
4 GW4. 建设上游集水区(湖东侧)
5 GW5. Tubewell彩虹零食餐厅,MP旅游,Manisha Market
6 GW6. 浅挖井(废堰附近,土坝下游)
7 GW7. Tubewell,C-扇区,沙普拉
8 GW8. Tubewell,克什什什餐厅,Kolar路
9 GW9. Sardarji管,Chunna Bhatti(距离SW-11 100米)
10 GW10. Dugwell,Jugal Kishore,Chuna Bhatti Village
11 GW11. Tubewell,Jugal Kishore,Chunabhatti Village
12 GW12. Tubewell,Aranyawali Colony,距离SW-11(边缘区)800米(边缘区)
13 GW13 管井AMALTAS阶段I(来自SW-12 100米)下游
14 GW14. TubeWell,Amaltas I-(来自SW-12 250米)下游
15 GW15. Tubewell Amaltas II(Fromsw-11)边缘区域(500米)
16 GW16. 土贝维尔,新朋友殖民地(运河附近,楚纳巴特二世)


根据谁建议,通常接受6.5至8.5的pH范围。在该研究中,pH值在水样中的7.5至8.5的范围内。这表明观察到pH值略微碱性。更高的pH值得储层中的鱼类生产。电导率 - 水中酸,碱和盐的浓度越高,EC越高。在本研究中,EC的值在500μmHO/ cm的最大允许极限之上,饮用水中的饮用水均以谁推荐。总溶解固体是饮用水质量标准的重要参数。它对水的特殊味道产生了特殊的味道,较高的浓度降低了其可腐蚀性水,超过500mg / L TDS通常具有味道不巨大的味道。高TDS水平通常表示硬水,这可能导致管道,阀门和过滤器中的尺度堆积。在Bhanpur的地下水层中发现了类似的高TDS值,在所有样品中,Manisha Sonel等人的Bhopal发现了200mg / L的世卫组织允许的限制,可以得出结论,这些地点很难, which necessitates the softening of water prior to its use. In this study The groundwater samples have shown higher values of hardness. Dissolved oxygen and COD-maximum permissible limit for DO as per WHO is 4.6-6.0mg/l it was found within the admissible limit in all the water samples. In the present study high COD values were found which depicts the pollution of water source due to pollutants of organic origin. Nitrate and Phosphate. The world health organization(WHO) has recommended the limit of 10mg/l nitrate nitrogen(NO3-N) for drinking water which is equivalent to about 45mg/l of nitrate (N03)and the same is also accepted in India by the ICMR In a previous study, by Dixit S., et al., the lake was found to be highly eutrophic. The Phosphate content of the lake water studied was found in the range of 6.05 to 9.21 ppm. The Nitrate content of the water was found in the range 2.02 to 15.22ppm. Sharp rise in nitrate content was found from 2003 to 2004, showing the increasing anthropogenic influence on the lake. The raw sewage is the source of nitrates and phosphates in the water. The United States Public Health Standards limit for phosphates in drinking water is 0.1ppm(De,2002,p.p231-232). The phosphate content in the lake water is alarming and very high as compared to the standard guidelines, which reveals that nutrient load in the lake is very high and hypereutrophic conditions are prevailing Fluoride, Chloride and Sulphate. The value of 0.8 to1.0mg/l of F has been recommended by WHO (1970.) Values in all the sample was found in the permissible range. It was observed that the chloride and sulphate concentration in all the samples collected was below the recommended concentration of 250mg/l and150mg/l respectively.




我很感激和感激化学家的地下水调查,水质实验室,Kolar Road,Bhopal,提供实验室设施和指导时间。


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