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H. Dutta.1,老虎啤酒1,B. K. Dutta1,p. deb1和A. DAS.2


2地理空间技术和应用程序,Aaranyak,50个套管路径,调查Bettola Guwahati,781028 Assam India。





Dutta H,Singha H,Dutta B. k,Deb P,Das P.人野生动物在巴拉克谷,印度阿萨姆斯森林村庄冲突。Curr World Environ 2015; 10(1)DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/cwe.10.1.29


Dutta H,Singha H,Dutta B. k,Deb P,Das P.人野生动物在巴拉克谷,印度阿萨姆斯森林村庄冲突。Curr World Environ 2015; 10(1)。可从://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=9106



已收到: 2015-03-31
公认: 2015-04-16


与野生动物在共同资源中与人类冲突(Conover,2002; Graham等,2005)时,生物多样性或野生动物相关的冲突是局面的情况。根据Woodraffe等。(2005年),人野生动物冲突是人类与野生动物的矛盾,牲畜掠夺,捕捞野生动物物种或杀害人民的野生动物之间存在冲突情况的现象。这是一个严重的问题,要求以最优先权(环境和森林,印度,2011年)迫切地解决。随着野生动物寻求营养,生态和行为需求(Sukumar,1990),居住在森林附近以及森林碎片中的人们更容易发生冲突。换句话说,居住在森林和周围地区的人们很容易将受害者陷入与野生动物的冲突,因为他们的要求通常与野生动物的要求重叠。事实上,冲突可能特别严重,农村人居住在与受保护区密切相关(Mishra,2001)。因此,森林村是人类冲突最有效的地点。当濒危物种参与和人类福利受到威胁时,人野生动物冲突吸引了严重的注意(Saberwal等,1994)。然而,除了富有魅力的动物之外,掠夺也可能是由一些常见的动物引起的,这导致严重后果和损失。 There are 104 forest villages in the Barak Valley, Assam, which could be prone to human-wildlife conflict; however no study has been done on this issue in this region. This paper documents conflict between human and four species of wild animal, which are not endangered but have been influential in depredation in the forest villages of this Valley.


巴拉克山谷位于24岁之间0.80/n和25.0.80/n latitudes和920.15./E和93.0.15./e南阿萨姆斯的常规,包括Cachar,Karimganj和Hailakandi区(图1)。山谷总面积6962公里2占阿萨姆邦地理面积的9%。面积是由巴拉克河及其支流排水,由北界Cachar丘陵地区的阿萨姆邦和Jaintia丘陵地区梅加拉亚邦在北方,南方的米佐拉姆邦,曼尼普尔邦东部的特里普拉邦的状态以及Sylhet区孟加拉国在西方。山谷被北部的Barail丘陵、东部的Bhuban丘陵和南部的米佐拉姆丘陵所环绕。土地利用包括农业活动、渔业、人类住区和放牧。海拔的变化和气候条件的变化,使该地区具有1B/C3 Cachar热带常绿森林和2B/C2 Cachar热带半常绿森林(Champion and Seth, 1968)。巴拉克山谷地区的气候是亚热带,温暖和潮湿(Das和Joshi, 2012)。
数字。1森林村庄在巴拉克谷,阿萨姆的三个地区调查。 图1:调查的森林村庄


每个地区都有自己各自的森林师,其中有森林范围照顾森林管理。Karimganj部门有六个森林范围,而Cachar和Hailakandi每次都有五个范围。There are twelve reserve forests and a wildlife sanctuary in the Barak valley, of which only eight i.e. Lower Jiri, Upper Jiri, Barak, Innerline, Sonai, Katakhal, Longai, Singla and Patheria hills reserve forests have forest villages located within their notified area (Source: Department of Environment & Forests, Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi Division, Southern Assam). These reserve forests together encompass 104 forest villages. Karimganj Division has the highest number of forest villages (44), followed by Cachar (40) and Hailakandi Division (20). The forest villages under Karimganj Division are located under three ranges; viz: Cheragi (16), Lowairpoa (27) and Patharkandi (1). The forest villages under Cachar Division are located under four ranges; viz: Hawaithang (22), Monierkhal (6), Jirighat (8) and Sadar (4), and the forest villages under Hailakandi Division are located under three ranges; viz: Matijuri (13), Gharmurah (4) and Kukicherra (3). Longai Reserve Forest (under Lowairpoa Range) has the highest number of forest villages (27), whereas Patheria hills reserve forest (under Patherkandi Range) has the least number (1) of forest villages. The major fauna of Barak Valley includes Indian elephant, porcupine, leopard, slow loris, macaques, squirrels, phayer’s leaf monkey, sloth bear, Asiatic black bear, civets, Indian grey mongoose, wild boar, goral etc. (Choudhury, 2013). The survey was conducted between October, 2013 and February, 2014.The list of forest villages was collected from Department of Environment & Forests, Cachar, Karimganj and Hailakandi Division. Out of the 104 forest villages of the Valley, 52 (i.e. 50%) were taken into consideration for detailed study. We used closed-ended questionnaire survey (Fanning, 2005; Anon, 2012). However, questions were open-ended regarding the wild animal species. From each Forest Division, 50% forest villages were surveyed, and thus, 22, 20 and 10 forest villages from Karimganj, Cachar and Hailakandi Division, respectively were surveyed (Figure 1). The forest villages to be surveyed in a particular Division were selected through the generation of random numbers from a scientific calculator in which the total number of forest villages present in that particular Division had been placed as the upper limit. The generated random numbers were matched with the serial number of the forest village listed in each Division of Forest, and were selected for the survey. Among the 52 forest villages, the average number of households per village was about 120. We surveyed 10 houses randomly per village. The selection of households in a particular village was again done with the help of random numbers generated through a scientific calculator in which the total number of households in that particular village had been taken as the upper limit. The first ten random numbers generated were considered and the households corresponding to those generated numbers in a particular village were visited and the residents were questioned about conflict animals causing problem. Thus the data obtained from 520 households, animals causing depredation were identified and listed. Only the prominent species, which could be identified by a villager was listed up to species level, otherwise, the animal was identified till the genus level; e.g., there are four species of civets in the Barak Valley (Choudhury, 1997); whenever we came across, we refereed only civet. We listed the occurrence of conflict of the animal species separately and in different combinations (see Tables 1-5). For statistical analysis, chi-square test was performed.


森林村居民主要遭受与金豺(Canis金黄色葡萄球菌),猫头鹰(语言籼稻Paradoxus hamiltonis,Paguma幼虫,viverra zibetha),恒河猴(Macaca Mulata.)和野猪(SUS SCORFA)(表1-5)。Cachar部门访问的森林村位于霍乱港(12),蒙尔卡尔范围(4),Jirighat范围(3)和Sadar系列(1)。然而,所有四种冲突动物只在两个前范围内发现,而在萨达尔范围内只发现了猴子掠夺,除了猴子外,所有三种动物物种掠夺都在Jiriggat范围内记录(表1)。在海达迪区,森林村位于Matijuri(8)和Gharmurah Ranges(2)下。所有范围都有四种冲突动物(表2)。在卡里米本司师,村庄位于Cheragi(8)和LowAirpoa(14)下。野猪完全没有来自这个司(表3)。
表1:在卡萨尔司调查的森林村庄中存在冲突动物的存在(调查的20个森林村) 表1:存在冲突动物的存在

表2:海湾地区林村的冲突动物存在(共有10个森林村庄调查) 表2:冲突动物的存在

表3:在卡里米本族师调查的森林村庄的冲突动物的存在(调查的22个森林村) 表3:存在冲突动物的存在


野生动物的掠夺是巴拉克谷的常见现象,只有我们学习的两个村庄(即Borthal和Noorka)缺乏任何此类问题。豺狼和雪通的综合掠夺是最常见的现象,并记录了26个村庄来拥有这些掠夺者(表4)。事实上,这两个冲突动物的发生在一起显着高于与一起发生的任何其他冲突动物的发生(χ2= 40.96,df = 4,p <0.01))。随后,豺狼,雪通和猴子以及豺狼,猫头鹰,猴子和野猪的综合掠夺,他们每人记录七个村庄。所有四种冲突动物的村庄都是kulicherra,jamalpur,bagewala和坦拉特罗,在Dhalai Range,Charmurah在Gharmurah Range和Dhalcherra下的Monierkhal Range,Gharmurah下的Charmurah下。Khulicherra,Jamalpur,Tulartol,Gharmurah和Dhalcherra酒店位于内线储备森林内,而Chekercham和Smithnagar II分别位于巴拉克和Sonai储备林中(表4)。
表4:2013  -  2014年巴拉克谷的森林分区发生不同组合的冲突动物的森林村庄数量 表4:森林村庄的数量在哪里


在所有三个部门都发现了与豺,魔法和猴子的人类冲突,而那些野猪的人仅限于Cachar和Karimganj(表5)。豺狼饲养在卡萨尔(18个村庄)中占主导地位,而在卡里米·克(21个村)中占据普通掠夺。豺狼和雪通都会造成掠夺海湾尼(每个村庄的九个村庄)的掠夺。另一方面,由于整体而言,已经发现与47个村庄的居民发生冲突的豺狼是最常见的冲突动物,而最敏捷的46个村庄紧随其后的雪通。事实上,与猴子和野猪相比,整个豺狼和仙境的个人发生得多(χ2= 33.74,df = 3,p <0.01))(表5)。
表5:2013-2014年阿萨姆邦巴拉克山谷三个森林分区下的52个森林村庄中四种冲突动物的发生率。 表5:四种冲突动物的发生
在Barak Valley,Assam 2013-2014期间



根据Datta-Roy et al。(2009),有四个不同的情况下当野生动物能与人类发生冲突:(i)直接威胁到人类的生命,(ii)破坏财产的野生动物,(3)之间的直接竞争饲料家畜和野生食草动物,和(iv)损害农作物的野生动物。其中,第三和第四次经常发生在巴拉克山谷的森林村庄。巴拉克山谷森林村庄的居民遭受着与动物的冲突,如豺,果子狸,猴子和野猪,其中前两种是最常见的,参与牲畜掠夺。对家畜的捕食可能会阻碍人类和大型食肉动物的共存(Espuno et al., 2004;Ogada等人,2003)。然而,在大多数情况下,胡狼和果子狸的联合掠夺是普遍的。除了家畜的报告外,在海拉坎迪省Matijuri Range下的Belaipur森林村也记录了一起豺狼袭击人的案例。恒河猴(Macaca Mulatta.)RAID作物和蔬菜也参与了家庭内的威胁。事实上,恒河猕猴的作物袭击是一个严重的问题(Miah等,2001)。另一方面,野猪破坏了稻田。与野猪的人类冲突围绕着保护区,管理森林和印度人类住区一直在增加(Chauhan等,2009)。所有这些动物遍布野外的全年都出现,而野猪只在冬季出现冲突时,他们才能在袭击成熟的作物领域。通常在森林村庄中有多种冲突动物组合掠夺。换句话说,特定的村庄受到多种野生动物的干扰。然而,七个村庄被突出的人,因为他们目睹了与所有四种冲突动物的冲突,而只有两个人没有任何与野生动物的任何野生动物的冲突。只有诸如Bishnupuria Manipuri社区居住的Noorka Village没有食肉动物的掠夺范围,因为居民只能通过豺狼和猫队员无法预测的后奶牛和水牛。村里缺席猴子和野猪。 On the other hand, all the conflict animals are absent from Borthal. However, in addition to these regular wild animals, forest villagers also face economic losses due to squirrels and hares which feed upon home garden plants and destroy home gardens; mongooses which not only kill livestock but also damage paddy fields by burrowing; jungle fowls peck sown paddy seeds. Leopards have also made their presence felt in two villages (Bagewala and Zurkhal) during the last decade but their occurrence was rare as compared to the other conflict animals. In addition to these, phayer’s leaf monkey gives rise to moderate conflict situations in a village named Ramprasadpur situated in the Innerline reserve forest under Hawaithang Range. Hence, it is concluded that frugivores, herbivores and carnivores are involved in conflicts with the residents of the forest villages of Barak Valley. This problem is likely to complicate conservation and management efforts and hence this problem must be properly addressed in the region. Although the conflict animals involved are not endangered, the intensity of their depredations at times surpass the economic threshold of the victims and this has a negative impact upon public perception on these animals.


我们很感谢Barak Valley的三个部门的森林部门,assam提供必要的研究许可,并在实地工作期间提供必要的援助。从调查的森林村庄的当地居民收到的合作也得到了高度认可。我们进一步感谢Jayashree Rout,Essam大学生态与环境科学系,Silchar,Silchar,为她的支持。

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