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Alina Jyothi约瑟夫1, Kalpana Madgula1和丽塔Kakkar1



如果有什么有趣的物质,那就是过氧化氢。现在每个人都意识到了环绕地球的臭氧层。臭氧由三个氧原子组成(03)。当来自太阳的紫外线将大气中的氧分子(02)分解成两个单一的、不稳定的氧原子时,就产生了臭氧保护层。这些单个分子与其他分子结合形成臭氧(03)。臭氧不是很稳定。事实上,它会很快把多余的氧原子让给落下的雨水,形成过氧化氢(H202)。正是这种雨水中的过氧化氢使得它在给植物浇水时比自来水更有效。然而,随着大气污染水平的增加,更多的H202与空气中的毒素发生反应,永远不会到达地面。为了弥补这一点,许多农民一直在通过喷洒稀释的过氧化氢来提高作物产量。 We can achieve the same beneficial effect with house plants. If you’ve never used Hydrogen Peroxide you are overlooking one of the most powerful healing tools ever discovered. Most of us started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only does mother’s milk contain high amounts of H202, the amount contained in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. This seems only reasonable now that we know one of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Hydrogen peroxide is safe, readily available and dirt cheap. And best of all, it works! We do know that it is loaded with oxygen. (Half a liter of the food-grade 35% solution contains the equivalent of 65 lits of oxygen under normal conditions. We also know that when H202 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Hydrogen Peroxide is most versatile chemical used in various industries as bleaching agent, reagent in chemical synthesis, environmental control / effluent treatment, sterilization etc. The important constituent being active oxygen which is obtained by the controlled decomposition of H2O2 and water as a by-product. In this paper, the usage of H2O2 to provide ‘clean’ processes, without the production of any harmful or environmentally unsafe product is presented.



《清洁环境-清洁技术》,《过氧化氢与清洁环境》。Curr World Environ 2011:6(1);125-130http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.6.1.17


《清洁环境-清洁技术》,《过氧化氢与清洁环境》。Curr World Environ 2011:6(1); 125-130。可从://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=1297


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