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通过艺术案例研究的伊朗 - 伊斯兰身份的透视:七个历史纪念碑(Kouzeh Haftbana)

Sajjad Bakhshi.1*,Saadat Bakhshi.1和穆罕默德Mahdi Rahmati2




本文的目的是在全国的一致性和统一方面研究国家身份,据阿马塔森对身份的级别的看法。第一的;在伊朗历史上提出了一些例子,具有孤独的理论,并以重点方法评估。然后,在国家和宗教伊朗身份的背景下,通过宪法和七历史纪念碑(Kouzeh Haftbana)的凝聚力和统一的能力介绍了这篇艺术品。本研究使用案例研究方法,内容分析和图书馆。Finally, the article supports this idea that don’t reduces the Islamic identity of Iran as a reduction to one aspect of the "Islamic" and "Iranian" and do as much as possible attention to the identity of the two roots together and interact with each other as not to damage the unity of the country.

国家身份;国家;单一身份;七个历史纪念碑(Kouzeh Haftbana);伊朗 - 伊斯兰的身份


Bakhshi S, Bakhshi S, Rahmati M. M.通过艺术案例研究伊朗-伊斯兰身份:七个历史纪念碑(Kouzeh Haftbana)。特别问题Curr World Environ 2015; 10(特别问题2015年5月)DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/cwe.10.special-issue1.74


Bakhshi S, Bakhshi S, Rahmati M. M.通过艺术案例研究伊朗-伊斯兰身份:七个历史纪念碑(Kouzeh Haftbana)。Curr World Environ 2015;10号特刊(2015年5月特刊)。可以从://www.a-i-l-s-a.com?p=636/



已收到: 2014-12-05
公认: 2014-12-23


艺术似乎常常与社会经验的变化联系在一起。在所有的进化案例中,我们都能看到艺术和社会发展之间的这种关系。如:由于战争或领土的原因,该社团被以前的社团所取代。当进化是公民的和政治的,社会的动力,与社区一致,创造了经济生产方式的变化。当一个传统社会的发展和发现他在一个新的技术环境(Dvvynyv, 2005)。显然,艺术来源于艺术家的性格。但要理解艺术必须参考社会。因为我们知道,每个人的性格都是由其成长的社会环境所造就的。正如社会的价值观、信仰、规范和世界观会影响艺术和艺术家一样,艺术也会影响社会,使艺术规范和价值的形式发生变化,创造新的价值。艺术家通过存在于艺术中的符号与社会进行交流。 This symbol represents the society and recounts the identities of individuals and society. Due to the reflexivity of current society’s function iterate identity of individuals and society. From this perspective, dealing with the symbols of the art in different historical periods can give a good knowledge about the cycle of identity. And also, gives us the ability to take a better action against these courses, and make an influence. Identity is something that every person wants to answers. Identity is a Definition that a person explains about him or her, and answer to questions like who I am or what I am. It is considered a sense of national identity and commitment of community members from the collective identity. A nation will accept only one national identity that a complex set of relationships gives way to a simple identity. “We can say as a conclusion that national identity, meaning-creation based on a set of interlocking feature of cultural, historical, political and geographical. People fell the sense of responsibility, commitment and loyalty which in the context of membership in a political community” (Zuhairi, 2005). Today, the national identity is at risk through the technological revolution and the communications media. And making identity has become matter of Individual choice. Nations must try to protect themselves identity by providing the capabilities of their identity in the world. In this regard, nations must provide images of their identity, historical, cultural, ethnic and geographic. In order, preserve national unity and solidarity. Because of the challenges, face in our modern world, the idea of a socially acceptable is very important. The purpose of this article is rejected one-way view of process identity by seven historical Monuments through showing the unifying feature of it.


在伊朗(Mahmoudi., 2009)考察了身份、宗教、神话和宗教建筑装饰图案的传奇这三个组成部分在土著身份发展中的作用。这三个组成部分的结果在宗教和社会功能的发展中发挥了重要作用,并维护和加强了人民的团结。此外,(Mahdavinejad。2010年)在一项研究中分析了伊斯兰革命胜利后建筑设计的作品。他们得出结论,振兴措施的方向可以是伊朗当代建筑中最重要的趋势之一,倾向于恢复伊朗 - 伊斯兰身份,这是该过程的最重要目标是在重点上实施的这种过程和建筑设计技术。研究结果表明了艺术形式的能力。艺术不仅能够理论上的能力,而且在实践中对不同的社会进行分组。和所有不同艺术的好消息都可以用来确定社区的身份。它为每个人提供了希望,不同的艺术可以用来确定社会的身份。


Amartya Sen是全世界人类发展方法的领先理论家。他在这种方法中的理论被命名为“发展为自由”。在这个理论中,他提出了这种想法,可以通过社会中的人们的自由选择来实现发展。通过民主出现的这些自由可以发展个人的选择;考虑到人类在这种方法中的代理人作用导致人类的能力,然后通过平等机会,政治和社会公平分配和获得所有领域的工作机会和财政资源来消除选择局限,导致所有维度的发展导致所有维度的发展(Sen,1999)。由于森州强调自由,他对他的其他出版物的更大达成自由的条件。为此目的,他提出了孤独的身份的理论。由于森中的多元态度,他认为通过宽容的身份与他的孤独的理论,通过宽容的态度来提供个人自由的进一步可能性。通过这种方式,人们的选择发展和所有人都在通过开发个人的选择范围来培养他们的能力,在社会的开发和建设方面发挥了更好的作用。在本文中,森的孤独理论用于分析Kouzeh Haftbana的统一能力。 Indeed, in his theory of solitary Amartya Sen raises with this idea that when focusing on one of the several aspects of human identities and different societies it may lead to "The violence of solitarist identity can have a tremendously varying reach. Indeed, the obsession with religions and so-called civilizations has been so strong in contemporary global politics that there is a tendency to forget how other lines of identity divisions have been exploited in the past – indeed, not so long ago – to generate very different types of violence and war, causing millions of deaths" (Sen, 2008). Loading of solitarist is often the main themes of same "Art of Pugnacity" that is the cause of sectarian strife. Unfortunately, many of good willing attempts used for preventing such voidance in turn would failure because of the lack of considerable selection about out identities; and this problem seriously damages our capabilities about overcoming on violence. As Vicheth Sen says about Amartya Sen's book "Identity and Violence": "More convincing is Sen’s treatment identities within the civilizational approach, which necessarily reduces the complexity and multiplicity of individual identities. Sen explains that this perception probably result of the use of a "solitarist approach" to understanding the identity of human beings" (Sen, 2008).

森对身份的看法并非普遍悲观,相反却是正确的,因为他试图通过揭示强调和坚持身份制造者的一个方面会导致人的分离和不和的问题,告诉我们一维观点对身份的危险。因为孤独主义者的方法(关于身份)可能比世界上所有人都更适合引起误解。正如他所说,“身份可以成为财富和鼓励的来源,也可以成为暴力和恐怖的来源。在这种情况下,完全有害的想法是没有意义的身份,但我们应该接受,军事身份力量可以挑战竞争的身份力量”(Sen, 2010)。事实上,森同时想展示人类和国家身份品种与容忍的观点,更重要的是提高这个问题,减少人类和社会身份元素是非常有害的,有害的,因为一个solitarist人和宇宙的理解不仅对我们共同的人性行为,也会导致我们不同身份的退化。它以一种不灵活的方式反对我们。阿马蒂亚·森对身份认同的研究不仅局限于国家之间的身份认同,而且他对国家认同及其内部组成部分的反孤立主义观点是可分析和适用的。正如我们在森的观点中所看到的,为了一个成功和发达的社会,为了一个由平等、自由和正义等优秀的人类价值观所统治的社会,为了一个团结和谐的社会,我们应该采取某种国家认同的方式,不导致孤立,并包括个人通过它们认识自己的所有认同元素。 "The hope for agreement in contemporary world mainly rooted in a more explicit perception about pluralism of human identity. And also depends to the understanding of values that connect them with a shortcut and act against hundreds of watertight lines of disharmony and separation" (Sen, 2010).







Kouzeh Haftbana Artwork已经展示了伊朗千年历史的质量。Kouzeh Haftbana由梧桐木制成,高度135厘米,60厘米跨度。本艺术品由三个底部,中部和上部和上部零件制成,其被插入,然后彼此设置。这种设计的主要形式是伊朗文字在其两侧设计的瓮,并拥有伊朗的七个历史古迹。此表格已选择具有古老的外观并获得公众可接受性;在这个URN的底部,伊朗的地理地图浮雕已经实施了两次。Urn本身位于伊朗地图中,七大历史古迹来自跨度,包括Ziggurat Chogha Zanbil,Persepolis Appadana,Arg-éBam,所有国家,伊斯法赫,阿佐尼广场的伊斯法尔·伊米姆清真寺米拉德塔作为主要的七个历史纪念碑。它们从古老的地方开始,从下到上,最终成为现代杰出的建筑艺术品。此外,在罐子和伊朗地图的中间,可以看到绿松石ESLIMI花作为七件上述艺术品的支持。 In the lower part of the urn body, four Shah Abbasi flower semi reliefs are implemented on it. Other designs can also be seen such as Yazd's natural ventilations, which are located in internal body of jar and are stock to Eslimi flower branches, Persepolis capitals that are designed on the handles and ancient symbolic forms of Iran's arches on the top of the jar. We do not intent to explore technical values of Kouzeh Haftbana, but we want to demonstrate the values if this artwork from social and identity aspect. Every artwork can be judged in two ways. First, it is judged by experts in technique, design and construction method and second way is public opinions and judgments about it; means that it is viewed from a non-technical aspect, i.e. what is the level of social acceptance and range of a structure. Introduction of identity and social values of Kouzeh Haftbana is related to the second type of judgment about an artwork. It does not mean that this design has received public acceptance and social range since to measure this issue it should be tested. However, at first hand, our purpose about these subjects was to invite and encourage to simply general observation of this artwork like an ordinary and non-expert observer and on the other hand was to express the capacities and capabilities of this design for social acceptance and range.

在解释Kouzeh Haftbana的身份能力之前,应该考虑“一个国家是一个灵魂,意味着一个主观/道德原则”。这些课题是硬币的两面。在这个问题上拥有丰富的遗产和共识,即一个国家是为了集体生活而设计的,也就是说,它想要活出遗产的价值并维持它们”(Rajai, 2006)。正如我们所看到的,欧内斯特·勒南认为,一个国家的存在需要两项原则:丰富的遗产和可持续的集体生活的共识。很明显,我们国家拥有第一个条件,但第二个条件在历史上一直面临着许多障碍。在某些时期,我们继承的全部遗产受到关注,所有相关的身份都被认为是导致强大的民族团结和国家力量的因素。像Buwayhid和Safavi时期,“Safavi国王,除了强调伊斯兰和什叶派,也为伊朗的历史和神话感到自豪,并认为自己是他们的继承人”(Kabiri, 2011)。然而,也有一些时期高度关注身份的一个方面,比如巴列维时期。在这种情况下,只关注身份的一个方面会导致孤立的观点,而孤立的观点反过来又会导致国家及其人民其他隐藏方面的退化:“的确,否认多元主义……会导致一维和奇怪的退化观点”(Sen, 2010)。当然,我们不应该忘记古代伊朗在身份方面有着卓越的价值,但注意到这些身份的价值不应该低估我们国家的其他身份资源。 In Kouzeh Haftbana, historical and geographical unity of Iran can be understood. The most important social message of this artwork is unity that "can lead to making capabilities in cultural fields of Iranian- Islamic culture to and help it to enter in globalization era" (Zuhairi, 2005). This message is offered to society through a historical artistic artwork about Islamic and Iranian art. This unity has portrayed with this description: in the center of this map, a jar emerges and grows that is symbol of Iranian history and archaeological life. Historical monuments from bottom up to span include Ziggurat Chogha Zanbil, Persepolis Appadana, Arg-é Bam, Gate of All Nations, Khaju Bridge, and Imam Mosque in Isfahan, Azadi Square and the Milad tower. They start from the ancient places and ends up to modern prominent architectural artworks from bottom to top. Each of these works is representative of one historical period in Iran. Iran word can be seen in both side of the body, the uniting factor of these seven historical works, which symmetrically has designed and on the second hand, the jar itself has located in the middle of the reliefs of Iran map. Considering these mentioned notes, it can be claimed that the main artistic feature of this design is two Iran word. On the other hand, this work has designed with several grid lines that symmetrically build two Iran word in both sides of body. In addition, the main seven maquettes of internal part of jar can easily be observed from outside.

“在经验之前表明,每当伊朗政府从调整不同层面的社会身份和低估或部分否认它在政治设计和方案执行中时,伊朗的国家统一受损了损坏了”(Ghasemi等等。,2011).伊朗倭马亚时期哈里发中出现的舒乌比亚运动是一个有益的历史经验。在那个时期,阿拉伯主义作为一种孤立主义身份成为社会的主导特征。相反,这一运动关注的是其身份的其他方面,即伊朗身份。“Shu'ubiyya运动可以刷新伊朗民族沮丧的灵魂…只有通过后伊斯兰伊朗与其巨大的历史重新连接…它刺激了这两种巨大的精神和富有成果的力量在这个被打败的国家,一个“自我意识”和“自我信念”,有能力重建一个国家”(Shariati, 1983)。虽然这一运动的回归是一个故事制造者,但它实际上陷入了孤独主义的身份。最后,尽管有文化力量、文学和宗教精神,舒尤比亚未能成功,因为它只是想证明自己的伊朗身份。这种恶性循环solitarist身份的阿马蒂亚·森的观点实际上是一个词:“事实并非如此,当一个人有拒绝身份证明另一个,而是一个多重身份的人,在矛盾的情况下,最终将不得不决定在一定选择所带来的相对重要性身份”(森,2010)。在每个时代,伊朗思想家有时会提出不同的指导方针,以定义和找到身份。他们中的一些人认为,解决办法是回到伊斯兰伊朗身份之前,而另一些人认为是西化,接受西方文化,一些团体坚持伊朗-伊斯兰身份(Alikhany, 2006)。 As the Islamic identity has dominated feature of Iran for centuries, most of symbolic identities of Kouzeh Haftbana refer to these characteristics. Shia has become formal in Iran, Since Safavi period.two historical places: Khaju Bridge and Imam Mosque can be intensively seen. In addition, Eslimi flowers that are symbolic features of Islamic art can also be seen that has grown from the bottom of jar and came from its span. This flower is used as a base of all seven structures inside the jar, which refers to encompassing feature of Iranian identity by Islamic identity. Here, Kouzeh Haftbana refers to the issue that Iranian and Islamic identities have merged balanced to each other and actually encourage this matter. But not the conflict and separation since "ideological exploitation from each element (Islam and Iran) in order to remove another one to establish a dispensational political order can be extensive damages for Iranian society in one hand, religion and nationality on the other hand" (Ahmadi。,2004)。

底部和身体上的四个半筹集的Shah Abbasi花是伊斯兰艺术的另一个方面,这在独特的伊朗地毯中是非常普遍的。其他建筑是亚兹德在罐子里面的自然通风,在罐子顶部的伊朗古老拱门的手柄和形式的冰斧和形式。可以看出,这件艺术品中没有占星内容,所有部分都有一个关于伊朗 - 伊斯兰身份的单词。这些能力的艺术品可以吸引人们的注意,并了解我们国家的历史,文化和建筑。Kouzeh Haftbana Artwork通过全面展出伊朗的主要历史古迹来加强个人的自信和爱国主义,使人们更加关注他们的社会和国家。因此,“人们认为自己是非常不同的方式,他们有权这样做”(森,2010)。此外,设计和装饰给了我们知识,从历史上看,所有伊朗国家都在制作伊朗身份方面发挥了巨大作用。它还防止了民族主义,“国家和谐增加,其统一和相关性降低了外部和内部威胁,为国家的发展和进步提供了合适的基础”(Ghasemi,2011)。


真正的自我认同是每个民族生存和进化所必需的(Saghebfar, 2004),如果一个民族不能全面正确地理解自己的认同,就不会有一个和谐统一的国家。因为,两者都是通过国家间熟悉的、客观的和可接受的共同点而形成的。这个问题的最重要的原因之一是变性,降低国家认同的开始从solitarist强调关注国家认同的一个方面和其他方面,最终导致低估内部分离和不和谐和分离国家统一。如果我们对伊朗的民族身份有正确的认识,我们就会发现,从希腊文化、阿拉伯文化、蒙古文化到现在的西方文化,伊朗的身份和文化在历史上因为它的灵活性和对海外文化的接受、宽容和吸收而成长和生存。因此,我们宽容和灵活的伊朗身份和文化的特点构成了这样的潜在能力,使我们调整全球化的意识。艺术,最重要的一个身份制造商科目反映一个社会的文化特性,可以在合并的不同方面扮演了重要的角色身份,因为“艺术作为交流的一种形式,反映社会环境的能力,描述特定事件,并提供一个视觉连接,使词难忘的,持久的,和引人注目的”(Allison。,2013)。因此,这些潜在的伊斯兰 - 伊朗文化能力可以清楚地,在kouzeh haftbana在一个现实和妥协的框架中看到。这些特征和特殊的结构设计具有成为国家象征的能力。正如Rajaei所说,“直到伊朗身份的全面定义,他们不能尊重自己也不适合他们尊重他们”(Rajai,2006)。


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