CWE / 550/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 26 - 29 - 000 白沙瓦砖窑排放的健康成本:政策分析。 1 管理科学研究所 白沙瓦 巴基斯坦 2014-12-31 10.12944 / CWE.9.3.06 9卷 问题3 591 - 601 摘要

3. 我们的回归分析估计,通过将PM10降低到安全水平,每个人每年仅通过缓解成本就可以节省33r(或31美元)。在白沙瓦地区,通过缓解措施将空气质量降低到安全水平的总福利收益为每年669298.5万比克拉姆或(67亿比克拉姆)(6344万美元)。 Besides, the productivity loss by individuals is estimated as .36 day per annum. The monetary benefit to avoid from the restricted day of working is PKR 198 for one household whereas for the city the monetary benefit of bringing down the PM10 level is PKR 107.935 million (or USD 1.023 million). The study is suggesting implementing of the ban on the use of rubber as a fuel in these bricks kiln. The study also recommends that these kiln owners be punished/ taxed as per section 17 of the 1997 Environmental act.

关键字 成本的疾病 白沙瓦 排放 健康生产函数 估值