CWE / 454/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 22 - 25 - 000 农业活动对约旦穆吉卜流域水质恶化的影响 1 巴尔卡应用大学和开发计划署办事处 安曼 2013-12-31 10.12944 / CWE.8.3.02 卷8 问题3 341 - 354 摘要

font-size:14px"该地区北部以Zerqa盆地为界,南部以Hasa盆地为界,东部延伸到Azraq和Sirhan盆地,西部延伸到死海。在峡谷东部边缘的山丘上,地形崎岖,陡峭的峡谷下降到海拔低于海平面(bsl)约400米,毗邻死海。穆吉卜盆地是半干旱到干旱的地区,冬季盆地大部分地区降雨量少,夏季气温高。在本研究中,对24个水样进行了物理、化学和生物学特性分析。这些分析分别在雨季前后的11月和2月进行。在Mujib坝和Wadi Mujib坝采集了12个水样,在Wadi Mujib坝采集了12个水样,在上白垩统含水层(B2/A7)采集了12个水样。根据Langguth分类,地表水为碱性土水,碱含量增加,氯化物普遍存在。泉水中有四种水;有碳酸氢盐和氯化物的碱土水,有碳酸氢盐的碱土水,有氯化物的碱土水,有氯化物的碱土水。 The chemistry of the water is originated from the dissolution of carbonate rocks and evaporates deposits such as Gypsum resulted from irrigation water. The high concentrations of Na+, Cl-,SO4- and NO3- could be attributed to the high probability of water contamination from agricultural activities. The average values for total coliform were ranged from 79 to 1600 MPN/100 ml and from 1.8 to 1600 MPN/100 ml for surface water and springs, before and after the rainy season, respectively. All studied springs have total coliform values exceed the permissible limit according to JS and WHO Guidelines. According to these values, it is not surprising to find high water contamination with total coliform caused by agricultural drainage to the surface water and springs, especially during summer period.

关键字 主义 水的质量 农业 干旱 降雨