CWE / 404/2017 当前的世界环境 0125-888. 0125-895. Enviro Research发布商 CWE-22-23-000. 麦加市不同饮用水资源病原体的环境普及(沙特阿拉伯王国) 2 UMM Al-Qura大学 医学微生物学的分组 医学院 沙特阿拉伯 2017-04-23 10.12944 / cwe.8.1.05 第8卷 问题1 37-53 抽象的

水是我们日常生活中最重要的物质。没有它,生活将无法实现。饮用水对人类和其他生命形式至关重要,因为水对体内生物代谢的机制很重要。饮用水应该是纯粹的,没有污染物,以确保适当的健康和健康。来自不同水资源的饮用水,如蜂箱和油轮,不应污染水性病原体,包括细菌,真菌,病毒和寄生虫。通常使用许多方式处理水,以便净化。然而,一些水处理技术可以未正确处理。此外,水转移技术可能会污染饮用水。因此,本研究旨在将饮用水中的饮用水降低,观察任何微生物病原菌存在作为健康危害的源。使用固体和液体选择性培养基的过滤方法检查来自不同来源的一百八个来自不同来源的样品。四种来源包括来自政府水脱盐工厂的海盐水(SDW),可饮用井水(DWW),来自小型商业水脱盐工厂的不饮水井水(NDWW)和商业脱盐水(CDW)。饲料DWW样品(58.3%))和5种NDWW样品(41.7%)被大肠杆菌污染。11WW样品(91.7%)和所有NDWW样品(100%)被P.铜绿假单胞菌污染。 One DWW sample (8.3%) and twoNDWW samples (16.7%) were contaminated with E. faecalis. Four DWW samples (33.3%) and one NDWW sample (8.3%) were found contaminated with aspergillus spp. Four SDW samples (100%) and four CDW samples (50%) were contaminated with Penicillium spp. Conclusion:CDWwas found to be the more suitable than other sources for drinking if a biological hazard is the main target. However, contamination at transferring process should be addressed. Yet, water tanker which is a common transferring technique in many areas in Saudi Arabia and should be tested for safety level from point of contamination hazard during the transferring process.

关键词 病原体 海淡淡的水 商业淡淡的水 病原体