CWE / 395/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 22 - 23 - 000 旧区与新城区居民对噪音的敏感度与烦恼程度之比较 3. Birjand医科大学 Birjand 伊朗 2013-04-30 10.12944 / CWE.8.1.04 卷8 问题1 29-36 摘要

噪音是当今人们工作和生活的压力源。因此,本研究旨在比较Birjand老城区和新区居民对噪音的敏感性和厌烦程度。在这个分析中;描述性研究采用温斯坦噪声敏感性量表和基于ISO 15666标准的噪声烦恼七分量表,测量了噪声敏感性作为态度因素之一的比率以及噪声烦恼的比率。结果表明,敏感性总得分平均值为63.5±16.1。噪声敏感分量表中与噪声敏感相关的最高和最低分值。对住宅噪声的态度分别。新旧区噪声敏感性总分性别差异无统计学意义。对噪声控制的态度与态度 at illiterate and university education levels significant difference was observed. Also, a significant difference was seen between noise annoyance in the old district and job. The one way analysis of variance showed a significant difference between annoyance degrees and noise sensitivity subscales. This research clearly showed that Most of the heavy traffic areas are located in the old district. Lack of urbanization measures has caused noise pollution and dissatisfaction among the residents. Regarding higher degrees of annoyance in the old district, probably caused by heavier traffic, particularly by motorcycles and narrower streets, we can reduce noise pollution and its subsequent physical and mental disorders by eliminating old and noisy vehicles and expanding urban green spaces.

关键字 烦恼 噪声敏感 市区 Birjand