CWE / 243/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 13 - 14 - 000 印度拉贾斯坦邦塔尔沙漠某些特定干旱地区植被的植物社会学研究 1 生态学系 M.D.S.大学 阿杰梅尔 305 009 印度 2010-06-30 10.12944 / CWE.5.1.07 卷5 问题1 51-58 摘要

拉贾斯坦邦巴默地区的Panchpadra、Balotra和Nakoda代表了一些独特的半干旱和干旱植被特征。巴默位于拉贾斯坦邦西北部的南部。巴默区位于710 35’49.59“;东经260 13& rsqu;51.48“;N纬度。Barmer地区的整个地区都是炎热和多沙的。这个干旱地区的植被一般都很稀疏。 Mainly xerophytic adapted plants are able to establish themselves in this region. The IVI value of tree species varied from 10.30 to 24.32. Variations are observed in vegetation characteristics in the three sites studied. Contagious and random distribution is recorded at all the sites but regular distribution is found only in Balotra area. The study may be used for restoration of natural vegetation in such a desert ecosystem.

关键字 传染性和随机分布 新值 Phytosociological研究 半干旱 植被