CWE / 101/2017 当前的世界环境 0125-888. 0125-895. Enviro Research发布商 CWE-7-8-000. Maharashtra Aurangabad区工业区及其周围地区的各个地方的训练水评价 1 化学的追逐 J.E.S.大学 jalna. 431 203. 印度 2008-07-05. 10.12944 / CWE.3.1.15 第3卷 问题1 115-118 抽象的

<跨度样式=“Font-Family:Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif”> <跨度样式=“字体大小:14px”>目前的调查涉及在工业领域及其周围地区的博罗韦尔水样研究马哈拉施特拉邦的Aurangabad区,用于各种国内用途。Physico-chemical parameters of selected borewell waters were evaluated indicates that water samples are polluted, maximum of samples have E.C., TDS, Hardness, Ca++, Mg++ and COD values exceeding the permissible limits for drinking purpose. It is observed that the main sources of pollution are due to industrial waste water, municipal sewage, lack of sanitation and presence of inorganic constituents in the waste water.

关键词 训练水 物理化学参数