CWE / 1746/2020 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 67 - 74 - 000
1 Kumaun大学 林业与环境科学系 D. S. B.校园 Nainital 印度 10.12944 / CWE.15.3.08 卷15 问题3 446 - 453 摘要

"font-family:宋体;测定了相邻生长树种 robusta Shorea Gaertn和Pinus roxburghii Sarg的土壤水势和叶片电导。海拔1370米。林分开阔,S。的罗布斯塔株数为212株/公顷,的P。roxburghii < / em > 141棵树/公顷。树苗数量高,表明两种植物在人为干扰下仍能很好地再生。< em >。罗布斯塔即使在夏季也保持相对较高的黎明前水势(高于-0.50MPa), P。刺梨表现为初夏和夏季黎明前水势较低(1.4 MPa以上)。 P. roxburghii maintained a relatively small daily change in water potential during early summer and summer season (0.33MPa and 0.27MPa) indicating greater ability of the species to close its stomata as drought intensifies. The values of osmotic potential at full and zero turgor remained more or less constant for S. robusta from monsoon to winter and then declined during early summer. P. roxburghii showed a gradual decline in osmotic potential values from monsoon to winter season. Chir-pine has the ability of invade and grow on sites that are water stressed which can be related to its capacity to show high osmotic adjustment.. The most negative values of soil water potential were in early summer in both years. The morning and afternoon conductance was lowest during early summer and highest in autumn season.

关键字 密度 叶导 渗透势 水势 参考文献