CWE / 1292/2018 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 61 - 62 - 000 气候变化对印度沿海奥里萨邦渔民生计脆弱性的评估 1 渔业经济、推广和统计司 icar -中央渔业教育研究所,Panch Marg, Andheri(W) 孟买 400061 印度 10.12944 / CWE.14.1.08 卷14 问题1 60 - 67 摘要

< / span > < / span > < / span > < span风格=“字体大小:12.0 pt”> < span风格=“背景颜色:白色”> <跨风格= "颜色:# 111111 " > <跨风格=“字体类型:Arial, Helvetica,无衬线”> <跨风格= >“字体大小:14 px”指数by  < / span > < / span > < / span > < / span > < / span > <跨风格=“字体类型:Arial, Helvetica,无衬线”> suggesting that fishers are vulnerable to climate change. For fishers of + 0.03 and for Ganjam it was 0.5 minima 0, and maxima 1 was used for the purpose. Baleswar the score was 0.56 0.04, s. The aggregated vulnerability score was found to be 0.54+The composite livelihood vulnerability index approach calculates vulnerability by aggregating data for a set of indicators for the components of vulnerability which include exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity 0.04. Vulnerability score was relatively higher in Baleswar due to higher scores on the exposure and sensitivity parameters overshadowing the higher adaptive capacity. The study shows evidence that marine fishers of Odisha are vulnerable to climate change. Also, it throws light on the location and context specificity of livelihood vulnerability.

关键字 适应能力 曝光 生计脆弱性指数(LVI) 海洋渔民 Odisha 灵敏度 脆弱性