CWE / 1047/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 39 - 52 - 000 印度采石和破碎设备中职业性粉尘和二氧化硅暴露的评估-一个案例研究 2 印度政府矿产部国家矿工健康研究所(NIMH), JNARDDC校区 职业卫生学系 Amravati路 Wadi那格浦尔 440023 印度 2017-12-31 10.12944 / CWE.12.3.17 卷12 问题3 663 - 671 摘要

石料破碎工业在印度等快速发展的国家的经济和城市发展中起着至关重要的作用。印度的石矿和破碎机位于主要城市周围,在全国范围内大约雇佣了500万人。然而,这一创造就业的行业碰巧也是最容易产生粉尘的活动之一,也是呼吸系统疾病,矽肺的前兆。这项研究的目的是评估该行业中工人个人接触二氧化硅粉尘的情况。个人粉尘采样(n=11)及(n=6)在印度泰伦加纳邦纳尔冈达郊区的选定单位,连续三天分别在石头破碎和石头开采(采石场)地区进行。然后估计呼吸性粉尘暴露量和游离二氧化硅含量。观察到,来自破碎单元的三(3)个粉碎机助手样品的暴露量超过了Indian Factories Act1948的允许极限值(PLV)。两名来自石矿矿区的重型挖土机械(HEMM)操作员被观察到超过了1952年《印度矿业法》及其后续法规规定的最大允许暴露限值(PMEL)。来自矿区的HEMM操作人员和来自破碎机厂的破碎机助手的剩余样品被观察到在印度法定机构规定的各自指导方针的规定范围内。 Two different acts were considered, because of the fact that stone mining is regulated by the Indian mining act and under the overall control of Directorate of Mines and Safety (DGMS), Government of India. On the other hand Crusher plant comes under the ambit of Model Factory Rule 120 under section 87 of Indian Factories Act 1948 under the overall control of Directorate General Factory Service and Labour Institute (DGFASLI) Government of India. Post the study it could be concluded that, stone crushers are dustier as compared to stone mining area. Workers in stone mining and crushing units of study area are indeed exposed to high levels of respirable and silica laden dust. It was observed that safety and precautionary measures towards dust and silica exposure are not implemented necessitating to be taken by unit operators.

关键字 石头压碎 石矿业 粉尘暴露 Iindia。