CWE / 945/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 35 - 37 - 000 硝化抑制剂:缓解水稻土壤温室气体排放的前景工具 2 印度农业研究所 环境科学和气候弹性农业中心 110012 印度 2016-08-31 10.12944 / CWE.11.2.10 卷11 问题2 423 - 428 摘要

4+降低为NO3-)和反硝化作用(通过降低NO3-)直接降低氧化亚氮排放。其次,通过增强甲烷氧化和抑制甲烷生成,并进一步减少水稻植株的通气组织转运,可以降低水稻土壤甲烷排放。一些硝化抑制剂的应用,如电石和封装电石通过释放乙炔气体来减少甲烷的产生,这有助于减少土壤中产甲烷微生物的数量。 Application of nitrification inhibitors also helps to maintain soil redox potential at higher level subsequently reducing cumulative methane emission from soil. Plant derived organic nitrification inhibitors (neem oil, neem cake, karanja seed extract) are eco-friendly and possess substantial greenhouse gas mitigation potential from rice. In the current scenario of global warming and environmental pollution, application of organic plant derived nitrification inhibitors is much needed for sustainable agriculture.

关键字 大米 甲烷 一氧化二氮 硝化抑制剂