CWE / 718/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 30 - 48 - 000 利用地球物理方法、探地雷达进行地下洞室勘察(以克尔曼市为例) 1 水务工程学系 伊斯兰自由大学 科曼地毯分支 伊朗 2015-04-30 10.12944 / CWE.10.Special-Issue1.12 10卷 第一期(2015) 82 - 88 摘要

< p > <跨风格= "字体大小:14 px”> < span风格= >“字体类型:Arial, Helvetica,无衬线”中最重要的参数之一< / span > < / span > < span风格=“字体大小:14 px”> <跨风格=“字体类型:Arial, Helvetica,无衬线”>性能< / span > < / span > <跨风格=“字体大小:14 px”> <跨风格= >“字体类型:Arial, Helvetica,无衬线”的建设project is the analysis of undersurface condition to assure the land fitness for structure establishment. Flumes and cavities in low depths can be specified fairly by GPR method due to obvious difference in electromagnetic characteristics with their surrounding environment. Geo radar studies have been used to explore undersurface phenomena such as flumes and cavities in Abolfazl Tekieh foundation site in Mahdieh Street, Kerman city. The aim of these studies is undersurface exploration of the depth of 3 to 15 m. The region under study was marked and profiled and all measurements were performed on determined profiles. After processing and expounding of removed sections according to obtained radar grams, some abnormalities were observed that mainly showed some undersurface looseness or small local cavities

关键字 水面下的识别 现象 地质雷达 科曼地毯城