CWE / 764/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 30 - 48 - 000 自然观与“现代旅游空间”创造的相关思考在马赞达兰通过旅游途径 1 部门架构 伊斯兰阿扎德大学阿亚图拉·阿莫里分校 阿莫勒 伊朗 2015-04-30 10.12944 / CWE.10.Special-Issue1.116 10卷 第一期(2015) 967 - 978 摘要

旅游业作为世界上最多样化的产业,也有其分支。伊朗的建筑表现之一是商队旅馆,它建立在不同的历史时期。商队旅馆的建造和翻新最完善的时期是萨弗德时代。伊朗在沙法维时代被认为是连接国际交通的重要环路。许多乘客从不同的地方来到伊朗。有些是政治代理人,有些是出于各种原因从其他国家来到伊朗的商人。因此,在沙法维时代,建造被认为是国际和国内客人的酒店的caravanserai被认为是必不可少的。因此,沙法维苏丹(国王)认为它是一个必要的地点,并开始建造商队营地。在这个时代,尤其是在沙-阿巴斯时代。商队旅馆的建造与道路的修建和维修同时进行。 Such human-made buildings, have been constructed across global world at various era, sometimes they was established in a region based on its special style and sometimes based on predominant government style. Nowadays, tourism development is known as a nations aims to enter foreign exchange. Regard to present economic problems such as unemployment, poor efficiency at agriculture section and over excess exploitation from natural resources, pay attention to other alternatives such as tourism, apparently is necessary. Cultural tourism and ecotourism is a new approach in economic development that in addition to economic improvement and growth can provide the probability of environment presentation and support the native culture and enrich social customs of that region. Factors of developing tourism, absorb it and region economic growth include identify and introduce ancient works over nature bed, and also taking advantage from caravanserai architecture in order to new space for supply local souvenirs, artificial crafts and temporary or short-term settlement. In this paper, it is tried to study on one ancient works through identify it within nature center (heart) as a modern tourism destination at Mazandaran, which is effective on absorbing tourism.


关键字 旅游 生态旅游 马赞达兰 商队旅馆 体系结构