CWE / 669/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 30 - 48 - 000 开发退化城市地区参与式干预的概念模型 2 青年研究人员和精英俱乐部 伊斯兰自由大学 德黑兰 伊朗 2015-04-30 10.12944 / CWE.10.Special-Issue1.45 10卷 第一期(2015) 348 - 362 摘要

本研究试图通过比较伊朗的参与式方法来检验和分析改造的贡献。本研究是描述性的。分析。研究图书馆和档案馆也开发了分析框架。其次,采用实地观察、开放式和封闭式问卷调查和访谈等方法。determined 维度of 分析model 即改造过程中,对人的影响更大。城市退化地区修复干预的参与维度 After validation of the questionnaire through content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha and the Bartlett test and KMO index at high levels (850/0) has been approved. To determine the sample size of the questionnaire was used Morgan and Gerjesy and as a result according to the population of 386 residents, resulting in a random distribution, audience research are located. Finally, after analyzing the questionnaires, the results indicate, that in order to begin the process of explain, design and implementation of interventions in urban priority social and infrastructure, and the fabric neighborhood is needed.

关键字 恶化的地区 改造和康复 参与式方法 都市生活