CWE / 832/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 30 - 33 - 000 环境管理的绿色银行:范式转变 2 采矿和燃料研究中心 Dhanbad 826015 印度 2015-12-31 10.12944 / CWE.10.3.36 10卷 问题3 1029 - 1038 摘要

当前的工业化和全球化时代给人类生活增添了许多舒适和奢侈,但也导致了一个令人担忧的情况,即伴随着所有相关活动的环境严重退化。今天,世界经济的整个部门都面临着巨大的挑战,要在日常业务中处理环境问题及其相关影响。不仅商业公司已经意识到环境的重要性,而且在消费者和普通公众中也看到了同样的巨大意识。由于所有这些原因,商业组织已经开始修改他们的活动和战略,以确保我们的自然资源和环境的保护。在此背景下,金融部门,特别是银行可以在促进环境可持续性方面发挥重要作用。可持续性是推动企业战略制定过程的最重要因素之一。虽然我们很晚才认识到任何发展都需要可持续和公平,但积极的方面在于,目前包括金融部门在内的所有经济部门都越来越关注可持续发展。在金融领域,银行、证券经纪公司、信用卡公司以及消费金融公司都采用了绿色业务。对环境可持续性的关注使企业社会责任的概念得到广泛认可。这一概念的潜在好处已引起监管当局、社会、非政府组织、雇员、客户以及国际机构的兴趣。 In this regard, this concern for environmental sustainability by the banks has given rise to concept of Green Banking. In an emerging economy like India, environmental management needs to be the key focus area of the business fraternity and especially the banking industry being the major intermediary. This would help the firms in the emerging economies utilize their limited resources in an optimum way without harming the natural environment and face the global challenge of sustainability in successful manner. In the present paper green banking and sustainability has been discussed in detail. The paper also highlights on the stages, initiatives, benefits and future of green banking in Indian context. Some case studies in Indian context are also being discussed here in order to understand the importance of green banking in the present times. The paper also discusses about the various organizations and laws and guidelines for environmental conservation and sustainability and Green Banking.


关键字 可持续性 绿色银行 可持续发展 环境恶化