CWE / 840/2017 当前的世界环境 0125-888. 0125-895. Enviro Research发布商 CWE-30-33-000. 印度西北海岸孟买水域幼鱼片少年落日经济影响评价 4. CMFRI研究中心 卡卢特 印度 2015-12-31. 10.12944 / cwe.10.3.32 第10卷 问题3. 1004-1010 抽象的

在新渡轮码头(NFW)登陆中心的5个占优势头部的少年登陆的经济评估,孟买于2013年1月至12月进行。历剧的Cephalopod渔业包括一种鱿鱼, rotothish(p)Duvaucelii ,三种墨鱼,棕褐色elliptica,棕榈素pharaonis Sepiella inermis 以及八达通, Cistopus Indemus 在一起贡献98%的Cephalopod Landings。估计使用生物经济模型计算的总年度经济增益为卢比。33.22克,估计生物量增益为4995吨,如果允许在第一成熟度(L M )/ L 平均值上长度长度长度。五种物种中, C.贡献最多64.07%的平均少年捕获,然后是 U。(p)Duvaucelii (26%), S。Ellikica (23.63%), S。inermis (23.27%)和 S。 pharaonis (12.85 %). On these resources, while in S. inermis, both LM equals Lmean indicates breakeven point for the species. The study revealed that peak spawning season of these species coincides with peak juvenile landings which may result in reduction of overall size range thus will lead to loss of fishery in economic as well as ecosystem regime. The study indicates the improvement of harvest biomass by 2.95 times which would result in generating additional revenue to the fishers by a margin of 3.71 times; if juveniles are allowed to grow up to Lm/ Lmean whichever is greater.

Based on finding of present study management measures such as temporary fishing holidays at juveniles fishing grounds, feeding grounds and spawner abundance grounds which in turn allow these high valued species to contribute to the fishery with high economic gain and sustainable utilization of the resources may be adopted.

关键词 头部op. 兼遗物 少年钓鱼 经济损失