CWE / 817/2017 当前世界环境 0125 - 888 0125 - 895 Enviro研究出版社 cwe - 30 - 32 - 000 印度贾里亚煤田西部环境空气质量的微粒评估 3. 科伊拉巴万中央矿山规划设计院有限公司,RI-II Dhanbad 826005 印度 2015-08-31 10.12944 / CWE.10.2.18 10卷 问题2 523 - 528 摘要


印度冈瓦纳煤田的Jharia煤田(JCF)正在下降。JCF的面积约450公里2。这对印度钢铁厂所需的珍贵焦煤的主要供应来说是重要的。它位于印度贾坎德邦的丹巴德地区,纬度23度;39 & # 39;23度; 48' N and longitude is 86° 11' to 86° 27' E for the Jharia coalfield. Based on environmental parameters, all the 103 mines of BCCL have been grouped under 17 Clusters. A cluster consists of a group of mines with mine lease boundary lying in close vicinity and includes-Operating mines, Abandoned/ closed mines and proposed projects.The focused study area is in the western part of the Jharia coalfield is named as Cluster XV group of mines of BCCL consists of four mines, Kharkharee Colliery (UG), Dharmaband Colliery (UG), Madhuband Colliery (UG) and Phularitand Colliery (UG) .The present study was carried out with the objective to measure the ambient air quality of the study area with reference to particulate matter (SPM, PM10 & PM2.5).

Ambient air monitoring results have shown that the observe air quality were found within the limit prescribed by MoEF / CPCB. It may due to Underground mines as there are pollution causing lesser activities involved in the UG mining process compared to opencast mining. Implementation of Master plan for Jharia coalfields for environmental management has also improve the air quality in the area10,11.

关键字 煤炭开采 环境污染 SPM 可吸入颗粒物 PM2.5 二氧化硫和氮氧化物