在世界各地的大城市中,最常见的环境问题是噪音污染。印度哥打大都会也受到城市环境噪音水平提高的问题的困扰。哥打大都市被选为噪音污染评估的对象。城市噪音水平提高的主要原因是人口增加,快速的城市化和工业化,增加的交通设施,城市发展,建筑和拆除工程等。根据印度标准时间,记录了96天的日间(早上6时至晚上10时)的噪音水平。根据工业、住宅、安静和商业等区域的类别,在城市内进行16个采样点。每个采样地点规定用六天时间量度噪音声级。利用观测数据计算噪声描述符Lmax、Lmin、L10、L50、L90、NC(噪声气候)、Lnp(噪声污染等级)、Leq(等效噪声等级)和NEI(噪声暴露指数)。噪声描述符在表明与噪声水平相关的噪声污染的生理和心理影响方面是非常有用的。它要求监管机构在高噪声地区对儿童、老年人等噪声弱势群体采取必要的措施。 Noise levels were recorded with the digital sound level meter " HTC SL-1350". Obtained equivalent noise levels were in between 65 dB(A) to 85 dB(A). The results were then compared with the WHO standards of community noise levels, and Indian noise pollution standards. It is noticed that the noise levels in all monitoring stations were well above the limits of the standards prescribed by the WHO and CPCB. Small variations in noise levels were observed for all sampling locations i.e. noise levels were almost similar at sampling locations. Noise levels were distinct in magnitude for morning and evenings hours. Noise Exposure Index (NEI) was greater than 1 which shows significant high noise levels in all the sampling locations. Kota metropolis desperately needs new strategies to reduces the high noise level in the city. Regulating agencies should take necessary action before things get out of control. Some immediate actions are suggested in the study. JF - Current World Environment JA - VL - 79 IS - 77 UR - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1263/ SP - EP - PB - M3 - 10.12944/CWE.16.1.18 ER -