RT - 杂志 - Jour YR - 2015-10-12 JF - 当前世界环境Jo - SP - Op - Vo - 30是 - 33 UL - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/839/ Do - 10.12944 / CWe.10.3。08 N2 - 良好的饮用水质量对于所有人口的福祉至关重要。本研究的目的是评估伊拉克库尔德斯坦苏拔市苏拔市市的饮用水质量。使用标准方法分析了从2014年收集到2014年收集的城市的各种来源的2342个水样。使用标准方法分析了物理化学和生物参数。50%的样品来自Dukan项目后,治疗后26%的治疗前,占议会术前的8%,来自城市储罐和网络的6%和10%来自各种来源。总部的公民带来了10%。治疗后来源的城市用水量为186.3(95%CI 179.6,192.8),TDS为150.6(95%CI 149.5,151.7),pH为7.74(95%CI 7.36,8.12)。Sarchinar的总硬度,TDS,浊度和钙在Dukan(231 vs.161,242,2.7和1.8和72.9分别为44.5 mg / L),而Dukan钠和钾较高比统计司(3.4与1.4和1.4与0.08mg / L)。与物理化学特性进行比较来自过滤的Dukan水项目的两个供应线的样品,除pH,TDS和浊度外,任何参数都没有显着差异。DDS DDS 1项目略高于Dukan 2(分别为148.9与145.9)。同样的浊度1是Dukan 2的两倍(2.4与1.2)。 Overall, the parameter values were within standard ranges except Cl1- which was 19.8 (Iraqi standard 10 ppm) and dissolved oxygen which was 9 ppm (Iraqi standard 7-8 ppm). Microbiological results showed that 973 of the samples (91%) had an MPN of zero, 61 (5.7%) had an MPN of 2.2 and 35 (3.3%) had a higher MPN. The mean chlorination level for all samples was 1.12 (SD 0.44) .We can conclude that both Sarchinar and Dukan waters are acceptable for drinking purposes according to the parameters evaluated. We recommend to include monitoring heavy metals like Hg, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd, Ag in the future; to consolidate the existing reporting system and to included samples from household tap water for analysis. ER -