RT - TY杂志的年- 2012-06-23摩根富林明当前世界环境乔- SP - OP - VO - 19 - 20 UL - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/361/ - 10.12944 / CWE.7.1.16 N2迫使一个超大号的球的过程由硬质材料通过pre-machines洞在柔软的材料,和球之间的干扰引起的洞洞expand such that its deformation is partly plastic and partly elastic. The elastic deformation of the hole is recovered due to elastic spring back whereas the plastic deformation results in a slight permanent increase in the hole diameter after ballizing. Ball burnishing or Ballizing is a production process for improve the accuracy and surface finish of holes. This process is a mass production process for sizing and finishing holes. The sizing and finishing of holes depends upon the interference adopted for ballizing process. This paper is an attempt toward comparing surfaces effects ,Estimation of deflection, deformation, radial strain, stress and finished dimensions of Mild steel and Aluminium. ER -