RT - Journal Ty - Jour YR - 01-07-2021 JF - 当前世界环境Jo - Sp - Op - Vo - 79是 - 81 UL - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1310/ do - n2 - 砷是一种致癌物质来自其在作物,水和土壤中的存在具有高健康风险的有毒元素。本研究由Fenugreek(Trigonella foenum-Granecum)进行的种子进行,这是一种用于烹饪的非常常见的香料,特别是在印度。在实验室条件下已经发芽了相同数量的种子。三个浓度为例如在整个实验中使用1,2和,3mg / L的砷酸盐(As + 3)和砷酸盐(As + 5)盐溶液用于治疗植物。经过10天的萌发后,估计植物食用部分积聚的砷的浓度并评估健康风险。通过估计总叶绿素(A,B,C),类胡萝卜素含量,并采用对照和治疗厂的新鲜重量和干重观察砷浓度的影响。生物化学分析的结果显示,叶绿素和类胡萝卜素内容物低于对照植物的结果。此外,新鲜的重量和干重结果也显示出低于对照的处理。 The bioaccumulation factor results demonstrated that an increased level of soil arsenic doesn’t certainly result in high arsenic uptake by the Fenugreek plants. From the concentration estimated in the plant body, the health risk was assessed in adults and children and found that both adults and children having a potential health risk upon consumption of fenugreek. Moreover, Incremental Life Time Cancer Risk was found high (< 10-4) which indicates the presence of potential cancer risk. Hence, it is possible to conclude from the present study that fenugreek can bio-accumulate arsenic and it may be used as an indicator plant for arsenic-contaminated areas. ER -