DP - 2015年9月24日,TA - 当前世界环境PG - 1029-1038 VI - 30 IP - 33 4099 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/832/ 4100 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/832/ ab - 现在工业化和全球化的时代为人类生活增加了很大的舒适和奢侈,而且还导致巨大的环境退化的令人惊叹的情况,并入所有涉及的活动。如今,世界经济的整个部门面临巨大挑战,以应对环境问题及其日常企业的环境问题。不仅商业公司已经意识到环境的重要性,而且比消费者和公众在同一地区中看到了巨大的意识。由于所有这些原因,业务组织开始修改其活动和战略,以确保对我们的自然资源和环境的保护。在这种情况下,金融部门,特别是银行可以在促进环境可持续性方面发挥重要作用。可持续发展是推动商业兄弟会战略的最重要因素之一。虽然我们已经意识到,任何发展都需要成为可持续和公平的发展,但积极性在于目前在包括金融部门的经济中的所有部门之间的可持续发展越来越高。在金融部门,采用绿色业务的各种服务是银行,股票经纪公司,信用卡公司以及消费者金融公司。对环境可持续性的关注对企业社会责任的概念提供了大众认可。 The potential benefits of the concept has gained the interest of the regulatory authorities, society, NGOs, employees, customers as well as the international bodies to the issue. In this regard, this concern for environmental sustainability by the banks has given rise to concept of Green Banking. In an emerging economy like India, environmental management needs to be the key focus area of the business fraternity and especially the banking industry being the major intermediary. This would help the firms in the emerging economies utilize their limited resources in an optimum way without harming the natural environment and face the global challenge of sustainability in successful manner. In the present paper green banking and sustainability has been discussed in detail. The paper also highlights on the stages, initiatives, benefits and future of green banking in Indian context. Some case studies in Indian context are also being discussed here in order to understand the importance of green banking in the present times. The paper also discusses about the various organizations and laws and guidelines for environmental conservation and sustainability and Green Banking.