DP - 2015年4月18日TA -当前世界环境PG - 84 - 90 VI - 30 IP - 31 4099 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/627/ 4100 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/627/ AB -本研究调查的影响沸点石油培训机构和相关的物理化学参数对饮用水和生物膜的形成在其交付的可能性系统。本研究共使用了25份饮用水样本。调查的环境参数包括pH、电导率、总溶解固体(TDS)、总悬浮固体(TSS)、溶解氧(DO1)、/ DO5、盐度、电阻率、总大肠菌群(作为在分配系统中可能存在生物膜的指标)和生物膜。在加沸水和减沸水的饮用水样本中观察到总大肠菌群的总体患病率<1,除了女性宿舍的生物膜定性试验显示中度染色外。对负沸水样品,pH值在5.04±0.47至6.82±0.48之间;总悬浮固体在0.09±0.05 ~ 0.17±0.02,总溶解固体在4.07±0.73 ~ 5.58±0.70,电导率在8.02±0.90 ~ 11.54±1.67,溶解氧在1.97±0.26 ~ 3.12±0.13,DO5在1.91±0.32 ~ 2.72±0.29,电阻率在7.79±0.13 ~ 10.88±0.18。加沸和过滤样品的pH值范围为6.02±0.26至6.95±0.26;电导率7.21±0.10至9.88±0.67; DO ranged between 1.01±0.14 to 2.08±0.35, DO 5 was 1.02±0.02 to 2.01±0.38, TSS and TDS ranged between 0.02±0.001, 3.74±0.62 to 0.03±0.002 and 4.95±0.42 respectively while resistivity ranged between 1.02±0.11 to 1.98±0.16. For all parameters analyzed, values obtained falls within the WHO limit for potable water except for the qualitative biofilm test on FSH minus-boiling water sample which gave moderate stain with 0.1% crystal violet stain and the pH values which fall below WHO acceptable limits. Boiling and filtration of potable water irrespective of the source is campaigned from this study in order to enhance the prevention and management of water borne diseases within the institute community.