TA - DP - 2011年4月11日,当前世界环境第六PG - 61 - 66 - 16 IP - 17 4099 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/309/ 4100 - www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/309/ AB -能源是经济增长的原动力,它是现代经济的一个轮子。未来的经济增长关键取决于能源的长期可用性、资源的成本、可用性、可及性和环境友好性。印度是一个发展中国家,它需要更多的能源来加快发展速度。印度的能源消费总量居世界第六位。能源资源是稳定的,但能源消耗却日益增加。因此,每个国家都需要更多的节能设备来实现发展和节约能源消耗。有效的能量转换方式有三种(a)发现新能源(b)最大限度地减少能量损失(c)余热回收。在这里,每个人都需要能量来做饭。在印度,74%的人口生活在农村,使用传统资源,如木材、牛粪、农业废弃物和可获得的生物质量。所以,我选择了主要使用生物质燃料的农村地区,比如木材和农业废料。 The chulha (wood stove) use as a cook furnace for bio-mass in rural area. The traditional chulha give low thermal efficiency. In view of conservation of wood fuel and reduction of smoke from the kitchens of rural. In view of conservation of wood fuel and reduction of smoke from the kitchens of rural India, the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources(MNES), Government of India, launched a National Programme on Improved Chullhas(NPIC) during 1984- 85. The NPIC measure traditional Chullhas have thermal efficiency is 8 to 10 percent but in my modified model, thermal efficiency has improved by 15 to 17 percent through extra supply of air. The thermal efficiency of modified chulha over the conventional chulha is 7 % to 9% more. In my modified model do not create pollution into environment due to complete combustion of fuel.