当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 美国英语 印度南阿萨姆邦不同水稻品种根际重氮营养细菌的分离与鉴定 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/isolation-and-characterisation-of-diazotrophic-bacteria-from-rhizosphere-of-different-rice-cultivars-of-south-assam-india/ 2013-04-17 2018-12-21 福尔古尼·拉斯卡尔,动力局局长,沙玛 8卷,问题1

Introduction Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria have been considered as an alternative for inorganic nitrogen fertiliser for promoting plant growth (Ladha and Reddy, 2000; Park et al., 2004). Inspite of the fact that a variety of nitrogen fixing bacteria have been isolated from the rhizosphere of various crops, interest in isolating more beneficial plant growth promoting bacteria has increased recently due to their potential use as bio fertiliser (Vessey, 2003). Cultivated rice (Oryzasativa...

从南阿萨姆邦Karimganj地区的10个本地和栽培水稻品种根际分离到自由活的异养细菌。通过表型分析和16S rDNA序列分析,鉴定出11株具有促进植物生长活性的菌株。鉴定为固氮新单胞菌(Shingomonasazotifigens)、恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)、嗜盐窄食单胞菌(stenotrophomonasmalophila)、放射耐药不动杆菌(acinetobacterradi耐药)、粪碱菌(alkigenesfaecalis)、肠杆菌科(Enterobactercloaceae subsp)。dissolvens, Pantoeaag < / p > 曼尼普尔Imphal三条主要河流某些理化特征的季节变化:比较评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/seasonal-variation-of-some-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-three-major-rivers-in-imphal-manipur-a-comparative-evaluation/ 2013-04-12 2018-12-22 Th. Alexander Singh, Dr. Meetei, L Bijen Meitei 8卷,问题1

Introduction Water, by means of its physical, chemical and biological characteristics, reflects the significance as potent ecological factor and quality for sustenance. However, the increasing anthropogenic influences in recent years, in and around aquatic ecosystem and their catchment areas have contributed to a large extent to various nutrient enrichment which leads to deterioration of the water quality. The increasing trend of nutrient enrichment in the system accelerates eutrophication an...

伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区埃尔比勒记录的蓝藻 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/cyanophyta-recorded-in-erbil-kurdistan-region-of-iraq/ 2013-04-11 2018-12-22 Janan Jabbar Toma, Bahram K. 8卷,问题1

Introduction The1 may be regard as the first one who did a detail study on algae in Iraq as he studied phytoplankton in Razzah and Al-Habbaniyah. However (2 and 3) did published a periliminary study on algae arround Baghddad, mesopotamia and Kurdistan respectively. Concurrently with estabilshing different universities in different parts of Iraq during seventy last century attention were given to algal studies in parallel with other branches of sciences.Tens of papers and M.Sc thesis were ...

英帕尔伊尔河浮游动物种群的季节性变化与水质 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/seasonal-variation-of-zooplankton-population-with-reference-to-water-quality-of-iril-river-in-imphal/ 2013-04-15 2018-12-21 Thankhum Saron, Bijen Meitei 8卷,问题1

Introduction The potential of rivers as good&nbsp; habitats for ichthyo-fauna seems degraded&nbsp; with onslaught of anthropogenic interference impairing the quality and quantity of river water. The Manipur Central Valley districts are endowed with many wetlands which are often connected with rivers and as such the rivers pose important source of fish resources. The recent changes in water quality impair the potential of the rivers to a significant degree. The Iril river, which is ver...

对曼尼普尔英帕尔河谷伊里尔河的浮游动物种群进行了调查。尽管郊区暴露在河流中,但河流的鱼类生物多样性潜力仍然存在。因为浮游生物发挥着巨大的作用;食物链对鱼类群落的作用,了解浮游动物的数量作为次要资源是必要的。城市地区水质恶化在大多数情况下仍然是一个基本特征。目前的调查努力建立> 印多尔市地下水的物理化学评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/physico-chemical-assesment-of-groundwater-in-indore-city/ 2013-03-29 2018-12-22 Monika Gurjar, Vijay Chourey, Dhananjay Dwivedi, Rooplekha Vyas 8卷,问题1

Introducton Groundwater is one of earth&rsquo;s most vital renewable and widely distributed resources as well as an important source of water supply, throughout the world. In India, most of the population depends on the groundwater as it is the only source of drinking water supply.1&nbsp;The groundwater is believed to be comparatively much clean and free from pollution than surface water. It can become contaminated naturally or because of numerous types of human activities. Residentia...

本文对印多尔市部分地区的地下水进行了评价。调查于2012年3月和4月进行,地点选择覆盖印多尔市,包括住宅区、商业区、工业区和农业区。对各种参数进行了研究,并与IS规范进行了比较。一些参数在某些位置不理想,主要是Kabir Khedi和Pologround区域,需要适当注意。休息

Kapadwanj农村地区地下水水质评价及其对人体健康的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/asessment-of-ground-water-quality-of-rural-parts-of-kapadwanj-and-its-impact-on-human-health/ 2013-01-14 2018-12-21 S.N PANDYA, A. Rana, D. bhai, F. Thakor 8卷,问题1

Introduction Water is most essential for existence of life on earth and is a major component for all forms of lives, from micro-organism to man .Various physico-chemical parameters have a significant role in determining the potability of water. As Per World Health Organization,safe and wholesome drinking water&nbsp;is a basic need for human development, health and well being, and it is an internationally accepted human right&rdquo; Water intended for human consumption must be free fro...

kapadwanj农村地区地下水质量评价。其理化分析,如温度、pH值、生物需氧量、总溶解固体、氯化物、总碱度、钙镁硬度、硫酸盐、磷酸盐、在2012年2月至7月期间,对Kapadwanj地区农村地区的20个采样站进行了地下水硝酸盐含量的测定,以评价水质指数 阿萨姆邦迪布鲁加地区社区池塘水的微生物污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/microbial-contamination-of-community-pond-water-in-dibrugarh-district-of-assam/ 2013-03-06 2018-12-22 Purnima Gogoi, Dhruba Sharma 8卷,问题1

Introduction With two thirds of the earth&#39;s surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75 percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Our drinking water today is far from being pure, contains bacteria, viruses, inorganic minerals (making the water hard) and a chemical cocktail that is unsuitable (if not deadly) for human consumption. The particular group in this regard is the coliforms which are consider...

我们今天的饮用水,远不纯净,含有细菌、病毒、无机矿物质和不适合人类饮用的化学混合物。为了评估池塘水环境中存活的大肠菌群和其他水生细菌,我们进行了一项研究。采集了Dibrugarh区三个社区池塘的水样,这些池塘主要用于洗澡、给牲畜饮水以及水危机条件下的饮水。细菌从有限公司< / p >
谷蛋白处理修饰凤仙花植物形态。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/oryzalin-treatment-modified-plant-morphology-of-impatiens-balsamina-l/ 2013-03-13 2018-12-20 M. Ria Defiani, D. Suprapta, I. Sudana, N.Putu Ristiati 8卷,问题1

引言凤仙花(凤仙花)是凤仙花科的开花植物。这种植物有许多颜色的花,像红色,紫色,粉红色和白色。花可用于园艺和盆栽植物,指甲抛光和天然着色剂,1抗菌活性对致病菌和真菌,2抗菌活性对巴厘岛仪式的供品。3花园里香脂种子提取物含有抗菌活性,抑制生长。E.co…< / p > 凤仙花是众所周知的花园凤仙花,花是非常有用的。这些花可以插在椰叶里,用来祈祷,也可以作为花盆里的装饰品。凤仙花很高。这些花特别在雨季容易腐烂。利用米zalin对园林香脂进行育苗处理,可生产出花朵大、生长健壮的盆栽植物。用0、0.01、0.02和0.03%浓度的谷蛋白处理0、12、24、36和48 ho

巴拉克谷地部分野生药用豆科植物根际土壤细菌和丛枝菌根真菌多样性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/biodiversity-of-rhizospheric-soil-bacteria-and-arbuscular-mycorrhizal-am-fungi-in-some-of-the-wild-medicinal-legumes-of-barak-valley/ 2013-03-25 2018-12-21 F .马里纳·辛哈,G.夏尔马 8卷,问题1

Introduction Leguminous plants are abundant in Barak Valley, where they grow in barren soils and drysites that are unsuited for most crops. Medicinal plants are the rich heritage of country serving the age old medicinal system i.e. Ayurveda. Despite being so important these plants have been totally neglected as far as biofertilizers are concerned. For their utilization, medicinal plants are indiscriminately taken from wild habitats causing their depletion andextinction. Pertaining to the negl...

本研究从敏感植物含羞草(Mimosa pudica)、苍白球(Crotolaria pallida)、镰刀豆荚(Cassia tora)和Desmodium根际分离根际细菌和AM真菌。对4种分离菌进行了分子鉴定。从菌株M1、菌株RT、菌株D5和菌株D7中分离到4种细菌,分别为巨芽孢杆菌、嗜气芽孢杆菌、乳酸杆菌和木糖葡萄球菌。另外,AM f

胡椒热石油醚提取物的植物化学分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/phytochemical-analysis-of-hot-petroleum-ether-extracts-of-piper-nigrum/ 2013-03-23 2018-12-21 Aditi Gupta, Monika Gupta, Sudhakar Gupta 8卷,问题1

Introduction Piper nigrum, belong to family piperaceae is a monoecious, perennial climbing herb, native of Southern India and Srilanka, cultivated in tropical regions.1&nbsp;It is found in vast altitudinal diversity and shows great adaptability to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions which leads to interspecies diversity.2&nbsp;Various pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial,3&nbsp;analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, CNS depressant,4&nbs...


麦加市(沙特阿拉伯王国)不同饮用水源中病原体的环境流行情况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/environmental-prevalence-of-pathogens-in-different-drinking-water-resources-in-makkah-city-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia/ 2013-03-28 2018-12-20 Abdullah A.Saati, Hani Faidah 8卷,问题1

Introduction: Water is unsafe for human consumption when it contains pathogenic or disease-causing microorganisms. Pathogenic microorganisms (and their associated disease(s)) may include bacteria, such as Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever), Vibrio cholerae (cholera), Shigella (dysentery, shigellosis), and viruses, such as poliovirus or Hepatitis A virus and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia (giardiasis) or Cryptosporidium parvum (cryptosporidiosis). A major challenge for water suppliers is how t...

马来西亚农业脆弱性与对气候变化的适应:水稻部门综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/agricultural-vulnerability-and-adaptation-to-climatic-changes-in-malaysia-review-on-paddy-sector/ 2013-02-16 2018-12-20 Md. Alam, Chamhuri Siwar, Abdul Jaafar, Basri Talib 8卷,问题1

Introduction The changing patterns of climate factors adversely affect the social, economic and environmental agents all over the world. The agriculture is fully dependent on the factors of climate and consequences of climate change are of adverse impacts on agriculture and agriculture relevant stakeholders. Among all the stakeholders, farmer community is the most affected and risk group due to their full dependency on agriculture. The climatic factors as expressed by the amount of rainfall, ...

气候变化对农业的影响是混合的,其影响在面积、时期和作物方面是不同的。气候因素的变化对马来西亚农业产生了强烈的负面影响,人们认为这将导致水和其他资源的长期短缺、土壤条件的恶化、农作物和牲畜的病虫害爆发、海平面上升等等。由于气候变化,农业生产力和盈利能力正在下降。尽管co . < / p >
使用气味浓度计(OCM) XP-329测量垃圾衍生燃料作业的气味污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/odour-pollution-measurement-from-refuse-derive-fuel-operations-using-odour-concentration-meter-ocm-xp-329/ 2013-03-04 2018-12-20 Zaini Sakawi, Lukman Ismail, Mohd Ariffin, Noor Abdullah 8卷,问题1

Introduction There has been a dearth on studies of odour pollution in Malaysia due constraints such as lack of measurement equipments, guidelines and legal act for such operational endeavour. Despite the media publication on odour pollution, actions and enforcement were ineffective due to limitations in regulations and operationals standards.In particular, scientific studies on odour concentrations and intensity were difficult to be implemented due to lack of equipments for measuring the phen...

气味感知是主观的,很难在个体之间准确测量。因此,许多关于气味问题的研究通常涉及气味的强度、浓度、类型、标准、测量方法、法律以及对物理环境和人类环境的影响。然而,气味分析可以通过经验进行,也可以基于人的感官进行。气味污染的主要来源包括动物饲养、油棕和橡胶加工厂、垃圾场、工业和污水处理。这个< / p >
毒死蜱在鱼类中的毒性研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/chlorpyrifos-toxicity-in-fish-a-review/ 2013-02-15 2018-12-21 Nobonita Deb, Suchismita Das 8卷,问题1

Introduction Chlorpyrifos (O,O-diethyl-O-3,5,6-trichlor-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate; CPF) is a broad spectrum organophosphate insecticide (OP) that is commercially used to control foliar insects that affect agricultural crops1 and subterranean termites2 CPF, since it was first introduced into the marketplace in 1965, has been used globally as an insecticide to control pests agriculturally and in the home. It is the second largest selling OP and found to be more toxic to fish than organochlorin...


印度阿萨姆邦鲁定池塘水离子组成的季节变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/the-seasonal-variation-in-ionic-composition-of-pond-water-of-lumding-assam-india/ 2012-12-27 2018-12-22 Tapashi Gupta, Mrinal Paul 8卷,问题1

Introduction The term ionic composition means conductivity of water. Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical current. Conductivity in water is affected by the presence of inorganic dissolved solids such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate anions (ions that carry a negative charge) or sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and aluminum cations (ions that carry a positive charge). Organic compounds like oil, phenol, alcohol, and sugar do not conduct electrica...


对来自北方邦加济阿巴德的4个地点的饮用水进行评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/drinking-water-assessment-of-4-locations-from-ghaziabad-uttar-pradesh/ 2013-01-21 2018-12-22 Shikha Bisht, B. Patra, Monika Malik 8卷,问题1

Introduction The district of Ghaziabad is situated in the middle of Ganga-Yamuna doab. It lies on the Grand Trunk road about a mile east of the Hindon river in Latitude 280 40&#39; North and Longitude 770 25&#39; East, 19 Kms. east of Delhi.1&nbsp;Since a few years, drinking water problem has increased in the area. In this study, drinking water samples have been collected from 4 random locations from the area. Different parameters were examined using Indian Standards2&nbsp;to ...

在本研究中,从加济阿巴德的4个不同地点采用随机抓取采样的方法收集饮用水样本。对其进行了物理化学和元素参数分析。测试的参数是pH值,硝酸盐,氟化物,氯化物,硫酸盐,总溶解固体,硬度,碱度,钙,镁,铝,硼,锌,硒,锰,铁,铬,铜,铅,镉,砷和汞。< / p >
短期毒性试验中汞诱导的木耳氧化应激生化变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/mercury-induced-biochemical-alterations-as-oxidative-stress-in-mugil-cephalus-in-short-term-toxicity-test/ 2013-03-23 2018-10-24 j。s。i。Rajkumar,塞缪尔。丁尼生 8卷,问题1

INTRODUCTION: Estuarine pollution is an ongoing activity started long back however intensified during the last few decades, and currently the circumstances has become alarming, especially in India1. Metals are natural components; however become contaminants of the aquatic environment, due to anthropogenic activities2. Bioavailability and indestructible nature are the most fundamental property of heavy metal exerting toxic effects on living organisms when they exceed a certain concentration li...

2.5号Mugil cephalus幼鱼;plusmn公司;采用静态更新生物测定法对0.6cm汞进行短期慢性毒性试验,以检测可能的生化因子作为水体污染的生物标志物和河口污染的特异性生物标志物。以脂质过氧化水平、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶、过氧化氢酶、还原型谷胱甘肽和乙酰胆碱酯酶为生化指标。硫巴比妥酸反应物质的水平增加,观察到在暴露

敌敌畏对鱼类的毒性研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/a-review-of-dichlorvos-toxicity-in-fish/ 2013-02-25 2018-12-22 SUCHISMITA DAS 8卷,问题1

Introduction Use of pesticide has become a necessary evil for developing countries like India where it is estimated that approximately 30% of its crop yield valued at Rs.60,000 crores are lost due to pest attack each year.1&nbsp;Amongst others, organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) are the most commonly used pesticides in the world due to their quick degradation.2&nbsp;Unfortunately, OPs lack target specificity and can cause severe, long lasting population effects on terrestrial and aquat...

在绝大多数农药中,敌敌畏(2,2 -二氯乙烯基二甲基磷酸盐)是一种有机磷化合物,常用作农业杀虫剂。它对鱼类等非目标生物具有极高的毒性,并通过代谢障碍阻碍鱼类健康,有时甚至导致死亡。敌敌畏作为少数仍在注册使用的有机磷之一,因多种原因引起了全世界的关注。本研究对敌敌畏在fis

阿萨姆邦纳加翁区鹿鸣镇部分半集约化养鱼池的水生物学特性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/hydro-biological-characteristics-of-some-semi-intensive-fish-culture-ponds-of-lumding-town-of-nagaon-district-assam/ 2012-12-28 2018-12-21 Tapashi Gupta, Dr. Dey 8卷,问题1

Introduction Lumding is situated in Nagaon District of Assam and lies between 25045/- 26045 North latitudes and 91050/ -93020 /East Latitudes. Lumding is the second biggest town in Nagaon district of Assam. A large section of the people of Lumding depends on Agriculture, Poultry, and Fishery etc. as their means of livelihood. There are about 171 fish ponds constructed and stocked with fish in Lumding and its adjacent area. Some of these are not utilized to its full potential. Studies on physi...


Birjand新旧城区居民噪音敏感性和烦恼的比较 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol8no1/comparison-of-noise-sensitivity-and-annoyance-among-the-residents-of-birjand-old-and-new-urban-districts/ 2013-01-24 2018-12-20 Vahideh Abolhasannejad, Mohammad Monazzam, Narjes Moasheri 8卷,问题1

Introduction Noise is defined as an unpleasant sound that can affect people&rsquo;s health and efficiency. Noise pollution not only produces effects such as damage to hearing system and disturbance in acoustic activities, reduce in concentration and efficiency, sleep disorder, physiological disorders, but also in long term creates annoyance that in the most common complication caused by noise among people. Noise sensitivity is a personality characteristic that can be regarded as a measure...

噪音是当今人们工作和生活的压力源。因此,本研究旨在比较Birjand老新区居民的噪声敏感性和烦恼。在这个分析& &;描述性研究,采用温斯坦噪声敏感量表和基于ISO 15666标准的噪声烦恼7点量表,我们测量了噪声敏感率作为一种态度因素,以及噪声烦恼amo