当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 安巴德特希尔一些地下水样品中的氟化物 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/flouorides-in-some-ground-water-samples-of-ambad-tehsil/ 2008-08-19 2018-11-22 K.N. Solunke, M.P. Gutte, S.R. Mirgane 卷3,问题2

Introduction Ambad is considered to be oldest and religious town in Jalna district of Marathwada region. A famous temple of “Godess Matsyodari” is situated in Ambad town. A famous Temple of Lord ‘Jambuvant’ is situated near Jamkhed, 14 km away from Ambad town. The residents of Ambad Tehsil usually use water from dug well and bore well for drinking and domestic purposes. There is a huge variation in the concentration of different species due to fact...

采用离子选择电极法测定了贾尔纳地区Ambad Tehsil地区30份地下水和地表水的氟化物浓度,并结合研究区污染状况对结果进行了讨论。< / p >
赛璐山地表水中重金属含量分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/heavy-metal-analysis-in-ground-water-samples-of-sailu-tehsil/ 2008-08-22 2018-11-22 D.U. Thombal, R.U. Ambhure, S.R. Mirgane 卷3,问题2

Introduction Sailu is considered to be the oldest and religious city in parbhani district of Marathwada region in Maharashtra, Sailu city is situated near Dudhana river. A Femous Temple of &quot;Keshavraj Babasaheb Maharaj&quot; is situated in middle of sailu city. Who was Guru of Shirdis Sai baba. The residents of Sailu tehsil usually use water form bore-well for drinking and domestic purposes.There is a huge variation in the concentration of dirrrent species due to factors like d...

对Parbhani区赛卢特希尔10个试验点的重金属浓度进行了测定。采用原子吸收分光光度计对重金属进行了测定,并结合研究区污染状况对测定结果进行了讨论。< / p > 萨特纳地区水中微量金属及其对健康影响的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/study-of-trace-metals-in-water-of-satna-region-and-their-effect-on-health-2/ 1970-01-01 2019-04-11 K.B.L. Shrivastava, S.K. Pandey, B.P. Singh, K.B.L. Shrivastava, S.K. Pandey, B.P. Singh 卷3,问题2 < / p > < p >… 文章题为《Satna地区水体中微量金属及其对人体健康影响的研究》;已被撤销,因为在出版者的监督下出版了两次。< / p > 印度国会议员,博帕尔市甘地纳加尔地区水质评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/assessment-of-water-quality-of-gandhi-nagar-area-of-bhopal-city-m-p-india/ 1970-01-01 2019-04-11 H.C. Kataria, Santosh Ambhore 卷3,问题2 < / p > < p >… 地下水代表了印度最重要的水资源之一,在全球其他地方,占400多公里;每年可利用的资源。在旱季地表水水位或低湿季流量破坏性太大而不容易开发的地方,对地下水资源的依赖特别强。许多人类活动是地下水污染的罪魁祸首,因为石油产品、农药和其他物质的混合。除草剂的< / p > 克什米尔山谷里的lider Nalah的水质分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/water-quality-analysis-of-lidder-nalah-in-kashmir-valley/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-22 哈贾姆S.A.,纳萨尔·瓦尼,纳萨尔·瓦尼 卷3,问题2

Introduction Water is essential for sustaining life. It plays central role in the ground environmental health of cities and towns. People depend on water for more than just drinking, cooking and personal hygiene. Vast quantities are often required for industrial and commercial uses. Water resources are also essential for irrigation, power generation and navigation etc. Pure water is never found in natural streams, lakes, oceans or under the ground as it has always some dissolved or suspe...

Physical, Chemical and Bacterial analysis of water collected from different sites of Lidder Nalah revealed that water moderately contaminated and needs proper treatment before supply to the community.

印度博帕尔湖上游水质理化调查及相关性分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/physico-chemical-investigation-and-correlation-analysis-of-water-quality-of-upper-lake-of-bhopal-m-p-india/ 2008-10-07 2018-11-22 Kriti Shrivastava, Smita Joshi 卷3,问题2

Introduction The Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) has recognized the Upper and Lower lakes of Bhopal as Wetlands of national importance and designated them as &quot;Bhoj Wetland&quot; in 1988. Wetlands are facing serious threats due to human activities. Upper Lake is major source of water for Bhopal city. It contributes about 25 MGD water out of 55 MGD that Bhopal needs. But over the years, the quality of water has deteriorated due to inflow of waste and sewage. It is estimat...


Satna地区地表水和地下水中微量元素含量的比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/comparative-study-of-trace-elements-concentration-in-surface-and-ground-water-of-satna-region/ 2008-09-22 2018-11-24 K.B.L. Shrivastava, S.K. Pandey, B.P. Singh 卷3,问题2

Introduction The main sources of water pollution in India at present are city sewage, discharge of industrial wastage, intensive use of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides in agriculture. Excessive use of fertilizers has increased the level of nitrates in shallow ground water sources. The nitrate content in well water in Mahendragarh district in Haryana was found to be as high as 1310 mg/L. In Howrah district, intensive agriculture has contributed to high levels of such pesticides as D...

博帕尔饮用井水的分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/anaylysis-of-drinking-bore-wells-water-of-bhopal-m-p/ 2008-09-09 2018-11-24 H.C. Kataria, Shahila Bux 卷3,问题2

Introduction Water is one of the essential natural resources available to human beings. As fresh water resources in India is declining day-by-day and has an acute shortage of potable, drinking water of good quality. The socio-Economic growth of a region is severally constraining with lacking the fair chances of availability of safe drinking water. The natural quality of bore-wells and hand-pump&rsquo;s water tends to be degraded by human activities, over pumping and by some Geologica...

为了评估和评价博帕尔市的水质,2006-07年间对饮用水即井水进行了季节性生化分析研究。为此目的选择的研究区域是博帕尔的T.T. Nagar和Bhadbhada公路。为初步分析水质指数,在一个季节观察到两个分析读数。研究参数为温度、pH、EC、游离CO2、氯化物、总碱度、总硬度、Ca-H、Mg-H、d.o.、B.O.D、C.O.

博帕尔市地下水水质现状 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/status-of-ground-water-quality-in-bhopal-city/ 2008-09-12 2018-11-24 Sanjay Telang, Anoop Chaturvedi 卷3,问题2

Introduction Population is increasing many fold progressively and there is great demand of water in all major sectors namely irrigation, industrial and domestic purpose. Under the prevailing hydrological condition the availability of fresh water resources is more or less constant. Ground water for construction activities/improper drainage system, the need of ground water quality assessment isessential. To evaluate the water quality with references to its use the ground water samples were...

2008年3月对博帕尔市地下水中阳离子和阴离子的浓度进行了研究。各种阳离子的浓度,如钠(9.7 mg/L ~ 79 mg/L)。硫酸盐(12mg /L ~ 372 mg/L)和钾(5mg /L ~ 45mg /L)。在50%的位置,地下水的总硬度值超过了饮用水的规定值(IS 10500)。氟离子(0.76 ~ 1.24 mg/L)、总碱度(120 ~ 360 mg/L)等阴离子浓度均

沙普拉湖污水的营养负荷及可能的富营养化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/nutrient-load-on-sewage-fed-shahpura-lake-and-possible-eutrophication/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-24 Smita Joshi, Pranjali Udhalikar, Pushpa Rawtani 卷3,问题2

Introduction Water system includes rivers, lakes, oceans, and ground water etc. Everywhere water pollution occurs due to the presence of dissolved materials of inorganic and organic origin. Shahpura lake is a man made impoundment, which was constructed in 1974-75 under Betwa Irrigation Project located in southern reason of Bhopal City. The area under study receives domestic raw sewage from surrounding habitation. The lake has been fully covered with Eichhornia crassipes, which poses eventua...


Sehore镇,区(印度)地表水的物理化学特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/physico-chemical-characteristics-of-surface-water-of-sehore-town-district-sehore-m-p-india/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-24 RACHNA SHARMA, ANAND SHARMA, D.R. TIWARI 卷3,问题2

Introduction Today water resources have been the most exploited natural system since man strode the earth. Pollution of water bodies is increasing steadily due to rapid population growth, industrial proliferations, urbanizations, increasing living standards and wide spheres of human activities. Time is, perhaps not too for when pure &amp; clean water, particularly in densely populated, industrialized water scarce areas may be inadequate for maintaining the normal living standards. Gr...

本文讨论了不同类型参数的分析数据,如Ca2+, Na2+, K+,浊度和pH温度,表面水的硬度。在2008年8月期间收集了8个不同的地表水样本。讨论了结果对人类健康可能产生的影响。< / p >
利用已处理和未处理的树叶作为吸附剂去除废水中的金属离子 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/removal-of-metal-ions-from-wastewater-by-using-treated-and-untreated-tree-leaves-as-adsorbent/ 2008-10-23 2018-11-27 S.K. Wankhede, U.V. Ladhe, B.D. Jagtap, P.R. Patil 卷3,问题2

Introduction Heavy metal in wastewater have emerged as the focus of environment remediation efforts because of their toxicity and threat to industrialization and urbanization with new technology. Wastewater containing Ni, Cr, Fe originate from primarily metal industry particularly during plating, tannery operation. But their concentration and presence highly depends upon the type of method used for like ion-exchange, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis are costly and at the same time, methods ...

以树叶为吸附剂,研究了常温下对合成废水中铬、铁、镍等金属离子的去除。对五种不同的树叶种类及其活性炭在室温下进行了测试。实验在含20ppm金属离子的200ml合成废水中进行,叶片大小为0.60 mn至1.60 mn。合成废水的初始pH约为6。实验结果indic

萨特纳地区河水中重金属的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/study-of-heavy-metals-in-river-water-of-satna-region/ 2008-11-18 2018-11-27 K.B.L. Shrivastava, S.K. Pandey, B.P. Singh 卷3,问题2

Introduction Satna is a district of M.P. in India. It is situated in eastern part of the state. It abounds in natural resources like lime stone, latterite and silica sand i.e. silicates. Due to the availability of different kinds of industries, main among them are cement factories and lime kilns and due to industrial activities and uncontrollable use of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers the water pollution has become a threat in this region. The present paper has the target to giv...

博帕尔(印度)(Hoshangabad钻孔井)饮用水理化特征分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/analysis-of-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-drinking-water-of-hoshangabad-bore-wells-of-bhopal-india/ 2008-10-03 2018-11-28 H.C Kataria, Ruhi Haque, Mudrika Ahmad, Shahila Bux 卷3,问题2

Introduction Water is the mirror of civilization since the origin of human life. The increase in population coupled with unplanned urbanization and industrialization has resulted a large damage and deterioration in drinking water supply for irrigation, industries and for drinking purpose. The mismanagement of wastes &amp; Sewage deteriorates the water quality of study area. The paper deals with the determination of these parameters at various locations and analysis of data in the light ...


Dholpur(拉贾斯坦邦)昌巴尔河水的物理化学研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/physico-chemical-study-of-chambal-river-water-in-dholpur-rajasthan/ 2008-10-11 2018-11-27 P.S. Tiwari, M.K. Singh 卷3,问题2

Introduction Water is a vital component of the environment which sustains life on earth. The rapid pace of industrialization, urbanization, agricultural activities and population growth have made all the sources of water either polluted or contaminated globally. Release of treated and untreated industrial effluents in an unplanned manner is one of the major causes of water pollution. Almost 70% of water in India has become polluted due to the discharges of domestic sewages, detergents and i...

palakkad区选定区域的水质参数分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/analysis-of-water-quality-parameters-in-selected-areas-of-palakkad-district/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-22 K. Gandhi 卷3,问题2

Introduction Ground water is a valuable natural resource for various human activities.2&nbsp;(Contamination of ground water has become a major problem in recent years, because many people depend on it).Natural water always contains dissolved and suspended substances of organic and mineral origin. Unfortunately in many countries around the world, including palakkad (Kerala), some drinking water supplies have become contaminated, which has impacted on the health and economic status of the...


孔雀石绿染料,吸附法从废水中去除 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/malachite-green-dye-removal-from-waste-water-by-adsorption/ 2008-08-14 2018-11-27 N. Buvaneswari , C. Kannan 卷3,问题2

Introduction Dye wastewater from textile, dyeing and dye manufacturing industries discharged into water bodies which affects the aquatic flora and fauna, and causes many water borne diseases.1&nbsp;Since synthetic dyes are complex aromatic compounds, they are more stable and more difficult to biodegradation.2&nbsp;Today there are more than 10,000 dyes available commercially.3&nbsp;The annual production of dyes worldwide is around 7&times;105 tonnes, 5-10% of which are discha...

有机染料直接污染土壤、水、植物和环境中的所有生物系统。本文研究了水溶液中亮绿色染料在二氧化硅上的吸附。研究了染料在二氧化硅基面上的吸附机理。对吸附参数进行优化,达到最大吸附量。亮绿在二氧化硅上的吸附机理表明,二氧化硅是去除亮绿染料的良好吸附剂。< / p >
马哈拉施特拉邦Ghansawangi Taluka地区地下水水质研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/studies-on-ground-water-quality-in-ghansawangi-taluka-of-maharashtra/ 2008-11-13 2018-11-27 M.P. Gutte, K.N. Solunke, S.R. Mirgane 卷3,问题2

Introduction Ghansawangi town is considered to be oldest and religious town in Jalna district of Marathwada region. A famous temple of lord &lsquo;Narsinha&rsquo; is situated near Ghansawangi town. &lsquo;Jamb Samarth&rsquo; village is a birth place of Samarth Ramdas Swami, Guru of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, 25 Kms away from Ghansawangi, &lsquo;Hazrat Sayeed Allauddin Saheb Darga&rsquo; is one of the important places of interest not only for the peoples of Marathwad...


Khandesh地区马哈拉施特拉邦大学北校区药用植物香茅的评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/assessment-of-medicinal-plant-cymbopogon-citratus-in-north-maharashtra-univresity-campus-of-khandesh-region/ 2008-09-12 2018-11-27 A.C.索纳瓦尼,R.T.乔杜里,Y.D.巴夫纳,M.N.库尔卡尼,b.m ridula 卷3,问题2

Introduction India is one of the leading countries in Asia in terms of the wealth of traditional knowledge system related to the use of plant species. India is also known to harbour a rich diversity of higher plant species about 17,000 species of which 7500 are known as medicinal plants. (Shiva, 1996). such a huge number of medicinal plant species has allowed the evolution of many systems of herbal medicines. Ayurveda is arguably the oldest medical system in Indian subcontinent. Cymbopog...


薄荷渣对茜素红S和专利蓝VF的吸附比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/comparative-adsorption-study-for-the-removal-of-alizarin-red-s-and-patent-blue-vf-by-using-mentha-waste/ 2008-06-17 2018-11-26 Rais Ahmad, Rajeev Kumar 卷3,问题2

Introduction Dyes are common constituents of effluents discharged by various industries, particularly the textile industry. The presence of very small amounts of dyes in water is highly visible and undesirable.1-2&nbsp;Dyes may significantly affect photosynthetic activity of aquatic life due to reduced light penetration and may also be toxic to some aquatic life due to the presence of aromatics, metals, chlorides, etc. in them.3-6&nbsp;Total dyes consumption of the textile industry ...

研究了茜素红S (ARS)和专利蓝VF (PBVF)在农业废液薄荷上的吸附。研究了初始染料浓度、接触时间、pH值、温度和离子强度对染料吸附性能的影响。薄荷叶对ARS和PBVF的吸附量均随接触时间、初始浓度和温度的增加而增加。薄荷i

利用制糖业的废滤饼去除废水中的铬、铬(VI) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/removal-of-chromium-crvi-from-waste-water-using-a-waste-filter-cake-from-sugar-industry/ 2008-09-10 2018-11-26 N. Partha, K. Keruthiga, S. Renganathan 卷3,问题2

Introduction Heavy metal pollution is a threat to human health, animals and plants and is mainly caused by industrialization and its consequences (Park, et al., 2007). Among the various heavy metals, pollution by chromium and its compounds is of considerable concern. This metal is highly reactive and has found widespread use in leather tanning, electroplating, metal finishing and chromate preparation processes (Parvathi and Nagendran, 2007). So the removal of chromium metal from wastewater is...

用制糖工业生产的滤饼,在不同pH值(1 ~ 6)和初始铬浓度(100 ~ 200 mg/L)条件下,研究了水溶液中六价铬的吸附。结果表明,随着溶液pH的增加,铬的去除率呈下降趋势,动力学数据与伪二级速率方程的拟合较好,而与伪一级速率方程的拟合较好。平衡数据在

洗酒糟灌溉对一些顶级蔬菜产量影响的调查 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/impact-of-distillery-spentwash-irrigation-on-the-yields-of-some-top-vegetables-an-investigation/ 2008-11-26 2018-11-26 c。s。Chidankumar, s。Chandraju 卷3,问题2

Introduction Molasses (one of the important byproducts of sugar industry) is the chief source for the production of alcohol in distilleries by fermentation method. About 40 billion liters of waste water annually discharged in distilleries, known as raw spent wash (RSW), which is characterized by high biological oxygen demand (BOD: 5000-8000mg/l) and chemical oxygen demand (COD: 25000-30000mg/l) (Joshi,1994) , ugly color and bad smell. Discharge of raw spent wash into open land or near by wa...

采用不同比例的酒糟洗涤液灌溉栽培部分顶级蔬菜。对初步处理过的洗涤液(PTSW)、50%和33%的洗涤液进行了氮、磷、钾等植物营养成分及其他理化指标的分析。对试验土进行了理化参数测定。在准备好的土地上播种顶级蔬菜种子(Namadhari和Mayhco),用原水(RW)灌溉,50% a

生物柴油在柴油发动机中的应用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/appropriation-of-bio-diesel-blends-in-diesel-engine/ 2008-12-09 2018-11-26 M. Vivekanandan, G. Sridharan, B. Kumaragurubaran, P. Gopal, P. Krishnan 卷3,问题2

Introduction The world is presently confronted with the twin crises of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation. Indiscriminate extraction and lavish consumption of fossil fuels have led to reduction in underground-based carbon resources. The search for alternative fuels, which promise a harmonious correlation with sustainable development, energy conservation, efficiency and environmental preservation, has become highly pronounced in present context. The fuels of bio-origin can p...

< p >使用植物油(Jatropa石油)在柴油引擎结果增加了发动机的性能,利用全球趋势的化石燃料的替代品,这工作是集中在专用性能特征的单缸柴油机燃料与传统稳定条件下燃料和生物燃料。以麻疯树油为原料,以10%、20%、30%、40%、50%的石油二异氰酸酯(di

硫酸亚铁还原棉织物还原还原还原还原染料工艺及其对出水负荷的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/the-study-on-the-reduction-process-of-vat-dye-on-cotton-fabric-using-ferrous-sulphate-and-its-effect-on-effluent-load/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-23 P. Santhi, J. Moses 卷3,问题2

Introduction Vat dye is one of the important dyes used on the dyeing of cotton textiles due to its overall good fastness properties suitable for the end use products.&sup1;&nbsp;Vat dye has the problem of insolubility in water, but when reduced with a strong reducing agent like hydrose and solubilising agent sodium hydroxide, it is solubilized. The reduced dyestuff penetrates into the fiber and it is reoxidised on the fiber back to the insoluble form, which remains fixed in the fabr...


库尔德斯坦埃尔比勒的自然和饮用水质量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/natural-and-drinking-water-quality-in-erbil-kurdistan/ 2008-08-18 2018-11-23 Kafia Shareef, Kafia M. 卷3,问题2

Introduction The sources of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over surface of the band or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and in some cases radioactive materials and pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity.1&nbsp;Contaminants that may present in source water include viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatm...

大麻对雄性Wistar大鼠睾丸激素水平及精液分析的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/the-effect-of-cannabis-sativa-on-testosterone-level-and-seminal-fluid-analysis-of-male-wistar-rats/ 2008-12-29 2018-11-23 恩旺瓦,阿里吉,奈霍,杰罗 卷3,问题2

Introduction Cannabis is a psychoactive substance obtained from the plant Cannabis sativa (Turner et al, 1980). It is also known as Indian hemp, Marijuana (McPherson, 2004) or ganja (Turner et al, 1980). The plant and the products have a long history of use both as a medicinal agent and intoxicant (Elsohya 2005). According to Wikkipedia (2008),evidence of inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found as far back as the Neolithic age as indicated by charred Cannabis seeds found in a ritual br...

研究了大麻对睾丸激素水平和精液分析的影响。将24只成年雄性大鼠随机分为4个实验组。1组(对照组)饲喂5%乙醇。2、3、4组分别饲喂5%乙醇大麻20mg、5%乙醇大麻20mg +维生素C 100mg、5%乙醇大麻20mg +蜂蜜1ml,连续饲喂21 d。结果显示,运动百分率s

约旦南约旦河谷菲法河谷地下水回灌水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/evaluation-of-water-quality-of-goundwater-recharge-in-wadi-feifa-southern-jordan-valley-jordan/ 2008-11-28 2018-11-23 Rakad Ta’any, Anwar Jiries, Ali EL-Naqa, Mohammad Momani, Muwaia Samara 卷3,问题2

Introduction Limited water resources in Jordan is a national problem due to limited recharge, population growth and increasing demand from industry and agricultural sectors. These constraints led to deterioration of water quality and declining of water level. Therefore conservation of the existing water resources is essential. To face the high water demand, groundwater resources had been exploited at rates much higher than those of the recharge where the difference between demand and suppl...

2007-2008年冬季,在Ghor Feifa Jordan Valley堰进行了一项试点研究,以估计源自Feifa河道地表径流的人工补给水的数量和质量。结果表明:引水堰入水水量、水质与地下水水质之间存在良好的关系。补给当地含水层的水量估计为0.15 mamp;sup3;/m/h。研究结果表明:

Odontopleura generalandersi andndash;波兰北部志留纪齿胸膜属一新种三叶虫 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol3no2/odontopleura-generalandersi-a-new-silurian-trilobite-species-of-the-odontopleura-genus-occurring-in-the-north-poland/ 2008-10-16 2018-11-23 Tomasz Borowski 卷3,问题2

Introduction Silurian deposits in Poland have been long known from natural surface exposures occurring in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains and the Sudeten (H. Tomczyk, 1962a, b, 1970). They have been also reached in very numerous boreholes made on the territory of almost whole Poland, in particular on the eastern European platfrom in the Baltic Depression, the Podlasie Depression and in the Radom-Lublin region. In Pomerania (north and north-western Poland), Scandinavian postglacial deposits ar...

目前已知的Odontopleura ovata Emmrich三叶虫的代表只有一个,1839,隶属于Odontopleura Emmrich, 1839属,分类于Odontopleuridae Burmeister, 1843科。本文介绍了志留纪三叶虫属的一新种。惠廷顿齿侧翼三叶虫,1959目,生活在中寒武统至上泥盆统时期。目前,在每一个角落都能找到它们的化石遗迹