当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 对Tekanpur和邻近村庄Gwalior的一些地下水质量的研究,(国会议员) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/a-study-of-ground-water-quality-of-tekanpur-and-some-near-by-village-gwalior-m-p/ 2007-09-19 2018-12-05 NAVEEN SINGH, K.P.S. CHAUHAN 卷2,问题2 水是每个生物的基本需求。几乎无法想象没有水的生命。淡水为缺水的城市提供了生命,主要是以季节性降雨的形式。水污染是指由于固体、液体和气态物质浓度过高,改变了水的物理、化学和生物特性,对人体和其他生物造成危害而造成的污染。被污染的水的消耗导致 本研究对从泰坎普尔不同地区和附近一些村庄收集的地下水水质样本进行了调查。根据重要性选取8(08)个采样点。一些参数在ISI和who规定的允许范围内,而其他参数则超出了该范围。< / p > 印度农业中连续增加氮肥施用的预期不良影响研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/studies-on-prospective-adverse-effects-of-successively-increasing-applications-of-nitrogenous-fertilizers-in-indian-farming/ 2007-12-20 2018-12-05 Ashok Singh, M. Ansari, N.P. Singh, S. Singh 卷2,问题2

Introduction Recent agricultural practices i.e the use of fertilizers pesticides, herbicides and biocides etc. are employed to increase the soil fertility and crop production to feed an increasing population in a developing country like India. Excessive use of fertilizers by man is one of the major source of environmental pollution. Fertilizer enriched soil1 cannot support microbe population. Hence, humus and essential micro and macro-nutrients become efficient in such soils. These soils...

瓜廖尔Dabra地块地下水中铜和其他微量元素的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/study-of-copper-and-other-trace-elements-in-ground-water-of-dabra-block-gwalior-m-p/ 2007-11-15 2018-12-12 k。p。s。Chauhan, Naveen Singh, G.R. Namdeo, D.S. Kadam 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water one of the most abundantly available material on the earth is 70-80% of the earth crust. Ground water is a primary source of water in several towns and in rural areas and plays an important role in overall balance of environment. The quality of ground water is continuously changing as a result of natural and human activities. The physiological importance of trace elements in agriculture is well known while some of the elements like iron manganese, zinc and copper are cons...

对瓜利尔区Dabra区块采集的地下水样品进行了Cu、Mn、Fe和硼的分析。Cu、Mn、Fe、硼的平均含量分别为0.11、0.09、0.28、0.015 Mg/L。< / p >
Shivpuri区Shivpuri区和pichore区地下水中氟化物的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/a-study-of-fluoride-in-ground-water-of-shivpuri-block-and-pichhore-blocks-shivpuri-district-m-p/ 2007-11-20 2018-12-05 内文·辛格,我是卡达姆 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is the basis of existence of all life form in our biosphere of all the planets renewable resources, water has a unique place. It is essential for sustaining all forms of life, food production, and economic development and for general well being. The cause of chemical aquatic pollution are4-6&nbsp;of numerous types among various chemical polluted high fluoride concentration has been reported from several states of India .Fluoride pick up in the surface water in India i...

对Shivpuri &amp; pichore区块(M.P.)采集的22个地下水样品进行了氟化物分析,发现Muhari (pichore)样品中氟化物的最大浓度为3.60 mg/L 琼普尔区调查区不同土壤参数的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/studies-on-different-soil-parameters-under-investigated-areas-of-jaunpur-district-u-p/ 2007-09-19 2018-12-05 阿肖克·辛格,m·安萨里,n·p·辛格,s·k·辛格,a·k·斯里瓦斯塔瓦 卷2,问题2

Introduction The present investigation is a part of infrastructural study of the project undertaken. Soil possesses many characteristics physical properties1-3 like soil separates and texture, soil structure, porosity, permeability, density etc. Mineral fraction of soil consists of particles of various sizes. The particles of different kinds are called soil separates. They differ not only in their size but also in their bearing on some of the important factors affecting plant growth, soil a...

土壤肥力直接受其物理化学和生物污染物的影响。土壤的质地、结构、重量和密度、孔隙度、透气性、颜色等物理特性,包括有机和无机物的化学污染物,以及细菌、真菌、线虫和其他微生物等生物因素评估土壤的肥力能力。其中,物理和化学因素是非常重要的。In the present inv

Datia区块地下水中一些有毒微量元素的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/a-study-of-some-toxic-and-trace-elements-in-ground-water-of-datia-block-datia-m-p/ 2007-12-05 2018-12-05 内文·辛格,我是卡达姆 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is most essential to life next to air only.Safe drinking water is the primary need of every human beings.Village population mainly depends upon ground water sources.The quality of ground water depends on the ions which are dissolved in ground water.The ground water day by day get deteriorate or polluted due to contamination of chemicals as well as fertilizers which comes from factories and big farms as well as domestic effluents. Zinc is a very essential micronutrient ...

对Datia区块采集的60(60)个地下水样品进行了锌、铁含量分析。、锰和锂。锌,铁的平均值。锰、锂分别为0.013、0.075、0.026、0.017ppm。< / p >
城市垃圾对戈马蒂河水质影响的物理化学和生物分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/physico-chemical-and-biological-analysis-of-gomati-river-water-affected-by-urban-wastes/ 2007-11-17 2018-12-12 r·k·辛格 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is one of the most essential requirements of human beings, animal and plants. Therefore, quality of water plays a vital role for their survival. Indian rivers being polluted day-by day due to inputs of untreated industrial effluents, domestic and sewage water along with agricultural wastes and decaying materials of human, animals and plants.4,12&nbsp;A number of water borne diseases are caused due to polluted water which results in large scale death.6&nbsp;Keepi...

目前的工作是为了评估Sultanpur的Gomati河流动的水的物理化学性质的动态,由于污水和废水的不断增加,为期两年(即2002年6月至2004年6月)。参数包括:温度、pH、BOD、COD、DO、SO4、Cl-、PO&mdash;4、定期检测Na+、Ca、++ Mg++、TDS和总大肠杆菌形式。大多数值与对水生生物和人类的生存有害的允许限度不同

蔬菜作物冬瓜对重金属的吸收 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/heavy-metal-uptake-by-vegetable-crop-lagenaria-siceraria-bottle-gourd/ 2007-12-18 2018-12-12 P. Seshabala, P. Reddy, Syeda Unnisa, K. Mukkanti 卷2,问题2

Introduction The most urgent need today is to increase the production of nutritious food in a sustainable manner and improve nutritional security, while conserving the natural resource base. Vegetables are the vital sources of minerals, vitamins and dietary fibers play an important role in supplying nutrition to human health. Vegetables require comparatively lesser quantities of agro-inputs to grow.1 Large areas of agricultural soils are contaminated by heavy metals like Pd, Cr, Ni, Hg a...

从人体健康的角度研究了冬瓜对蔬菜作物中重金属的吸收,特别是对镍和铅的毒性最大的元素。分析结果表明,葫芦对镍、铅的吸收高于规定的浓度。< / p > 博帕尔市医院固体废物的物理定量研究及建议的管理策略 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/physical-and-quantitative-study-of-hospital-solid-waste-and-suggested-management-strategy-at-bhopal-city/ 2008-08-25 2018-12-05 Monika Jain, Praveen Jain, Vinita Jain, Abhay Pandey 卷2,问题2

Introduction A huge quantity of hospital waste is produced from health care institutions across the country, which poses health hazards Hamidia hospital of Bhopal city was selected to study the quantity of waste generated from different wards of hospital. The adopted waste management strategy in hospital, also studied during study period. The quantitative study of solid hospital waste helps in affective management of hospital waste as quantitative study helps to know the exact of waste genera...

整个世界正面临着自然失衡的问题,这与现有的长期自然灾害问题有关。除了主要的污染源外,还有主要的。自然不平衡的根本原因是污染医院固体废物包括——解剖废物、病理和实验室废物、办公塑料和利器废物。本文试图描述和量化医院不同病房和临床领域产生的医院固体废物。< / p >
用葱属分析法评价农药废弃物渗滤液毒性及危害商 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/pesticide-waste-leachate-toxicity-evaluation-and-hazard-quotient-derivation-by-allium-assay/ 2007-12-26 2018-12-12 Sarvesh , Prabhakar Singh 卷2,问题2

Introduction According to a 1997 market estimate, approximately 5684 million pounds of pesticide active ingredients are applied throughout the world1 and the release of waste from all pesticide industries will be in direct proportion to the quantity of pesticide produced. Pesticides leaching from agricultural fields and dumping sites to groundwater is an environmentally relevant and highly variable process.2&nbsp;Sub-surface leaching of contaminants from landfills and waste dumps causes...

本研究旨在探讨农药固体废物渗滤液对洋葱(Allium cepa)鳞茎的影响。鳞茎暴露在渗滤液中,根系生长受阻,形态变形。5天后,在15%和更高浓度的渗滤液中,有丝分裂区(根生长区)周围出现胆汁样肿胀。从剂量反应曲线计算出第5、10、15、20天的EC50值,其中第5天的EC50值最高,为24.9%

维萨卡帕特南沿海地区水质测定 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/determination-of-water-quality-of-coastal-area-visakhapatnam/ 2007-12-15 2018-12-05 A.V.L.N.S.H. Hariharan 卷2,问题2

Introduction The three percent of global fresh water is large enough to meet the requirements of man for million of years. The stupendous increase in world&rsquo;s population resulting in spurt in urbanization, industrialization, agriculture etc., has put tremendous presence on the limited fresh water resources there by threatening the fresh water bodies with pollution. In India only 12% of people get good drinking water (Kudesia, 1980). In adequate management of water resources as dire...

< p >物理,mdash;2006年2月及3月,我们对沿海地区六个采样地点的井水及钻孔水样本进行了化学分析。对不同参数- pH、温度、总碱度、总硬度、氯化物、硫酸盐、硝酸盐、TDS、DO、BOD、COD按标准方法进行分析。本研究旨在计算水质指数(WQI),以评价饮用水的适宜性。结果o < / p >
君君奴区灌溉水质量参数及其对各种植物和作物的影响研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/study-of-quality-parameters-of-irrigation-water-of-jhunjhunu-district-and-its-impact-on-various-plants-and-crops/ 2007-09-20 2018-12-05 Suruchi Gupta, Praveen Kumar, Ajay Solanki 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is the most essential thing in living system. In last few years the water pollution problem has reached a crisis point. The term pollution is defined as the deterioration in chemical, physical and biological properties of water by human and industrial activity. The Industrial wastes, sewage and agricultural run off can overload ground water with chemical wastes and nutrients and make water supply toxic.1 Jhunjhunu district is situated in north-East Part of Rajasthan St...

本研究涉及的是Jhunjhunu区Khemi Sati地区,该地区利用各种工业废水和污水进行灌溉。该地区的植物/作物存在各种生理紊乱,以了解这些紊乱,水质参数如pH值、Ec、T.D.S.、总硬度、Na+、SAR、K+、cl&ndash、no3 & & ndash、SO42-、f&ndash、pH、Ec、T.D.S.、总硬度、Na+、SAR、K+、cl&ndash、no3 & & ndash、SO42-、f–并进行了重金属分析[Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn]。研究表明,某些参数

来自尼日利亚贝努埃河的水中元素污染物和选定的海产品的评估。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/water-quality-arpa-river-bilaspur/ 2007-12-27 2018-12-12 M. O. Aremu, A. Inajoh 卷2,问题2

Introduction In Nigeria, the growing rate of industrialization is generally leading to contamination and deterioration of the environment. Thus industrialization and heavy metal pollution are positively correlated.1-5&nbsp;The concentration of various elements in the air, water and land may be increased beyond their natural levels due to agricultural, domestic and industrial effluents. When the substances in the effluent discharges in the environment are in very minute amounts in low co...

对采自尼日利亚贝努伊河(Benue)的水、土壤沉积物和海产品[蟹(苏丹南蟹)、龙虾(Palaemon paucidens)、非洲鲶鱼(Clarias gariepinus)和非洲鲶鱼(Synodontis schall)]样本进行了钠(Na)、钾(K)、铜(Cu)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)、钙(Ca)、锌(Zn)、钠(Na)、钾(K)、铜(Cu)、镁(Mg)、钙(Ca)、锌(Zn)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、硒(Se)、铬(Cr)和磷(P)的标准分析技术。Ca在

比拉斯布尔市水质标准及Arpa河水(C.G.) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/water-quality-criteria-and-arpa-river-water-of-bilaspur-city-c-g/ 2007-10-22 2018-12-12 Sudeshna Verma, S.A. Khan 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water quality is terms used to define the physical, chemical, biological of radiological characterstics by which a particular type of water may be establish its acceptability for various beneficial uses.2-4 Material and Methods All the chemicals used were of AR grade. Double distilled water was used for preparation of reagents. Six strategic locations were chosen for the sampling of water. Those are Koni Petrol Pump (Station-I), Indira Setu (Station-II), Old Bridge (Stati...

本文旨在研究比拉斯布尔区(C.G.) Arpa河的水质。阿帕河水质的测定采用标准试验方法。采取减少污染的措施对改善水质起着重要作用。< / p >
制浆造纸工业未处理和处理废水理化特性的相关性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/correlation-study-on-physicochemical-characteristics-of-untreated-and-treated-effluents-of-pulp-and-paper-industry-2/ 1970-01-01 2007-12-21 Wani P. P.和S.R. Thorat 卷2,问题2 < / p > < p >… 本调查报告了位于印度贾尔冈Bhusawal区附近的制浆造纸工业经处理和未经处理的废水的特点。在目前的研究中,我们发现,即使是经过处理的废水也受到了相当大的污染,超过了BIS的限制。温度、PH、氯离子和总酚含量均低于限值,而颜色、BOD、COD和木质素含量均高于限值 塔纳地区瓦萨伊地区地下水中大肠菌群和致病菌的筛选 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/screening-of-coliform-group-of-bacteria-and-waterborne-pathogenic-bacteria-from-ground-water-samples-from-vasai-thane-district/ 2007-12-07 2018-11-29 Rajesh Patil, Devanshi Gohil, Ujwala Jadhav, Madhav Upadhye, Abhisek Mule 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water pollution is a major problem in the global context. Contaminated water can transmit a variety of infectious diseases. Thus, proper treatment and maintenance of water and regular water testing can minimize risk of waterborne infections. Water quality is the composition of water affected by natural processes and human activities. Industrial and municipal discharge of contaminated sewage waters and chemical wastes and by-products are the major sources of water pollution. ...

本研究是为了研究从孟买附近的水井和钻孔中采集的地下水样品的微生物学特征。对样品进行大肠菌群和水生致病菌的筛选。结果表明,所有水样均为重度污染,不宜饮用。< / p >
利用谷物去除土壤中Zn、Pb和Cd离子 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/removal-of-zn-pb-and-cd-ions-from-soil-using-cereals/ 2007-09-17 2018-11-29 R.N. Jadhav, S.H. Rajput, S.M. Nhalade, V.A. Khatik, S.R. Thorat 卷2,问题2

Introduction Soil frequently receive a wide range of contaminants from industrial activities, sewage sludge , disposal , metal processing and energy production and many cases remediations both expensive and intrusive to the ecosystem, phytoremediation is the use of plant&rsquo;s and plant processes to remove degrade or render harmless hazardous materials present in the soil or groundwater. This emerging technology may offer a cost-effective, non-intrusive, and safe alternative to conven...

>以豇豆(Vigna辐射)、菜豆(Phaseolus aconitifolius)和豆瓣(Doliphous Biflorus)种子为生长调节剂,在Zn、Pb、Cd盐和混合盐污染土壤上进行种植。结果表明,在15天的萌发数量的锌主要叶1)从243.75%增加压缩控制experiment&,年代和减少土壤中:95.74和85.07在上层95.83至82.04,较低的层85.72到72.74 mkg /公斤相应地大约也是sh < / p > 聚酯染色中的污染危害及酸在监测中的作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/pollution-hazards-in-polyester-dyeing-and-role-of-acid-in-monitoring/ 2007-11-10 2018-11-29 Namrata Kaushik, C.P. Kaushik, Sanjay Sharma, J.K. Sharma 卷2,问题2

Introduction Dye stuffs give color to the material on which they are anchored. Dyeing is one of the most important operations in the Textile industry and a variety of dyes are used for dyeing (Telis 2001). Dyes traditionally used for natural fiber coloration were water-soluble or solubilized prior to use and required salt linkages or vander Waals forces to impart affinity for the fiber. The dyes may be insolubilized within the natural fiber after being applied in a water soluble form, or...

尼日利亚用于调味品和香料的一些植物的抗菌活性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/antibacterial-activities-of-some-plants-used-as-condiments-and-spices-in-nigeria/ 2007-12-27 2018-11-29 B. Boboye, T. Babatunde, A. Onoriode 卷2,问题2

Introduction Allium sativum (Garlic) is commonly used as a condiment particularly in fish and meat preparations, and in various fruit and vegetable preserves. It has some medicinal properties including effectiveness for high blood pressure, rheumatic and muscular pain, and for giddiness and sore eyes. It is digestive and carminative, and it removes pain in the bowels. It heals intestinal and stomach ulcers. It is nature&rsquo;s best antiseptic for the alimentary canal. It is highly effi...


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大无脊椎动物种群动态的Shivalik河,Banganga, Katra (J andamp;K) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/population-dynamics-of-macroinvertebrates-in-a-shivalik-stream-banganga-katra-j-k/ 2007-12-03 2018-11-29 k·k·沙玛,妮塔莎·绍尼,梅迪哈·沙菲克,瑞金德·辛格 卷2,问题2

Introduction Studies have shown that water quality in aquatic systems has strong impact on biological components (Harding et al., 1999; Ometo et al., 2000). According to river continuum concept, community structure and function conform with certain geomorphic, physical and biotic characteristics such as stream flow, channel morphology, detritus loading, size of particulate organic matter, autotrophic production and thermal loading (Vannote et al., 1980). However, this concept seldom holds i...

lotic系统的审慎管理需要有关其生态状况的信息,这些信息可以通过监测水质和生物多样性属性来估计。摘要/ abstract为了了解班恒河流域(Katra)的环境状况,2003年1 - 12月开展了大型无脊椎动物群落与水质的关系研究。水的理化特性(温度,深度,速度,pH值,DO, FCO2, CO3&, HCO3&,

德里东德瓦卡郊区地下水的理化和微生物研究以及雨水收集对其质量的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/physico-chemical-and-microbiological-studies-for-the-underground-water-of-east-dwarka-subcity-of-delhi-and-the-impact-of-rainwater-harvesting-on-its-quality/ 2007-08-25 2018-11-30 Weqar Ahmad, Javed Hasan 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is one of the most important and essential elements in the development of the country. It is estimated1 that the consumption pattern will increase as the time proceeds with the growing demand of the food production. The earlier work1 suggests that in Delhi there is a continuous decline in the water level i.e. 30 cm per year. This decline not only makes the water get scare but also brings it to saline, hampering the plant growth or vanishing the vegetation cover from the t...


瓦拉纳西恒河理化和细菌学特征的季节和时间变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/seasonal-and-temporal-variations-in-physico-chemical-and-bacteriological-characteristics-of-river-ganga-in-varanasi/ 2007-09-19 2018-11-30 Archana Mishra, B.D. Tripathi 卷2,问题2

Introduction Rivers have been used by man since the dawn of civilization as a source of water, for food, for transport, as a defensive barrier, as a source of power to drive machinery, and as a means of disposing of waste. Rivers water finds multiple uses in every sector of development like agricultural, industry, transportation, aquaculture, public water supply etc. The growing problem of degradation of our river ecosystem has necessitated the monitoring of water quality of various rivers ...


新疆省Jandamp市Kishtwar区Sarkoot高海拔池塘轮虫和桡足类动物状况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/status-of-rotifers-and-copepods-in-high-altitude-pond-sarkoot-located-in-district-kishtwar-of-jk/ 2007-11-29 2018-11-29 和平艾克塔 卷2,问题2

Introduction Sarkoot pond is situated in highly mountainous area in district Kishtwar of J&amp;K state. The pond being picturesque can be developed as a tourist spot once restored with its pristine beauty, its water quality improved and fish cultured and introduced for sport. This pond has the potential of being a good source of fishes as it contains a healthy amount of zooplanktons like rotifers and copepods. Both rotifers and copepods are well recognized secondary consumers and an imp...

位于Kishtwar的高海拔Sarkoot池塘(33o.0&, mdash;北纬3400度,北纬750度, mdash;76 o.45&,(东经),高度为5300英尺,最大深度为12英尺,目前的面积是37.33卡纳尔,现在正在作不合逻辑和不需要的用途。池塘是丰富的浮游动物的来源,可以容纳多种鱼类,但由于其不利的物理化学条件,仍未被科学开发 保护侯赛因萨加尔湖的偶像浸泡的新做法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/novel-practices-of-idol-immersion-to-conserve-hussain-sagar-lake/ 2007-12-25 2018-11-29 Syeda Unnisa, G. Rao 卷2,问题2

Introduction The Hussain Sagar was constructed on a tributary of the Musi river by Hussain Shah Wahi during the reign of Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah in 1562. One of the largest 24 kilometers man made lakes is situated at Hyderabad. In the present study an attempt has been made in Hussain Sagar Lake, which receives contaminants /pollutants from various industries, domestic sewage and idol immersion. The traditional mud idols have been replaced by plaster of paris (PoP) statues. Plaster of par...

由于湖中离子浓度影响湖泊吸收污染物和维持水中营养物质的能力,2007年9月- 2007年9月对水质进行了详细的研究,以深入了解侯赛因萨加湖在偶像浸泡期间的自然和人为过程。分别采集神像浸泡前后的水样,分析其各项参数。分析结果表明,湖泊水质下降

细胞密度和突变对根瘤菌Rhi基因表达的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/effect-of-cell-density-and-mutation-on-the-expression-of-rhi-genes-in-rhizobium-leguminosarum-biovar-viciae/ 2007-12-12 2018-11-28 B. Boboye, A. Downie 卷2,问题2

Introduction Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae is a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative, nitrogen-fixing bacterium which fixes nitrogen on legumes such as lentils, peas and vetches.1,2&nbsp;These legumes like others are important in the provision of body-building minerals, calcium, vitamins A and B, thiamine, niacin and oil.3-7 Various research studies including works on rhi (rhizosphere-expressed) genes are being carried out on legume-rhizobia interaction to improve yields. These ...

研究了细胞密度、共生质粒和转座子诱变对根瘤菌rhi基因表达的影响。将携带和缺乏调节基因rhiR的菌株培养到指数后期,并进行rhi基因诱导剂的生产试验。leguminosarum biovar viciae对rhi基因的合成具有特异性。rhi基因的表达随着细胞数量的增加而增加,但没有任何差异 柽柳果壳对水溶液中罗丹明B和孔雀石绿的生物吸附 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/biosorption-of-rhodamine-b-and-malachite-green-from-aqueous-solutions-by-tamarindus-indica-fruit-shells/ 2007-12-11 2018-11-29 答:Vasu 卷2,问题2

Introduction Discharge of coloured wastewaters into natural water bodies is not desirable, as they are aesthetically displeasing and prevent reoxygenation in receiving waters by cutting off penetration of sunlight. In addition many dyes are toxic to aquatic organisms, mammals and humans.1-5&nbsp;Contamination of water resources with dyes, mainly in the surrounding areas of dyeing and textile industries, has caused great concern among environmentalists. For example, dyeing industry wastewa...


基于遥感和GIS的地下水污染分析与解释:一个案例研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/analysis-and-interpretation-of-groundwater-contamination-using-remote-sensing-and-gis-a-case-study/ 2007-11-07 2018-11-30 SS. Asadi, G. Rajani, M. Reddy 卷2,问题2

Introduction Water is the most ubiquitous material in nature and is the most vital and fascinating of all God&rsquo;s creation. It is the most important raw material for mankind and is called &ldquo;Liquid Gold&rdquo;. It is mainly because of this magical substance only that earth&rsquo;s temperature is maintained reasonably uniform at an average of 16 &deg;C. Without water its temperature would have varied as on moon where it is 100&deg;C during days and - 130&d...

高粱啤酒生产的细菌、生化变化和感官特性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/bacteria-biochemical-changes-and-sensory-characterization-of-sorghum-lager-beer-production/ 2007-09-05 2018-11-30 b . Boboye 卷2,问题2

Introduction Brewing, the preparation of beer from carbohydrate material by means of the action of yeasts is a few decades old in Nigeria. It started in 1949 with the establishment of Nigerian breweries limited in Ibadan and since then malted barley has been the major source of carbohydrate used. Corn, rice, cassava, millet and sorghum are other sources of carbohydrate used. They are commonly used as adjunct and where utilized wholly they were used with less success relative to malted barle...

本研究对高粱啤酒生产过程中遇到的细菌和发生的一些生化变化进行了鉴定。通过感官评价,比较了啤酒与工业生产的啤酒的物理特性。在生产过程中分离出了大肠杆菌、肠杆菌、芽孢杆菌、黄杆菌、链球菌、醋酸杆菌、乳酸菌、不动杆菌和空气球菌。巴氏杀菌啤酒不含任何微生物。乙醇含量< / p > 恩尼巴矿废弃地周边土壤重金属分布特征及其环境意义 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol2no2/the-distribution-of-some-heavy-metals-in-soils-in-areas-around-the-derelict-enyigba-mines-and-its-environmental-implication/ 2007-09-21 2018-11-30 H.N. Ezeh, O.L. Anike, B.C.E. Egboka 卷2,问题2

Introduction Enyigba and its surrounding villages of Ameri and Ameka is 14 km south of Abakaliki town, South East, Nigeria (Fig. 1). This is located within the Abakaliki Anticlinorium in the southern tip of the Benue Trough. The geology of the area comprises sequences of sandy shales, with fine grained micaceous sandstones and mudstones that is Albian in age and belongs to the Asu River Group (Fig.2). The shales are often calcareous and pyritic. There are also lenses of sandstone and limest...

本研究从重金属分布的角度,建立了恩尼巴矿废弃地周边土壤中重金属的污染状况,包括恩尼巴矿、阿梅卡矿和阿梅里矿。该地区土壤Pb和Cd浓度普遍高于正常土壤平均值(分别为35mg/kg和0.35mg/kg),大部分样品均达到有毒水平。铜和锌的浓度一般低于有毒水平,但在一些来自Ameka的样本中达到了有毒水平。镍concentr < / p >