当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 研究了PM<sub>2.5</sub>和PM<sub>10</sub>中主要水溶性无机物质的昼夜变化和活性氮的作用——为期两年的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/investigating-day-and-nighttime-variability-of-major-water-soluble-inorganic-species-and-role-of-reactive-nitrogen-species-in-pm2-5-and-pm10---a-two-year-study/ 2021-06-10 2021-06-22 Subhash Chandra, Monika Kulshrestha, Ruchi Singh 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction The physicochemical properties of the atmosphere get affected by particulate matter by altering its composition and thus may alter ambient air quality, visibility, cloud formation, and consecutively energy entering, absorbed, reflected, and emitted by earth system1-3. Moreover, it can also affect human health adversely and may also alter the ecosystem4-6. Therefore, the chemical characterization of PM is necessary for the development of an air quality improvement programme to c...


印度比哈尔邦萨哈尔撒地区城市站点总氮和DOC水平之间的相互联系 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/interlinkages-between-total-nitrogen-and-doc-levels-at-an-urban-site-of-saharsa-district-of-bihar--india-/ 28-05-2021 2021-06-11 Akanksha Roy, Umesh Kulshrestha 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction Air pollution is perceived as a major issue due to increased urbanization and industrialization. Nitrogen is a major atmospheric constituent. It makes up around 78% by volume of the Earth&rsquo;s atmosphere. The inert nitrogen is utilized by converting into different reactive compounds such as NH3, NO2, protein, urea etc. These nitrogen compounds are called reactive nitrogen species (Nr) which are chemically, biologically, photo chemically and radioactively active species1-...


西孟加拉邦农村妇女因家庭生物质燃料燃烧而产生的二氧化氮(NO2)估算和健康风险评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/estimation-of-nitrogen-dioxide--no2--due-to-burning-of-household-biomass-fuel-and-assessment-of-health-risk-among-women-in-rural-west-bengal/ 10-05-2021 2021-06-11 Deep Chakraborty, Naba Mondal 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction The predominant cause of indoor air emissions globallyand in most developed countries is incomplete burning of biomass; it is burnt open and creates a lot of smoke1,2.The biomass smoke contains a wide range of high-risk pollutants, such as coarse, small, and ultrafine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxide, transitional metals, polycyclic, aromatic, and bio-aerosol compounds3. Recent studiesin rural home revealed that the main sources of indoor air pollu...

超过75%的印度人口生活在农村地区,由于生物质燃料容易获得,大部分依靠生物质燃料。在这项研究中,我们调查了西孟加拉邦农村居民在做饭时燃烧生物质燃料产生的烟雾对健康的危害。在众多的气体污染物中,本研究选择NO2成分来找出妇女的健康风险。对N= 30户家庭的厨房和邻近客厅进行了NO2监测,分别在夏季、季风和冬季三个季节进行
印度北部大气中气态和颗粒活性氮的时空变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/spatio-temporal-variation-of-atmospheric-gaseous-and-particulate-reactive-nitrogen-over-northern-india/ 23-03-2021 2021-06-11 玛尼莎·米什拉,乌梅什·库尔什雷斯塔 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction When the neo-Malthusians were busy in predicting the impending food crisis across the world due to burgeoning levels of population, little did they conceive of a situation where the food production would outstrip the rate of population growth. This has been made possible in large measure due to the increased production of the variegated nitrogenous inputs that have served to amplify the levels of food production1. A direct consequence of this has been the intensification in nit...

固氮菌与氮肥综合处理对甘蓝各种形态生理生化参数的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/influence-of-integrated-approach-of-azotobacter-and-nitrogen-fertilizer-on-various-morpho-physiological-and-biochemical-parameters-of-brassica-oleracea-l--var--capitata/ 01-02-2021 2021-06-11 Peer Saffeullah, Neelofer Nabi, Shahid Umar 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction Food securityis one of the critical challenges we are facing today.1Nevertheless, agricultural lands have been overexploited for centuries; and itsfallouts are soil degradation, erosion, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, due to higher dependency on agronomic inputs.2Some of the proposed options for improving soil fertility include organic amendments, no-till farming, use of bio-fertilizers and integrated nutrient management system.3 World agricultural output has tremendou...

本研究旨在评价两种卷心菜基因型(Pusa Early golden acre和Pusa drum head)在大田条件下对固氮细菌的抑菌效果。这项研究是在新德里Jamia Hamdard的草药花园进行的。采用60,120,180 kg N ha-1单氮和接种固氮菌的分级处理。对植物进行了采样,并对其进行了各种形态、生理和生化参数的测定。叶绿素的< / p >
印度北部农村地区环境NH3与农业活动和气象因素的日变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol16noIssue/diurnal-variation-of-ambient-nh3-in-relation-with-agricultural-activities-and-meteorological-factors-at-a-rural-site-in-north-india/ 18-12-2020 2021-06-11 苏德什,库尔什雷斯塔 第16卷,第1期(2021年)

Introduction The biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen is of vital importance due to the role of nitrogen in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. However, global nitrogen cycle is being disturbed by the unchecked increase in food and energy production resulting in the accumulation of Reactive Nitrogen (Nr) in various environmental matrices. Generally, Nr refers to any formof nitrogen compound that is biologically active, photo chemically reactive and radioactively active in the biosphere a...

