当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 质量管理体系在提高环评质量中的作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/role-of-quality-management-system-in-improving-the-quality-of-eia/ 2019-09-04 2019-09-06 米纳克什·阿罗拉,乌梅什·库尔什雷斯塔 问题2卷14日

Introduction There is a trade-off between economic development and environmental protection. It depends on how well this trade-off between these two drivers is managed which becomes critical for any country aspiring for high growth to meet its development objectives. A well-executed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for projects helps in proactively addressing the environment protection aspect during the project life cycle, which very much depends on the site selection, construction and o...


活性氮:化石燃料和肥料新政策的警示 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/reactive-nitrogen--alarming-note-for-new-fossil-fuel-and-fertilizer-policies/ 31-08-2019 2019-09-06 Umesh Kulshrestha 问题2卷14日

Dear Readers The present issue of the Current World Environment is presented before you. I thank the authors, reviewers and the journal secretariat for timely publishing the issue. This issue includes research papers from diversified subareas of environment as given in the table of content. This time we have included `Editorial Contributions’ from our Editorial Board members. The theme of the Editorial of this issue is Reactive Nitrogen as detailed below- The food and energy dema...

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工作相关的肌肉骨骼疾病:孟加拉国锯木厂工人的个案研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/work---related-musculoskeletal-disorders--a-case-study-of-sawmill-workers-in-bangladesh/ 30-08-2019 2019-09-07 马里兰州拉赫曼,阿比德汗,马里兰州拉赫曼,Baishali Biswas 问题2卷14日

Introduction Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are known as injuries and disorders that affect the human body&rsquo;s movement or musculoskeletal system. It includes some body parts such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels, etc. On the other hand, Work Related-Musculoskeletal Disorder (WRMSDs) have been caused by the continuous and long-term high repetitive task, sudden exposure to lifting or carrying of heavy loads, excessive force, working in an awkward body post...

孟加拉国锯木厂工人日益面临出现与工作相关的肌肉骨骼疾病(WRMSDs)的风险。他们的工作涉及笨拙的手工处理任务,如举起、搬运、推和拉。这些被确定为肌肉骨骼疾病的危险因素。本研究的目的是找出锯木厂工人的肌肉骨骼疾病患病率及评估姿势风险水平。这项横断面研究是对来自60家锯木厂的254名工人进行的 渔业生态系统及社交媒体使用模式的电子报道 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/e-coverage-of-fisheries-ecosystem-and-usage-pattern-of-social-media/ 29-08-2019 2019-09-06 Velumani Thangavel, Ananthan Shanmugam, Lloyd Christy Inbaraj 问题2卷14日

Introduction The usage of web 2.0 technologies (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube) has been increasing day by day, with 800 million people possessing smartphones with 400 million active internet users.1 Facebook is perceived as the dominant (59%) social media platform by American fisheries society2 and students spend a significant amount of their times using Facebook. Facebook has become a popular and dominant digital platform for maintaining and strengthening the social relatio...


化学活化新型介孔二氧化硅去除污水中钴的合成与表征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/synthesis-and-characterization-of-a-chemically-activated-novel-mesoporous-silica-for-cobalt-decontamination-from-polluted-water/ 29-08-2019 2019-09-06 Sina Matavos-Aramyan, Sadaf Soukhakian 问题2卷14日

Introduction Heavy metals, due to their inherent toxicity and the ability to accumulate in living tissues, are often hazardous to organisms and environment.1 They can cause many problems for the health of humans and animals as well as the environment.2,3 Cobalt (Co2+) ion is an essential element for metabolic activities in low concentrations and may also be effective in regulating pro-oxidants in the blood4-6; however, in high concentrations, it causes acute effects of lung toxicity and asth...



孟加拉国Rangpur地区稻田的战略性地下水管理规划 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/strategic-ground-water-management-planning-for-rice-field-in-rangpur-division--bangladesh/ 2019-08-26 2019-09-06 Md. Tareq Salam, S. M. Zaman, Md. Nuralom, Mehjabin Hossain 问题2卷14日

Introduction Strategic groundwater (GW) management is the continuous planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all that is necessary to make the best use of ground water in a sustainable way. Globally, 50% of present drinkable water, 40% of the industrial water demand, and 20% of the irrigation water have been supplied by groundwater (UNESCO, 20031 and Molden, 20072). Rice is covered on 75% of the total cultivated land and is main staple crop in the country, comprising 90% of the total...

某VVER-1200核电站蒸汽管线断裂事故中可能的环境放射性污染调查 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/an-investigation-on-the-possible-radioactive-contamination-of-environment-during-a-steam--line-break-accident-in-a-vver--1200-nuclear-power-plant/ 16-08-2019 2019-09-06 阿比德·汗,安库什·高什,Md拉赫曼,S M艾哈迈德,C L 问题2卷14日

Introduction A major or severe accident in a nuclear power plant is a highly feared event due to its alarming consequences. Contamination of environment by radioactive elements is, perhaps, of more concern rather than on-spot casualties because of the long-term consequences associated with it. The memories of nuclear accidents such as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi, etc. are still fresh to thousands of people living all over the world. Three Mile Island accident in 1979 was t...


影响尼泊尔偏远和中西部开发地区河流生态系统的主要压力源 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/major-stressors-influencing-the-river-ecosystems-of-far-and-mid-western-development-regions-of-nepal/ 13-08-2019 2019-09-06 苏博德·夏尔马,拉姆·塔查莫·沙阿 问题2卷14日

Introduction Nepal, being a mountainous country, possesses diverse climatic zones ranging from subtropical to alpine climates supporting diverse types of rivers for huge biodiversity. Many headwater streams and rivers are still intact from urban development. However, recent water resourcedevelopment such as water diversion and operation of hydropower dam and irrigation channels along with extraction of river-bed materials have deteriorated morphology and hydrology of rivers and streams and th...


特赫里大坝流域的地貌分析及基于GIUH的未测量河流纳什模型的开发 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/physiographic-analysis-of-tehri-dam-catchment-and-development-of-giuh-based-nash-model-for-ungauged-rivers/ 2019-09-06 Niraj Agrawal, Anil Lohani, N. Goel 问题2卷14日

Introduction Estimation of runoff due to rainfall in an ungauged catchment is always an important issue for the researchers. A number of models have been developed to establish rainfall-runoff relationship in ungauged catchments. The Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) theory was introduced by Rodriguez-Iturbe et al.,1,2 by relating the peak discharge and time to peak discharge with the geomorphologic characteristics of the catchment and a dynamic velocity parameter. The tw...

对于各种水工结构,包括多用途蓄能水电工程的运行,需要关于流入流量的先进信息。流量预测用于非季风季节的最佳发电和汛期的闸门和溢洪道的运行。为了开发一个水库的入库流量预测系统,人们注意到许多未测量的直接流入水库的河流都没有被计算在内。这就是< / p >
巴西亚马孙河玛瑙斯市建筑工地的废物管理:现状的特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/waste-management-at-construction-sites-in-the-municipality-of-manaus--amazonas--brazil--characterization-of-the-current-situation/ 24-06-2019 2019-09-06 Maria Oliveira, Evailton Oliveira, Reginaldo Freitas, Arlene Campos, Ana Fonseca 问题2卷14日

Introduction Civil construction has its origins in artisanal works that have been progressing through the ages, therefore, the generation of waste in construction is considered normal by workers in the area, but all agree that there is a need to reduce the volumes of these wastes at the construction sites. This reduction in waste volumes is an urgent need for companies to &quot;rethink progress&quot;, often choosing to invest in &quot;eco-projects&quot;, which aim to minimize ...

本研究旨在表征目前的建筑垃圾在马瑙斯市,亚马孙,巴西,及其对亚马逊地区环境的影响。这项研究工作的意义在于有助于改善马瑙斯市建筑工地废物的环境管理,以保护亚马孙河环境。本研究还试图描述环境管理中存在的问题 住房项目绩效评估与伊斯兰建筑管理 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/housing-project-performance-evaluation-with-review-sharia-construction-management/ 2019-06-20 2019-09-06 Agung Sedayu, Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo 问题2卷14日

Introduction The Indonesian Construction Project evolves with many changes in everything, especially the methods and management of the project. Contractors are required to create many innovations in method development and management of construction projects to be trusted by the public. This study aims to estimate the performance of housing projects undertaken by contractors. A review of performance evaluations that refers to is sharia construction management which is the Islamic sharia princi...

伊斯兰教法建设管理的审查旨在评估承包商在印度尼西亚东爪哇Jember区住房项目的表现。该审查结果产生了八个服务因素,包括美学,方便,保证,响应,可靠性,性能,设施,耐久性,环境友好,和伊斯兰价值观的设计。用户绩效因素会影响合同约定、付款、设计、文件、档案等方面的保证情况 工业化对喜玛拉雅西北什瓦里克山麓西尔萨河重金属污染的影响评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/impact-appraisal-of-industrialization-on-heavy-metal-contamination-of-sirsa-river-located-in-the-shivalik-foothills-of-north-western-himalayas/ 2019-06-17 2019-09-06 Bhardwaj, R Sharma, R Aggarwal 问题2卷14日

Introduction Water is the essential resource vital to support all life forms on this planet. Rivers due to their function to transport the domestic, industrial wastewater and run-off from cultivated lands in their huge drainage basins are amongst the most susceptible aquatic forms to pollution. The surface water quality of any area is mainly dependent on both the natural processes and anthropogenic influences viz. municipal, industrial and agrarian activities, consequently leading to a huge u...

在工业化时代,水质恶化的水生系统已经需要监测环境污染物,其中重金属是一种危险的污染物,由于其高毒性和生物积累。因此,对流经Baddi Barotiwala Nalagarh (BBN)工业区的Sirsa河的重金属状况进行了评估,将其划分为6个等长区域,并以该地区的河流入口为控制点。总共th < / p >
山区道路活动和车辆排放对当地生态系统影响的研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/a-review-on-impacts-of-road-activities-and-vehicular-emissions-on-native-ecosystems-in-mountainous-region/ 2019-06-11 2019-09-06 Anuja Bhardwaj, R Aggarwal , S K Bhardwaj 问题2卷14日

Introduction Road projects are meant to enhance the economic and societal well being of people. Better conditions of roads can minimize travel time and lower the costs of transport and improve earning and ultimately the living standard. This two-way interaction gives benefits to consumer and also such accessibility creates more and more demand for further development. Transportation has become crucial in development and economy of the country and is an important part of our daily lives.1 Tran...


地下水盐度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/groundwater-salinity/ 2019-06-08 2020-04-23 塔·Krishan 问题2卷14日 盐渍化是影响水土资源、农业生产、扰乱自然生态系统的重大环境灾害。增加地下水盐度还与高浓度的一些元素(如钠、硫酸、硼、氟、硒、砷和高radioactivity.1&,盐度是一个世界性的问题,但更残酷的缺水干旱和半干旱地区地下水水的主要来源。

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印度尼西亚泗水周围空气中的微塑料污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/microplastic-pollution-in-the-ambient-air-of-surabaya--indonesia/ 08-06-2019 2019-09-06 Arie Syafei, Nurul Nurasrin, Abdu Assomadi, Rachmat Boedisantoso 问题2卷14日

Introduction Microplastic pollution has a global distribution. Microplastics were listed as one of the ten emerging issues in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).1 Microplastics are plastic particles less than 5 mm in length.2Their small size can make it easy for organisms to digest them.3 Microplastics in the air will be inhaled and subsequently enter the airway.4 Thus, organisms are also potentially exposed to related toxic chemicals, such as organic pollutants, heavy metals and...

微塑料是长度小于5毫米的塑料颗粒。空气中的微塑料可以被人类摄入和吸入。在这项研究中,在路边的三个地点对微塑料进行了调查。空气样品是通过在这三个地点用真空泵将空气吸入不锈钢漏斗中获得的。空气通过一个过滤介质来保留任何颗粒,然后用数字显微镜和傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)测试收集和观察这些颗粒。一名潜水员< / p >
拉贾斯坦邦乌代普尔地区降水和温度的季节趋势分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/seasonal-trend-analysis-in-rainfall-and-temperature-for-udaipur-district-of-rajasthan/ 08-06-2019 2019-09-06 Vaibhav Deoli, Saroj Rana 问题2卷14日

Introduction Quantitative estimation of the temporal distribution of rainfall and temperature for an area is important to different purposes such as hydrological modelling, hydraulic structures modelling, flood forecasting, surface water modelling, groundwater modelling, agriculture modelling, crop scheduling, evaporation modelling etc. High temperature can cause worsen drought in an area and also a reason for forest fires. High temperatures are also responsible for reducing yields in the fie...


金属化和非金属化聚丙烯薄膜的物理行为和生物降解的比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/a-comparitive-study-of-physical-behaviour-and-biodegradation-of-metalized-and-non-metalized-polypropylene-films/ 2019-05-11 2019-09-09 Asia Neelam, Shagufta Ishteyaq, Omm-e- Hany , Syed Mahmood 问题2卷14日

Introduction The basic purpose of packaging is to provide protection from the environmental condition by maintaining the quality of food items from the manufacturing industry to normal consumers. The most important physical property in flexible packaging materials is water vapour and oxygen gas transfer rate.1 The transfer rate depends on the type of the plastic, gas molecules quantity, the interacting time between gas and plastic.2 Therefore special barrier packaging materials are on the hig...


大气亚微米颗粒物(PM):一个新兴的全球环境问题 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol14no2/atmospheric-Submicron-particulate-matter--PM---an-emerging-global-environmental-concern/ 09-05-2019 2019-09-06 期间Sahai 问题2卷14日 颗粒物(PM)对其人类健康、大气物理化学和美学的作用非常重要。过去几十年,人们对PM对全球人类健康、空气质量和气候的影响有了更高的理解、认识和关注。然而,与其性质、形成、运输和影响有关的知识差距仍然存在;特别是与更小的PM(主要是亚微米PM,也被称为PM1&a…)相关的 < p > < / p >