当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 德里的粉尘空气污染:创造人工大湖,提供整体解决方案 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/dust-air-pollution-in-delhi--creation-of-artificial-huge-lakes-for-a-holistic-solution/ 2019-01-04 Umesh Kulshrestha 13卷,第二期

Dear Readers It is my pleasure to present this August issue of the Current World Environment before you. I thank all the authors, reviewers and the office staff who have put all their efforts to bring out the issue in time. This issue has total eleven articles representing different types and topics. A review article reports the utilization of rice husk ash and its effect on the properties of concrete. There is a very important study reporting water quality of discharge from textile industrie...

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巴基斯坦卡拉奇海滩上固体废物丰度的定量和组成 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/quantification-and-composition-of-solid-waste-abundance-on-the-beaches-of-karachi--pakistan/ 2018-08-13 2018-12-29 Omm-e- Hany , Asia Neelam , Fayyaz Hussain, Aamir Alamgir, Sunila Kanwal 13卷,第二期

Introduction&nbsp; Marine pollution is one of the most priority issues facing by the whole world. It damages the ecosystem and habitat of many marine organism of coastal environment. To rectify this problem, number of monitorFing programs have been initiated.1-2&nbsp;Solid waste generated form anthropogenic activates along with coast line have a unique characteristic higher generation densities.&nbsp;The waste originated from different sources have tendency to transport through cu...


巴西亚马孙BR-319高速公路透水混凝土路面pH值的环境影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/environmental-implications-of-ph-in-a-pervious-concrete-pavement-on-highway-br-319--amazonas--brazil-/ 2018-08-25 2018-12-29 Evailton Oliveira , Maria Oliveira, Arlene Campos, Murilo Santos , Jessica Souza , Maria Guerreiro, Maria Alzira Dinis 13卷,第二期

Introduction Concrete has cement as a binder, therefore, it is subject to two phenomena: calcination and carbonation.1&nbsp;The cement manufacturing process consumes energy and generates carbon dioxide (CO2) due to calcination, whereas carbonation of cement, a natural process of calcium carbonate formation in the concrete hydration process, uptakes CO2 from the environment, an interesting environmental factor that may contribute to reduction of this greenhouse gas.2,3&nbsp;In fact, ce...

通过量身定制的框架努力,增加公园和潜在的绿地用户 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/increasing-park-and-potential-greenspace-user-ship-through-tailored-framing-efforts/ 2018-08-18 2018-12-29 丽贝卡·乔丹,阿曼达·索伦森 13卷,第二期

Introduction Green spaces in the form of public parks and open-use areas provide numerous ecosystem, human health and social benefits.1-5&nbsp;For example, these spaces have been shown to improve air and water quality.2 Such bioclimatic improvement has in turn been shown to increase one&rsquo;s feeling of health and wellness, which can improve social interactions.4 Furthermore, physical and mental health has not only been correlated with green space but has also been shown to improve ...

在这个简短的通信中,我们提供的数据表明,包含身份框架的信息可以成为参与和支持绿地发展的资产 不同生活污水灌溉条件下辣椒的生长和产量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/growth-and-yield-of-capsicum-annum-under-irraigation-with-different-levels-of-domestic-waste-water/ 2018-07-27 2019-01-02 Farooq Lone, Nayar Kirmani 13卷,第二期

Introduction Waste water is generated in bulk quantity from both domestic as well as industrial estates and its crude disposal is posing a tremendous threat to environment. In developing countries including India, wastewater is commonly a choice for irrigating agricultural field.1&nbsp;Globally, approximately 20% of manufactured nitrogen and phosphorous is contained in domestic wastewater2 and it has been considered as low price fertilizer because of its high N, P and K content.3&nb...

< p >的废水用于各种各样的目的是获得日益流行的保护淡水资源匮乏和养分循环特别是在发展中国家进行了现场试验评价辣椒的生长和产量每年var。Nishat-1下与不同浓度的国内灌溉wastewater (grey and black water) in combination with recommended dose of fertilizers(RDF). This field experiment was carried out for two consecutive ye

巴基斯坦拉合尔当地市场蔬菜和水果中农药残留的测定 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/determination-of-pesticide-residues-in-selected-vegetables-and-fruits-from-a-local-market-of-lahore--pakistan/ 2018-07-16 2018-12-29 Sana Akhtar, Ghazala Yaqub, Almas Hamid, Zainab Afzal, Sidra Asghar 13卷,第二期

Introduction The global demand for food is on the rise to meet the demands of expanding population. It has been estimated that on an average more than 45 % of the world&rsquo;s food crops are destroyed due to insect pests and plant diseases.1 In order to manage these pesticides have been widely used by the farmers to control the pests and diseases.2 The history of pest control dates back many centuries where farmers initially used agents such as sulphur and DDT to protect their crops. Soo...


气候变化国际责任体系分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/analysis-of-the-international-responsibility-system-of-climate-change/ 2018-04-20 2018-12-29 Mona Davanlou, Seyed Poorhashemi, Ali Zare, Mohsen Abdollahi 13卷,第二期

Introduction Climate change has been one of the major issues and international debates before, as well as during the International Conference on Environment and Development. Achieving an acceptable international mechanism for reducing and controlling the use of fossil fuels in global development activities is a major effort in recent years. With the onset of the industrial revolution in the early nineteenth century and the rise of human need for energy, the consumption of various fossil fuels...

国际国家责任是国际法中最吸引人、最重要、同时也是最复杂的领域之一,它的精确解释和承诺对国际执法的发展起着重要的作用。气候变化是当今国际社会共同关注的重大问题之一。尽管这一问题的敏感性和重要性,但它与解决这一问题的相关性并不显著。智慧< / p >
作为景观和人口因素功能的户外空间的公共利用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/public-use-of-outdoor-spaces-as-a-function-of-landscape-and-demographic-factors/ 2018-07-24 2018-12-29 Daniel Clark , Rebecca Jordan 13卷,第二期

Introduction Spending time outside has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on individual mental, physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.1&ndash;5 Furthermore, public parks have been shown to have a positive impact on community well-being as a whole, and the well-being of individuals within communities.4,6&ndash;9 Evidence, however, also suggests that many public parks may be underutilized.10 To understand public park use, several questions must be answered, such ...


孟加拉国纺织制造业废水水质参数调查 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/investigation-of-waste-water-quality-parameters-discharged-from-textile-manufacturing-industries-of-bangladesh/ 2018-07-17 2018-12-29 M. Rabbi, Jewel Hossen, Md. Sarwar, Pijush Roy, Sharmin Shaheed, M. Hasan 13卷,第二期

Introduction Textile manufacturing sector of Bangladesh is the biggest earner of foreign currency and contributes significantly to the GDP of Bangladesh.1&nbsp;With the rapid development of textile dyeing industry it has become the biggest sector in Bangladesh where large streams of waste effluents are produced. Textile manufacturing is a very complex and lengthy process. It is based on the three steps procedure like fiber into yarn, then yarn to fabric and finally to textiles. These are ...


库尔甘姆区苹果园土壤理化性质对土壤速效养分的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/effect-of-physico-chemical-properties-of-soil-on-available-soil-nutrients-in-apple-orchards-of-district-kulgam/ 2018-07-06 2019-01-02 Shabir Bangroo, Shahid Dar, Hamidullah Itoo, Tasneem Mubarak, Abdul Malik 13卷,第二期

Introduction Soil health and fertility are important factors of sustainable agriculture governing the soil tree growth environment.1&nbsp;The interdependence and interlink of soil health and soil fertility balance play an important role in the growth of plants. Soil fertility defined as the presence or absence of nutrients (macro and micro) is particularly sensitive to soil health environment affected by various physical, chemical and biological factors of soil2,3 The soil health and s...

有效养分状况及其与理化性质的相关性是土壤健康和植物营养的重要指标。为了了解与土壤性质有关的苹果园养分状况,在温带克什米尔-喜马拉雅地区进行了一项研究。对库尔根南区主要苹果种植区的土壤样品进行了不同理化性质和氮、磷、钾、钙、镁速效养分状况的分析。soi < / p >
生物医学废弃物对Cuttack城市的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/impact-of-biomedical-waste-on-cuttack-city/ 2018-07-05 2019-01-02 Puspalata Pal, Dhirendra Sarangi 13卷,第二期

Introduction The infectious biomedical waste which is only 15 to 25% of the entire waste is not segregated and is mixed with general waste which ultimately turns the whole waste into infectious waste.3&nbsp;The same waste is dumped into municipal bins and in municipal dumping yards , then, therefore the whole wastes in municipal bins become infectious and the mixed wastes in open dumping yards make the environment filthy and hazards to the public spreading dangerous diseases. The uneth...


利用稻壳灰对混凝土某些性能的影响研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/the-effect-of-utilizing-rice-husk-ash-on-some-properties-of-concrete--a-review/ 2018-06-27 2018-12-29 Deepinder Aulakh, Jaspal Singh, Sarvesh Kumar 13卷,第二期

Introduction The major environmental issues emerge these days are change in the climate, drain of the resources and so on. The climatic changes are increasing air contamination such as smog, depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect etc., which is a fundamental concern for researchers nowadays. The utilization of cement for urbanization and industrialization is significant cause for the air contamination because 10 quintal of CO2 emitted from the manufacturing of 10 quintal of cement, which...

世界环境污染正对建筑业产生直接而明显的影响。相对而言,制造10 quintal普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)所排放的10 quintal二氧化碳,几乎占全球二氧化碳排放量的7%。平均每年生产10亿立方米混凝土。稻壳灰、粉煤灰、高炉矿渣、偏高岭土、硅灰等副产品可作为辅助胶凝材料
卫生保健机构工作人员的人体工程学危害和肌肉骨骼疾病 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol13no2/ergonomics-hazards-and-musculoskeletal-disorders-among-workers-of-health-care-facilities/ 2018-074-14 2018-12-29 Almas Hamid, Alizae Ahmad, Sarah , Sana , Faiza , Mariya Qureshi 13卷,第二期

Introduction Healthcare is, directly or indirectly, associated with the provision of health facilities to individuals. The healthcare facilities (HCF) involve a broad range of workforce such as physicians, nurses, experts, clinical research/ laboratory personnel, social and administrative workers.1&nbsp;Health care services around the world employ over 59 million personnel who are daily exposed to a variety of health and safety hazards. Healthcare, an important sector of the U.S. economy ...

本研究旨在确定职业健康和安全危害,特别关注医疗保健设施(HCF)工人中的人体工程学危害。对巴基斯坦拉合尔5个HCFs的200名工作人员进行了结构性问卷调查。在报告的人体工程学危害中,常见的有肌肉疼痛/扭伤(76.5%)、肘关节/手腕/颈部疼痛(56.0%)、身体姿势问题(56.0%)、肌肉过度拉伸(67.5%)和工作时弯曲/扭曲(55.5%)。< / p >