当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 基于观测和模型模拟数据的印度热量指数比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/comparative-study-of-heat-indices-in-india-based-on-observed-and-model-simulated-data/ 2017-12-22 2018-11-16 Sushil Dash , Sagnik Dey , Popat Salunke , Mamta Dalal , Vaishali Saraswat , Sourangsu Chowdhury , Rohit Chowdhury 12卷,问题3

Introduction Extreme weather events (e.g. the frequency of occurrence of intense rainfall, warm and cold events) are on the rise along with the rise of global average temperature1. Temperature and rainfall extremes in India have been examined by several authors2,3,4.  Such extreme weather events have adverse impacts5,6,7 on agriculture, human health, generation of power, water availability and several other aspects concerning the society. Environmental heat stress is one of the dire...

据报道,发生了“热浪”。世界各地的情况都在增加。极端高温天气的增加预计会导致人类不适程度的增加。此外,根据极端高温天气的严重程度和持续时间的不同,还会造成工作时间的损失、不利的健康影响和死亡。众所周知,从气象学上讲,引起人类不适的不仅仅是气温上升。Temperatu < / p > 估算希腊山区气温的统计模型 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/statistical-models-in-estimating-air-temperature-in-a-mountainous-region-of-greece/ 2017-12-27 2018-11-26 Stelios Maniatis, Kostas Chronopoulos, Aristidis Matsoukis, Athanasios Kamoutsis 12卷,问题3

Introduction Mountainous areas (MAs) provide major gathering grounds of water supplies for human and animal consumption as well as for hydroelectric power production and may also contain valuable mineral resources1. These areas may be considered as optimum recreation ones, offering visitors a wide variety of activities and being a favorite tourist destination2. Despite MAs importance and the fact that they account for 20% of the Earth&rsquo;s land surface, their climatic and weather condi...

目前的工作重点是估计气温(T)条件在两个高海拔(alt)站点(1580 m),每个在不同的方向(东南和西北)在埃诺斯山(Mt)在塞弗尼亚岛,希腊,使用两个著名的统计模型,简单线性回归(SLR)和多层感知器(MLP)是最常用的人工神经网络之一。更具体地说,高alt位点的平均、最大和最小T的估计数为b

印度古吉拉特邦著名朝圣圣地的多元水质评价:一种统计方法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/multivariate-water-quality-assessment-of-renowned-pilgrim-spot-gujarat-india-a-statistical-approach/ 2017-12-23 2018-11-26 Sheju Thomas, Hiren Soni, Ashok Saxena 12卷,问题3

Introduction So far liminological studies have been mainly aimed to focus on deterioration of the water quality due to pollution only on the part of human consideration. Now-a-days, pilgrimage ponds visited by number of pilgrims are an addition to many folds to this devastation, which has now become a cause of global concern.1 The productivity of the pond mainly depends on various abiotic and biotic components usually fluctuated by seasonal and varying degree of pollution.2 Hydro-chemistry of...

Gomti Palustrine Habitat是印度古吉拉特邦中部著名的朝圣池塘之一。本研究对21个水质参数进行了不同的统计检验,以追踪和描述水质状况。本研究为期一年(2012年12月至2013年11月),逐月采样,连续3个季节(冬季、夏季、季风季节)。选择3个永久性采样站(V1、V2、V3)覆盖横截面和d

喜马偕尔邦工业区植物生化参数的季节变化及其对空气污染的耐受性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/seasonal-variations-in-biochemical-parameters-of-plants-and-their-air-pollution-tolerance-in-industrial-area-of-himachal-pradesh/ 2017-12-27 2018-11-17 Kashish Walia , S.K Bhardwaj 12卷,问题3

Introduction Air pollution is an inevitable harmful by product of rapid industrialization and urbanization and is responsible for variety of deleterious effects on both human and plant communities. Air quality has now become a major environmental concern since the beginning of industrialisation, resulting in a greater release of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the atmosphere1. In Asian countries including India the increasing urban population growth, industrial activities and automoti...

为了评估喜马偕尔邦索兰区巴迪工业中心的植物生化参数及其对空气污染的耐受性,在巴迪工业地区进行了实地调查。在0 ~ 100 m、100 ~ 200 m、200 ~ 400 m、400 ~ 800 m和gt处选择3种常见的植物品种印楝(Azadirachta indica)、新银合欢(Leucaena leucocephal)和黄檀(Dalbergia sissoo)进行工业化空间效应研究;800米。太评估季节的影响

基于地理空间技术的流域管理与开发保护措施规划马哈拉施特拉邦阿克拉区帕图尔流域的案例研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/planning-of-conservation-measures-for-watershed-management-and-development-by-using-geospatial-technology-a-case-study-of-patur-watershed-in-akola-district-of-maharashtra/ 2017-12-18 2018-11-17 R. S. Patode , C.B. Pande , M. B. Nagdeve , K. N. Moharir , R. M. Wankhade 12卷,问题3

Introduction A watershed is defined as natural Hydrologic unit that covers a precise area of land surface from which rainfall in the form of runoff flows to a definite drainage, stream or river at any point.1,14 Watersheds are hydrologic units considered to be efficient and suitable for the assessment of accessible resources within an area thus influencing subsequent planning and implementation of different development programs within that area. Hence, all the necessary natural resources insi...


公路扩建工程环境影响评价回顾 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/environment-impact-assessment-of-highway-expansion-a-review/ 2017-12-18 2018-10-05 Kashish Walia , RK Aggarwal , SK Bhardwaj 12卷,问题3

Introduction India have been experiencing a better fiscal growth over the last decade, accompanied by growing hunger for natural resources and rapid proliferation of infrastructure development due to industrialization, urbanization and modernization; which are yard sticks for the degree of heights of development in terms of technology and economy. Road refinement and highway development projects in India have chiefly amplified the quality of existing roads and have strengthened linkage betwee...

欧洲水框架指令(WFD)前后湖泊水文形态评价方法综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/a-review-of-assessment-approaches-for-lake-hydro-morphology-before-and-after-the-european-water-framework-directive-wfd/ 2017-12-28 2018-11-26 Marzia Ciampittiello , Claudia Dresti , Helmi Saidi 12卷,问题3

Introduction Most of the European Lakes are located in the northern part of the continent, especially in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Karelo-Kola part of Russia. About 80% to 90% of lakes have a surface area between 0.01 and 0.1 km2, whereas around 16000 lakes have a surface area exceeding 1 km2 and 24 European lakes have a surface area larger than 400 km2&nbsp;.1&nbsp;Most of natural lakes were formed or reshaped by glacial activity, when the ice covered all of northern Europe; in...

高效水处理的高级氧化工艺研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/a-review-on-advanced-oxidation-processes-for-effective-water-treatment/ 2017-12-19 2018-11-26 Nirmalendu Mishra , Rajesh Reddy , Aneek Kuila , Ankita Rani , Priya Mukherjee , Ahmad Nawaz , Saravanan Pichiah 12卷,问题3

Introduction The availability of the earth&rsquo;s fresh water resources has drastically depleted or contaminated due to improper water management, leading to the vulnerable situation. On the other hand the demand for safe potable water is increasing day-by-day due to the exponential growth of population and inability of the traditional treatment.1 There are many traditional and contemporary purification techniques available or practiced for delivering safe water as per the local standard...

高级氧化工艺(AOPs)如fenton、臭氧化、声解、光催化、紫外光解和湿式空气氧化是最适合水和废水处理的技术之一。选择这些AOPs也是为了完全降解任何传统技术都无法管理的各类新出现的污染物。矿化是通过产生的各种反应物质与污染物之间的化学反应来实现的。< / p >
跨境空气污染使首都窒息 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/trans-boundary-air-pollution-suffocated-the-capital/ 2017-12-25 2018-09-26 Umesh Kulshrestha 12卷,问题3

Introduction First of all I wish all our readers a very Happy New Year 2018. Since it is my first issue after taking over as Editor-in-chief of the Current World Environment; I am grateful to all the authors, reviewers and other associated individuals and organizations for their cooperation and interest in the journal. This is indeed the journal which in true sense covers multiple aspects of environmental research. In this issue, we have papers on diversified topics including disaster managem...

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印度矿山用气动自卸车座椅传递系数的评价-一项试验研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/evaluation-of-transmissibility-factors-of-pneumatic-dumper-seats-used-in-indian-mines-a-pilot-study/ 2017-12-15 2018-11-17 Bibhuti Mandal , Anand Deshmukh 12卷,问题3

Introduction Mining industry is associated with many occupational health hazards which require monitoring and evaluation. Whole-body vibration (WBV) is one such hazard known for more than a century and widely discussed in various literatures due to its probable negative health impacts on working population.1-13 In surface mining of minerals, various heavy earth-moving machines are deployed for all major operations. All these machineries are more often sophisticated and technologically advan...


虾、蟹、虾废弃物中甲壳素和壳聚糖的质量比较 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/comparison-of-the-quality-of-chitin-and-chitosan-from-shrimp-crab-and-squilla-waste/ 2017-11-18 2018-11-26 F. Parthiban , S. Balasundari , A. Gopalakannan , K. Rathnakumar , S. Felix 12卷,问题3



印度石矿和破碎单元职业性粉尘和硅暴露的评估-一个案例研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/assessment-of-occupational-dust-and-silica-exposure-in-indian-stone-mining-and-crushing-unit-a-case-study/ 2017-11-30 2018-11-26 Anand Deshmukh , Nikhil Kulkarni , Sarang Dhatrak , Subroto Nandi 12卷,问题3

Introduction Metal and masonry stone, building material, etc play a vital role in urbanisation1&nbsp;and today&rsquo;s stone mining and crushing have become the backbone of infrastructure development in India.2&ndash;4 The finished product of stone crushing units in the form of crushed stone, stone chips of various sizes; plays a crucial role as a raw material for various construction activities viz. construction of roads, highways, bridges, buildings, canals, etc.5 Considering th...


预测德黑兰行人桥的偏好,伊朗 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/predicting-preferences-for-pedestrian-bridges-in-tehran-iran/ 2017-11-23 2018-11-26 Nasim Nejad , Mina Ahangi, Suhardi Maulan 12卷,问题3

Introduction Pedestrian bridges in urban areas should be considered more than a part of transportation network system because of the iraesthetic quality in urban areas. According to Gottemoeller there are many considerations for design and construction of a bridge such as economy, transmission of forces, constructability, durability and adjacent structures in landscape and properties, and the bridge designers areresponsible for the aesthetic apearance of the pedestrian bridges along with theo...

不同交换性钠含量下培养时间对可提取氟和磷的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/influence-of-incubation-periods-on-extractable-fluoride-and-phosphorous-at-different-exchangeable-sodium-percentage-levels/ 2017-11-10 2018-11-17 Manoj Barnwal , S. Sharma , Mohammad Bhat , Sonia Rani 12卷,问题3

Introduction Fluoride (F&minus;) is an anion of fluorine characterized by small radius having extraordinary tendency to act as a ligand and readiness to form numerous organic and inorganic compounds in soil, rocks, air, plants and animals.1 The element fluorine is present in phosphatic fertilizers, soils and plants. The concentration of this element in these resources, although variable, is of the order 3&times;104, 3&times;102 and 3&times;100 ppm, respectively; therefore, de...

通过室内培养试验,研究了不同培养时间对土壤中可提取氟(F)和磷(p)在不同交换性钠(ESP)水平下的影响。将不同电除尘器浓度(30、45、60)的土壤,在计算出的土壤饱和率体积上,加入不同量的蒸馏水溶解碳酸氢钠,制成不同电除尘器浓度的土壤。整地土壤的ESP分别为27.1、43.7和54.9。孵化研究< / p >
芝麻对盐渍土的修复潜力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/phytoremediation-potential-of-sesuvium-portulacastrum-on-remediating-salt-affected-soil/ 2017-11-20 2018-11-17 Jayashree Ramasamy , Kalaiselvi Periasamy , Bhagyasree Venugopal 12卷,问题3

Introduction Soil and environment are under tremendous pressure due to industrial expansion and discharge of effluents. During the past few decades industrial activities have increased greatly with rapid economic growth, this accomplished severe environmental pollution. &nbsp;Textile industry is a diverse sector in terms of raw materials, processes, products and equipment and has a very complicated industrial chain. Its biggest impact on the environment is related to primary water consump...

ssuvium portulacastrum&nbsp;是一种盐超富集植物,是用于海水淡化和植物修复的先驱植物。这种植物能耐盐碱和干旱等非生物限制。它生长在高盐环境下,可用于工业废水盐分污染土壤的修复和修复。在主要的用水行业中,纺织行业对环境的影响最大,与一次用水和

印度阿拉哈巴德麦克弗森湖水生植物的理化、生物学特性和生物多样性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/physico-chemical-biological-properties-and-biodiversity-of-aquatic-plant-species-in-macferson-lake-allahabad-u-p-india/ 2017-09-30 2018-10-13 Ganesh Mishra , Abhishek James , H.B. Paliwal , Hemant Kumar 12卷,问题3

Introduction Waterbodies serves as habitat for a varying number of aquatic organisms ranging from microscopic plankton to large aquatic animals and macrophysics3&nbsp;According to NWP (2002), supply of fresh drinking water to most of the living beings should be the first priority on any available water reservoir. The safe and reliable sources of water availability &nbsp;are an essential pre-requisite for the establishment of a stable community5 There is a definite permissible limit...


水文灾害管理和风险评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/hydrological-disasters-management-and-risk-assessment/ 2017-11-20 2018-11-16 A.K. Lohani , Gopal Krishan , Surendra Chandniha 12卷,问题3

Introduction India has a peculiar climate diversity under which nearly 80 percent of the annual precipitation is limited to a brief monsoon period generally less than 100 days. Even though the country receives an annual rainfall of 1170 mm on an average, the complex system of monsoon winds and the peculiar orientation of mountains give rise to some excessively low rainfall regions and well-diversified pockets of water scarcity in one part of the country and simultaneously the other parts of t...

印度尼西亚西巴布亚省宾图尼湾次生红树林的生命周期评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/life-cycle-assessment-of-secondary-mangrove-forest-in-bintuni-bay-west-papua-indonesia/ 2017-11-07 2018-11-26 Rocky de Ramos, Michael Lochinvar , Evelyn Taboada 12卷,问题3

Introduction Mangrove forests are among the world&rsquo;s most productive ecosystem. They enrich coastal waters, yield commercial forest products, protect coastlines, and support coastal fisheries. It thrives on tropical climate and on coastal waters in Asia, Africa and South America. They thrive on the harshest environments, usually waters with high salinity, extreme tides, strong winds, high temperatures, muddy and anaerobic soils.1 As of year 2011, it is estimated that the remaining ma...

生命周期评估是为了评估印度尼西亚西巴布亚岛宾图尼湾红树林木片生产对环境的影响。研究包括分析红树林采伐、加工和运输的不可再生能源使用(MJ)、全球变暖潜力或碳足迹(kg CO2)、酸化潜力(kg SO2)和臭氧产生潜力(kg O3)。红树林木片生产消耗960兆焦不可再生能源,并产生59.59千克CO2, 0.383千克SO2

富碳燃油飞灰前驱体活性炭的制备与利用:污水中三、六价铬的去除与形态研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/preparation-and-utilization-of-the-precursor-activated-carbon-from-carbon-enriched-fuel-oil-fly-ash-part-ii-removal-and-speciation-of-chromiumiii-and-vi-from-wastewater/ 2017-10-18 2018-11-16 A Abu-Rizaiza, M.W. Kadi, M.S. El-Shahawi 12卷,问题3

Introduction Heavy metal ions at trace levels in water represents a major of great concern for environmental engineers and chemists.1-3 Wastewater (Industrial and domestic) affects the health of people and causes severe damage to the environment if not managed properly.4,5 Chromium(VI) is highly toxic and it has great mutagenic and genotoxic effects on biological systems whereas chromium(III) is essential trace nutrient.6,7 Biological reduction of Cr6+species to intermediates e.g. Cr5+ and Cr...

以飞灰(FA)为原料制备了活性炭(AC),并用CO2水蒸气和水蒸气联合活化;nbsp;用盐酸普鲁卡因(PQ+Cl-)进行气化和物理改性。改性AC&;nbsp;用作低成本和有效的固相萃取(SPE)去除,总含量测定和;nbsp;铬的化学形态;amp;六) &;nbsp;在废水中&;nbsp&;nbsp;提出了适用于&;nbsp;铬(Ⅵ)s的分配动力学

印度Bundelkhand半干旱区合木复合林业系统修剪树木生物量分解与氮动态 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/decomposition-and-nitrogen-dynamics-of-tree-pruned-biomass-under-albizia-procera-based-agroforestry-system-in-semi-arid-region-of-bundelkhand-india/ 2017-10-21 2018-11-26 Garima Gupta , R.S Yadav , Deepak Maurya 12卷,问题3

Introduction Agroforestry practices are recommended to achieve soil conservation and it is a sustainable option in improving the livelihood as well as creating opportunities for the rural people of semi arid region of bundelkhand1. Most of the tree species recommended are fast-growing, leguminous species which can be pruned to a desirable height at appropriate frequencies. These pruning which consist of leaves and immature stems are added to the soil between crop rows. Therefore, while acting...


欧亚大陆气候梯度成林物种净初级生产力地理 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/net-primary-production-geography-of-forest-forming-species-in-climate-induced-gradients-of-eurasia/ 2017-10-21 2018-11-26 V. A. Usoltsev , S. Shobairi, V. Chasovskikh 12卷,问题3

Introduction At the climate summit in Paris in 2015 December 196 countries pledged to reduce carbon emissions and prevent rising average temperatures more than 2&deg;C by the end of the century. The important role in this relation is belonging to forest ecosystems, as sinks for atmospheric carbon. The ability of forests to withdraw the carbon from the atmosphere and produce organic matter is the basis of their functioning1. Currently, the world is actively being improved the technologies ...


利用地理空间技术对马哈拉施特拉邦卡德维河流域进行形态测量分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/morphometric-analysis-of-kadvi-river-basin-maharashtra-using-geospatial-techniques/ 2017-09-20 2018-11-28 Sujit Chougale , Jagdish Sapkale 12卷,问题3

Introduction Morphometric studies are first attempted by Horton, Strahler, Smith, Schumm, and Miller1-5. Parallel work of basin morphometry has been carried out by Abrahams, Langbein, Leopold, and Maddock6-8. The morphometric analysis is done with linear, aerial, relief aspect, the slope, and a gradient of a channel by many researchers9,10. Basin morphometry gives the signs of an influence on river hydrology and river channel. Similar work is done by Sapkale on Tarali river with an approach o...


基于归一化植被指数的纳尔默达流域土地利用/覆被遥感与地理信息系统研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/land-use-and-land-cover-mapping-based-on-normalized-difference-vegetation-index-using-remote-sensing-and-geographical-information-system-in-banjar-river-watershed-of-narmada-basin/ 2017-10-07 2018-11-17 Jagriti Tiwari , S.K.Sharma , R.J.Patil 12卷,问题3

Introduction The earth resources are key component in the development of a nation as well as of a region. The update information of the landscape is of great significance in the management and monitoring of an environment. LU/LC classification is one of the prime prerequisites for analyzing the information of the existing earth resources and changes occurring on the landscape pattern of an area through time. Land cover data refers to the area of a region covered under natural resources viz. f...


象征性景观及其空间构成:理解场所认同的环境设计词汇 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol12no3/symbolic-landscapes-and-their-spatial-components-understanding-the-environmental-design-vocabulary-of-place-identity/ 2017-09-30 2018-11-26 Sema Mumcu , Serap Yilmaz , Emine Eren 12卷,问题3

Introduction Identity is seen as a fundamental need that encompasses all aspects of human life 1 in an age of increased loss of identity, as our lives and places lose their distinctiveness. In contemporary times, the need for stability is crucial for humans, who require development of emotional bonds with places. Therefore, people&rsquo;s relations with places have been explored using a wide array of psychological constructs such as place identity2, place attachment 3,4, and sense of plac...
