当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us Guna区Raghogarh Chopan河附近的水质评估(议员) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/assessment-of-water-quality-near-chopan-river-raghogarh-district-guna-m-p/ 2006-10-27 2018-12-11 梅加·拉伊,R.M.什里瓦斯塔瓦 卷1,问题2

Introduction Water is one of the most important commodities which man has exploited than any other resources for the sustenance of his life. Most of our demands for water is fulfilled by rainwater which gets deposited in surface and ground water resources. Though, water is continuously purified by evaporation and precipitations, pollution of water has emerged as one of the most significant environmental problems of recent times. The cause of such a situation is many but the quality of water...


铅:一种有毒物质,其作用及清除 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/lead-a-toxic-substance-its-effect-and-removal/ 2006-12-02 2018-12-11 K.N. Singh, G.S. Ojha, S.N. Singh 卷1,问题2

Introduction Lead (Plumbum) Pb-82, a bluish-grey metal, mp 3270 C. It is so soft and can be cut easily with a knife. When heated with air or oxygen it forms litharge and red lead. With water it forms slightly soluble lead hydroxide which is poisonous in nature. Several brands of shampoos contain lead sulphide to give hair a dark hue. Worley etal (1968) reported 88% PbS in mascara, face powder, pastes and liquids also contain 65% lead, paints, welding stainless steal, glass, fabr...


环境毒性教育 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/education-of-environmental-toxicity/ 2006-09-09 2018-12-13 Shahbano Ali, Neelofar Iqbal 卷1,问题2

Introduction Chemicals are used increasingly in domestic and non-technical environments, where their safe handing is no longer solely the concern of qualified chemists. For instance, consider the use of domestic cleaners, solvents and detergents, weed killers and pesticides and proprietary medicines. There are a no. of chemicals in the environment, some of these are toxic and rest are non-toxic. The toxic chemicals are discharged by industries into air, water and soil. They get into the hum...

Banihal, Doda (jamu andamp) Bishleri stream的浮游植物定性丰度克什米尔状态) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/qualitative-abundance-of-phytoplankton-of-bishleri-stream-of-banihal-doda-jammu-kashmir-state/ 2006-12-07 2018-12-13 F.A. Fayaz, T.A. Qureshi, K. Borana, L. Joginder, M. Singh 卷1,问题2

Introduction The knowledge of plankton, available in an ecosystem, is of fundamental importance. Phytoplankton are the chlorophyll bearing suspended microscopic organisms consisting of algae with representatives from all major taxonomic phyla; majority of the members belong to chlorophyceae, cyanophyceae and bacillario-phyceae. The quality and quantity of phytoplankton and their seasonal succession patterns have been utilized to assess the quality of water. Phytoplankton encountered in a wa...


. 7属
可持续发展:环境危机的解决方案综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/sustainable-development-a-solution-to-environmental-crisis-a-review/ 2006-11-21 2018-12-11 Mannindar Monga 卷1,问题2 人类利用科学、技术和政治组织创造了一个社会机构和基础设施的世界。这两者对于人类的生存都是必不可少的。在整个文明史上,人类不断退化和枯竭;以及恢复和补充环境资源。他的活动对经济和环境造成了有利和不利的影响。环境恶化是当今无可争辩的事实 人类利用科学、技术和政治组织创造了一个社会机构和基础设施的世界。这两者对于人类的生存都是必不可少的。在整个文明史上,人类不断退化和枯竭;以及恢复和补充环境资源。他的行为对经济和环境造成了有利和不利的影响。环境恶化是当今无可争辩的事实 单低温磷暴露鱼的生化研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/biochemical-investigations-on-monocrotophos-exposed-fish-channa-gachua-ham/ 2006-09-23 2018-12-13 普拉卡什·库尔,S.A. Mastan, S.S. Andrabi, Javed Ganaie, T.A. Qureshi 卷1,问题2

Introduction Monocrotophos is a broadspectrum organophosphorus insecticide used against a wide range of insect pests of a variety of crops. It is one of the highly toxic agricultural chemicals with wide variation in toxicity between different species of fishes (Janardhan et al., 1986). The widespread use of monocrotophos results in extensive aquatic contamination by its application intentionally for control of insects and unintentionally by drift of aerial spray, watershed drainage or accid...

淡水鱼Channa gachua暴露于亚致死浓度的有机磷农药monocerphos中。对该鱼的急性毒性暴露为16、24和48小时,而慢性毒性暴露为15、30和45天。结果表明,随浓度的增加,其毒性呈上升趋势。观察了鱼类各种生化参数的变化。暴露浓度0.072 ppm

哈尔格特和哈林法尔之间纳尔玛达河谷下游冲积平原地表水的图示和分类 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/graphical-representation-and-classification-of-surface-water-in-the-lower-alluvial-plains-of-narmada-valley-between-khalghat-and-harinphal/ 2006-10-31 2018-12-13 V.K. Parashar 卷1,问题2

Introduction Water is essential for all living for their existence. Water is needed not only for domestic use but also for the growing needs of any nation for its better agricultural growth. On the surface of the earth, the largest available sources of fresh water are lakes, streams and groundwater. In India, specially in Madhya Pradesh the farmers mostly depend on rainwater and surface water for irrigational purpose. In M.P. lower alluvial plains of Narmada Valley is the most important among...

本研究主要关注中央邦哈尔格特和哈林法尔之间的纳尔玛达河谷下游冲积平原地表水的分类和图形表示。从渡口共收集了18个地表水样本,并采用APHA(1985)提出的方法进行了分析。化学分析数据分别用派珀三线性图、修正三线性图和威尔科克斯图表示。根据< / p >
中央邦贾巴尔普尔某些变性土的形态、理化性质和分类 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/morphology-physico-chemical-properties-and-classification-of-some-vertisols-of-jabalpur-madhya-pradesh/ 2006-11-03 2018-11-02 期票Tripathi 卷1,问题2 < / p > < p >… 本文对Jabalpur地区的变性土进行了形态学研究、特征和分类。土壤深度较深,在不同土层上颜色从深棕色(10YR3/1)到深灰色(10yr3 /3)不等。剖面中所有土的深层土壤和粘土的质地。2-3厘米宽的裂缝延伸超过一米。这些土壤的脚底均有滑坡体、楔状团聚体、铁锰和钙质。土壤的排水不完全。土壤为钙质,pH

温迪亚恰尔河恒河的物理化学分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/physico-chemical-analysis-of-river-ganga-at-vindhyachal-ghat/ 2006-12-21 2018-12-13 Jyotsna Chaturvedi, Narendra Pandey 卷1,问题2

Introduction Vindhyachal is the holy place of Hindus due to the temple of the Goddess Vindhyachal and it is situated at the bank of river Ganga at a distance of about 5-6 km. Form Mirzapur city. Ganga is one of the important components of the water resources at Mirzapur district. Water of river Ganga is used for domestic, agricultural and residential purpose. But unfortunately it is being polluted through a number of polluting sources such as sewage, carpet industries, metal industries, met...

本文试图通过物理化学分析和恒河水体中一些微量金属的浓度水平来评估Navratri Pooja期间的污染。该研究评估了2005年9月至11月和2006年3月至5月取样的河流的水的物理化学性质。结果表明,由于人口大量聚集,在Navratri Pooja期间,Vindhyachal ghat的恒河水污染严重
污染参数包括毒性和重金属污染研究上湖博帕尔,印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/pollution-parameters-including-toxic-and-heavy-metals-contamination-studies-of-upper-lake-of-bhopal-india/ 1970-01-01 2018-10-31 Vandana, S.A., Suman 卷1,问题2

Introduction Upper lake is naturally situated in the Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh (India). Catchment area of Upper Lake is 31 sq.km. Fresh water is one of the most important and basic natural resources. The quality of any water body and suitability for drinking purpose can be assessed with the help of various water parameters. The concentration of these parameters are well explains the quality of water and the pollution level. The effect of heavy metal in aquatic system de...

博帕尔上湖是印度最大的湖泊之一,是博帕尔居民的主要饮用水来源。在本研究中,对温度、总溶解固体(TDS)、电导率、pH、硬度(碳酸盐和硬度)等参数进行了水质评价。碳酸氢盐)、碱度、BOD、COD、DO及重金属和有毒金属。研究表明,上湖水质存在部分污染,需要合适的专业进行检测。< / p >
二氧化硫吸附控制技术 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/controlling-technologies-of-so2-by-adsorption-techniques/ 2006-11-15 2018-12-11 D. Sirisha, K. Mukkanti 卷1,问题2

Introduction SO2 and its derivatives produce strong irritation on the eyes and nasal passage ways. It causes intense irritation even at 2.5 ppm levels to the eyes and respiratory tract.1-3 It is absorbed by the nasal system leading to swelling and stimulated mucus secretion and it causes lung cancer.4-6&nbsp;The accumulation of transport vehicles such as automobiles at the signal points on the main arteries of the city and the consequent emission of exhaust of considerable quantity is e...


城市污水排放和人类活动对马哈拉施特拉邦南德戈达瓦里河不同山口水质的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/impact-of-city-sewage-discharge-and-anthropofenic-activity-on-water-quality-at-different-ghats-of-river-godavari-at-nanded-maharashtra/ 2006-12-02 2018-12-13 A.S. Bansode, N.M. Sontakke, D.R. Munde, S.B. Sirsat, M.M. Patthebahadur, Maya 卷1,问题2

Introduction Water plays a vital role in living organisms in river water. The discharge of pollutants in river water is beyond limit and more than the self-purification capacity of river. Almost all rivers in India are affected due to pollution and reached a crisis point, and Godavari is not escaped from it. Origin of Godavari river is Bramhagiri at Trimbakeshwar in Nashik District of Maharashtra and the river flows through the central part or the Naded District from west to east further of...


pH对吸附去除维多利亚蓝的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/effect-of-ph-on-the-removal-of-victoria-blue-by-adsorption/ 2006-12-08 2018-12-10 K.N. Singh, Ranjana Singh 卷1,问题2

Introduction Through various method viz. chemical oxidation, Froth flotation and coagulation have been employed for colour removal, adsorption offers the best for removal of wide ranging pollutants such as dissolved solids, heavy metals and organic dyes, Activated carbons was widely used as an adsorbent, though it is quite expensive which resuscitates to explore low cost adsorbents. The aim of this paper is to use cheaper adsorbent i.e. china clay to its high efficiency, easy handling and les...


古吉拉特邦Kalol taluka三个地区地下水水质参数比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/a-comparative-study-of-water-quality-parameters-of-ground-water-among-the-three-regions-of-kalol-taluka-gujarat/ 2006-09-25 2018-12-13 M. Shah, P. Shilpkar, V. Patel, D. Upadhyay, H. Patel 卷1,问题2

Introduction Water is the basic necessity of life, not only for human beings, but also for plants and animals. Scientists estimate that water covers nearly three fourth of earth&rsquo;s surface in the form of oceans, rivers, lakes, snow, glaciers and ground water. Though this seems an inordinately huge amount; in actual fact, less than one percent is fresh and usable found in lakes, ponds, rivers and ground water. There are some ways in which bodies of water get polluted; discharge of u...

2006年5月,对印度古吉拉特邦Gandhinagar地区Kalol Taluka北部、中部和南部地区的地下水水质参数进行了研究。将水样各项理化参数的观测值与世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的标准进行了比较。采用方差分析(ANOVA)和t检验对卡洛尔-塔鲁卡不同地区的水质参数进行了比较研究。Th < / p >
Banihal, Doda (jamu andamp) Bishleri stream的浮游动物定性丰度克什米尔状态) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/qualitative-abundance-of-zooplankton-of-bishleri-stream-of-banihal-doda-jammu-kashmir-state/ 2006-11-20 2018-12-13 F.A. Fayaz, T.A. Qureshi, K. Borana, L. Joginder, M. Singh 卷1,问题2 在一个生态系统中,浮游生物的知识是非常重要的。浮游动物是水生系统中微小的自由游动的动物组成部分。它们被广泛的分类类群所代表,其中最常见的是原生动物、轮虫、枝角类和桡足类的成员,通常占据整个消费群体。在所有的水生生态系统中,浮游动物在二级营养级的能量传递中起着重要的作用。螺栓…< / p >


拉贾斯坦邦Pali地区地下水水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/assesment-of-ground-water-quality-of-pali-district-rajasthan/ 2006-09-22 2018-12-10 Jaipal Garg, Gita Seth 卷1,问题2

Introduction Water, next to air is a vital natural resource responsible for the existence and development of life on the earth, even though our country is one of the wettest country of the world and has substantial fresh water resource, there is a chronic shortage of safe water specially in some of major towns where urbanization has taken place. The shortage varies from mild to acute depending upon the geographical, topographical, climate, hydrogeological and other factors. The area chosen ...

拉贾斯坦邦Pali区不同22个地点钻孔和挖井的地下水样品的物理化学特征评估。在许多地区,最大参数在允许限度内,约59%的样品地点氟化物含量高于允许限度,36%的水样显示总溶解固体含量高于允许限度。水化学事实< / p >
雨水收集对德里东德瓦卡副城市地下水中某些重金属含量的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/effect-of-rainwater-harvesting-on-the-amounts-of-some-heavy-metals-in-the-ground-water-of-east-dwarka-subcity-of-delhi/ 2006-12-20 2018-12-13 Weqar Siddiqi, Javed Hasan 卷1,问题2

Introduction Heavy metals are integral components of drinking water and have an important role in ascertaining the quality of drinking water for the drinking purpose. The amounts of the heavy metals should be adequately and as per the guidelines values provided by World Health Organization. Among the heavy metals Iron is an essential element.1,2&nbsp;It is contained in a number of biologically significant proteins, for example, hemoglobin and cytochromes, and also in many oxidation-r...


达卡出口加工区附近Dhalai Beel地区地下水水质研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/a-study-on-the-ground-water-quality-around-dhalai-beel-area-adjacent-of-dhaka-export-processing-zone/ 2006-11-11 2018-12-13 比斯瓦斯,巴努 卷1,问题2

Introduction Ground water is still the most preferred water source in the third world countries. Once believed to be safe from contamination as it resides many strata below the surface, has now been proved to be prone to pollution by several researches across the world. The contamination of groundwater may be due to improper disposal of domestic and industrial wastewaters. In urban centers the ground water is exposed to more threat than in rural areas. The main source of drinking water arou...

本文介绍了孟加拉国萨瓦尔市达卡出口加工区(DEPZ)附近Dhalai beel地区地下水作为饮用水水源的理化特征和适宜性。温度、pH、电导率、溶解氧、总硬度、总溶解固形物、总碱度和溶解负离子数
地下水理化、重金属和水质评价赖加尔市及其周边地区的细菌(大肠菌群)污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/assessment-of-ground-water-quality-for-physico-chemical-heavy-metals-bacteriological-coliform-contamination-in-and-around-raigarh-city/ 2006-12-20 2018-12-11 Brajesh K, Masood Alam 卷1,问题2

Introduction Groundwater serves as a major resource for drinking,irrigation and industrial use .It is generally considered to be cleaner than surface water.However, several factors like discharge of industrial,agricultural and domestic wastes,land use practices,geological formations,rainfall patterns and infiltration rate affect the quality of ground water in an area and once contamination of groundwater aquifers occurs,it persists for hundreds of years because of very slow movement of wate...


一些埃及沥青实验室的空气质量评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/assessment-of-the-air-quality-in-some-egyptian-asphalt-laboratories/ 2006-11-01 2018-12-11 A.M.M. Saleh, F.H. Ashour, Y.M. Moustafa 卷1,问题2

Introduction Petroleum Compounds are considered among the most serious environmental threats to human health. Laboratory personnel that deal with cutback asphalt in asphalt paving operations are exposed to a wide range of potentially harmful hazardous substances. Their exposure is caused by either or both inhalation and dermal contact (Burstyn et al., 2000; Reink et al., 2000). These vapours and fumes produced from Bitumen samples, consist essentially of Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and...

不同农用吸附剂处理废水的比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/comparative-study-of-different-agro-based-adsorbents-for-the-treatment-of-wastewater/ 2006-11-29 2018-12-13 Sohail Ayub, S. Ali, N. Khan 卷1,问题2

Introduction The continually increasing demand for water for beneficial purposes has forced man to assess and examine water reuse technologies more seriously than ever. Regardless of origin, industrial wastewater, after proper treatment, represents another ample and reusable water source. Water pollution due to toxic heavy metals has been a major cause of concern to scientists and engineers. Several mishaps due to heavy metal contamination in aquatic environment increased the awareness a...

本研究尝试用农用废弃物去除废水中的六价铬。测定了不同投加量、金属浓度和ph值对农用废液中Cr (VI)的去除效果,发现农用废液中Cr (VI)的去除效果优于活性炭。因为它们相对便宜,而且在当地就能买到。所得等温线数据更接近于椰壳和楝皮的Freundlich吸附等温线。甘蔗巴格< / p >
某些卡拉胶化合物对铁的酸性腐蚀的抑制作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/inhibition-of-acidic-corrosion-of-iron-by-some-carrageenan-compounds/ 2006-11-27 2018-12-13 即Zaafarany 卷1,问题2

Introduction Iron is the most used of all the metals in several fields of industry. Iron and similar metals can be exposed to corrosion in connection with environmental conditions. The corrosion rate varies subject to structure of ions and molecules, kind of ion, concentration of ion, kind of solution and kind of materials.1,2&nbsp;Especially in environments containing Cl- ions, corrosion of metals is unavoidable, as Cl- ion is an active one, it forces oxide formation on metal surface. Th...

采用失重法和恒电流极化法研究了一些硫酸水溶性天然高分子(卡拉胶)化合物在1M HCl溶液中对铁的缓蚀作用。缓蚀率随缓蚀剂浓度的增加和温度的降低而增加。从吸附分子堵塞电极表面的角度讨论了这些化合物的抑制作用。吸附过程遵循

奈及利亚纳萨拉瓦州塔玛河土壤沉积物、环境水及克拉底鱼和奎尼罗非鱼体内部分矿物元素的分布和浓度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no2/distribution-and-concentration-of-some-mineral-elements-in-soil-sediment-ambient-water-and-the-body-parts-of-clarias-gariepinus-and-tilapia-quineensis-fishes-in-river-tammah-nasarawa-state-nigeria/ 2006-12-14 2018-12-13 B.O. Atolaye, M.O. Aremu, D. Shagye, G.R.I. Pennap 卷1,问题2

Introduction Many heavy metals such as lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni) and Copper (Cu) occur in nature in ore deposits.1,2&nbsp;These metals are released through leaching and weathering into the aquatic environment. Thus, areas characterized by metal bearing formation are expected to have elevated levels of metals in water and sediment. If mining operations are carried out in such areas, discharges and fallout from the industry would lead to further pollution....

研究了土壤沉积物、河水和克拉氏鱼(Clarias gariepinus)和奎因罗非鱼(Tilapia quineensis)器官中铅、镁、锌、铬、铁、锰和铜的含量和分布,旨在评价这些无机矿物在不同基质中的相互作用。鱼类大小不一,研究的器官有头、肠、鳃和肉。铅、镁、锌、铬、铁、锰、铜v