当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 乔邦河及其周边地区的金属状况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/metallic-status-in-and-around-chopan-river-raghogarh/ 2006-04-22 2020-06-11 Megha Rai, R.M. Shrivastava 卷1,问题1

Introduction Heavy metals are those having a density more than five times higher than that of water. These metals are now a day the environmental pollutants of major concern,1 and is due to the basic fact that metals are not biodegradable or perishable. Metals are released into environment by anthropogenic activities, such as burning of fossil fuels, discharge of industrial effluents, mining and such other action leads to the development of its toxicity in water. This unfavourable...

在2004年,对中央邦Rahogarh的Chopan河及其周围不同监测站的地下水和地表水中的金属进行了评估。目前的工作是评价来自Chopan河的四个管井和六个站的四种金属,即铜、铁、锌和铅。结果表明,某些监测点的金属铁含量较高,特别是在研究区附近,如化肥工业。< / p >
博帕尔空气样品中铅的理化监测和毒性评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/physico-chemical-monitoring-and-toxicity-assessment-of-lead-in-air-samples-of-bhopal/ 2006-05-26 2020-06-11 Vinita Jain, Praveen Jain, Irfan Ahmed, shaddha Sharma 卷1,问题1

Introduction Due to industrialization and urbanization, Bhopal city is undergoing expansion at a very fast rate. Air pollution shows no barrier of caste, creed, sex, living and non-living, and effects every one equally. Some chemicalsat certain concentration are harmful at one location but are quite harmless in the same concentration at another point. Thus, there is a need for measuring as well as identifying the chemicals polluting the air for the future generation. Study Area While ...

博帕尔市的空气质量是根据空气中常见的污染物进行评估的。这些污染物对环境和人类造成有害影响。环境空气监测在不同的地方进行,以控制增加博帕尔污染的策略。分析工作是在量热计上进行的。采用高容量空气采样器进行空气监测研究。< / p >
印度博帕尔沙普拉湖的细菌计数(m.p.n.)作为污染指标 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/bacterial-count-m-p-n-as-pollution-indicator-in-shahpura-lake-of-bhopal-india/ 2006-05-31 2020-06-11 Shahbano, Nilofar Iqbal 卷1,问题1

Introduction Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Praesh, is territorally the largest state of India witnessed the world&rsquo;s worst industrial disaster, i.e. leakage of methyl isocyante (MIC) gas from union carbide factory on 3rd Dec. 1984. Bhopal is situated on 23&deg;16&rsquo; N latitude and 77&deg; 25&rsquo; E longitude and is located on a hard pink red sand stone of vindhyan region at 503 meters above the mean sea level (MSL). The lower lake of Bhopal is supporting sourc...

细菌的最可能数(MPN)反映了沙普拉湖水等水资源的污染负荷。与饮用水有关的普遍危险是污水和其他有机废物造成的细菌污染。大肠菌群是饮用水污染的微生物指标。因此,本研究采用多管技术对MPN计数进行了研究,WHO(1979)推荐MPN 10/ 100ml适合人类食用,本研究中MPN计数/100从742/ 100ml 农业对比卡内尔运河地区地下水水质的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/the-impact-of-agriculture-on-ground-water-quality-of-canal-area-bikaner/ 2006-05-15 2020-06-11 H.K Pandey, Seema Gakhar, Gourav Chawla 卷1,问题1

Introduction Water is one of the foremost essential components of all living ofranisms.1&nbsp;Availability of good quality water for drinking purpose is very essential for healthy human society.2&nbsp;One time, surface water was the major source to fulfill water requirement but now a days, both sufrace water and ground water are used for drinking, agriculutre, industrial and domestic purpose. Ground water is sustainable source of fresh water, and as vital source for drinking and ...


博帕尔市科拉尔公路地区井水的理化特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/physico-chemical-characteristics-of-borewells-water-of-kolar-road-area-of-bhopal-city/ 2006-05-23 2020-06-11 H.C. Kataria, Siddiq Qureshi, Masood Alam 卷1,问题1

Introduction Environment is deraged due of man&rsquo;s economic exploitation. Water is vital for existence of all life forms and is essential for all activities of human being. The valuable resource of groundwater is infect depleting and has great demand for drinking purpose. Groundwater is highly susceptible to pollution form natural as well anthropogenic activities. Development activities in major sector, such an industries, agricultural etc. are polluting surface and groundwater b...


Sidhi区市政饮用水理化特性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/study-of-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-municipal-drinking-water-supply-of-sidhi-district/ 2006-03-21 2020-06-11 R.P.S. Chauhan , M.P. Singh , Afshan Suraiya , Siddharth Singh 卷1,问题1

Introduction Sidhi is a small district of Madhya Pradesh with prominent industrial complexes such as NCL (Singrauli) and NTPC (Vindhyanagar). It is situated in the eastern part of Madhya Pradesh surrounded by Baragaon (East) Madwas (South) Rewa (West) and Mirzapur and Allahabad (North). Bhadaur is the nearest railway station at a distacne of 40 kms. For a population of about 50,000 besides some river water the alternative source of water supply in the Municipal areas is Sidhi dam where s...

水环境的水质特征是由水体的物理、化学和生物相互作用引起的。河流、湖泊和保护区的地球化学特征一直处于动态变化状态。水生生态系统的动态平衡被生物的活动所破坏,从而造成水污染。本文对Sidhi区市政供水的理化特性进行了研究 在博帕尔湖上游安装曝气装置监测溶解氧含量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/monitoring-the-dissolved-oxygen-content-with-the-installation-of-aeration-units-at-upper-lake-of-bhopal/ 2006-05-24 2020-06-11 Anshu Bahl, Smitha Joshi, Pushpa Rawtani 卷1,问题1

Introduction Ponds and lakes are valuable natural resources. They add to the beauty of the landscapes, provide recreation, are a habitat for fish and wildlife and an additional water sources if needed. However, the good health of a pond is held in a delicate balance. A ponds condition deteriorates when the bottom environment cannot support animal life&sup2;. The bottom is the area that runs out of oxygen first, it is where the most oxygen is used and it is the farthest from the surface ...


布沙瓦尔市地下饮用水的物理化学特征印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/physco-chemical-characteristics-of-underground-drinking-water-from-bhusawal-city-m-s-india/ 2006-05-24 2020-06-11 R.P. Phalak, G.P. Waghulde, R.B. Dhake, Y.M. Patil, D.S.Rane 卷1,问题1

Introduction Water is the most essential commodity for the survial of life. Earth is regarded as a water planet having about 71% of its suface area covered by water 97.3 percent of worlds water is found in oceans and is salty that cannot be used for agriculture, domestics and industrial purpose. Out of 2.7% fresh water 2.1 percent freshwater is trapped in the polar ice while in the forms of streams, lakes and underground water it is only 0.6 percent. The ground water which occurs upt the de...

从井中抽取的地下水是布萨瓦尔市主要的饮用水来源之一。排水系统不合理、不开放,可能导致不良物质渗漏,污染地下水。采集了布沙瓦尔市12个不同地点的地下水样品,测定了温度、pH、TDS等理化特征。总硬度,Ca++, Mg++氯化物,电导率,Do。样品CO2COD测定值

博帕尔附近Vidisha区Halali大坝水重金属污染研究印度关于人类健康的问题 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/study-of-heavy-metal-contamination-in-halali-dam-water-of-vidisha-distrcit-near-bhopal-m-p-india-with-reference-to-humam-health/ 2006-04-01 2020-06-11 S.A. Iqbal, H.C. Kataria 卷1,问题1

Introduction Water in nature contains a number of impurities in varying amounts. The run-off water goes into Halali Dam has large number of pollutants including bacteria. Halali river near Bhopal M.P. flows through several villages of Bhopal, Raisen and Vidisha districts and ended in the Samrat Ashok Sagar Dam known as Halali Dam i.e. situated in vidisha district. The Parta-Nallah is the cheif source of this dam, Partra nallah carries urban and domestic sewage and effluents of industries....


硫酸铜对梭鱼claras batrachus (Linn.)某些血液学参数的亚致死效应 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/sub-lethal-effect-of-copper-sulphate-on-certain-haematological-parameters-of-clarias-batrachus-linn/ 2006-06-30 2020-06-11 S.S. Andrabi, s.a Mastan, J. Prasad, Prakash Chander, Javed Ganaie 卷1,问题1

Introduction The effects of heavy metals on aquatic organisms is currently attracting wide spread attention particularly in studies related to industrial pollution. High toxicity of industrial pollutants have been known since long time, but their harzardous nature as pollution of aquatic environment has been a matter of concern only after a large number of deaths of fishes occurred in different areas due to different metals. A survey of literature on heavy metal toxicity clearly shows th...

本文研究了铜对梭鱼血液学参数的亚致死效应。用铜(硫酸铜)制备不同标准浓度的原液。梭鱼(Clarias batrachus)标本16只,平均体重100克,平均长度18-20厘米。都被用于这个目的。暴露鱼类的血液学有不同程度的变化。红细胞计数和血红蛋白百分比下降

贾巴尔普尔部分变性土的形态、理化性质及分类 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/morphology-physico-chemical-properties-and-classification-of-some-vertisols-of-jabalpur/ 1970-01-01 2020-06-11 P.N. Tripathi 卷1,问题1 < / p > < p >…

对Jabalpur地区3个Vertisol pedons进行了形态学研究、特征分析和分类。土壤非常深,颜色从深棕色(10YR3/1)到深灰色(10YR4/3)不等。深层土壤和粘土的质地贯穿整个剖面。2-3厘米宽的裂缝延伸超过1米。所有土壤中均可见到滑坡体、楔形骨料、铁、锰和钙质。土壤排水不完全。土壤为钙质,PH

2-[(5/-(取代苯基)-1/ -苯基)吡唑基]吡咯的环境可接受合成 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/environmental-acceptable-synthesis-of-2-5-substituted-phenyl-1-phenyl-pyrazolyl-pyrroles/ 2006-05-27 2020-06-11 Meghasham Narule, Jyotsna Meshram 卷1,问题1

Introduction In recent years the pollution free organic reaction and assisted by microwaves in particular have been gained special attention.1,2 The use of solid supports as well as microwaves3 has been well established as a pollution free technique, which is currently under much investigation by synthetic organic chemists.4 As Microwave induced Organic Reaction Enhancement (MORE) chemistry5,6 allows reaction to occur on a preparative scale in open vessels under solvent free conditions which ...

2-[(5/-(4//-取代苯基)-1/ -苯基)吡唑基]吡咯III (a-m)首次在微波炉中合成。与传统方法相比,该方法具有反应时间短、产率高、操作简单、环境友好等优点 卡朱瓦拉地区地下水重金属毒性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/heavy-metal-toxicity-in-ground-water-of-khajuwala-area-located-in-bikaner-division-of-western-rajasthan/ 2006-05-25 2020-06-11 h。k。Pandey, Seema Gakhar, Gourav Chawla 卷1,问题1

Introduction With the rise in population and steady growth of industries, the demand of ground water has increased. Although the Indira Gandhi canal water is utilized for irrigation and drinking, ground water is the sole resources of drinking water for local population in major region of Bikaner district.1 Most of the ground water sources are still supposed to be safe but once, source is contaminated, then practically it would be very difficult to clean that up. Ground water department , p...

用原子吸收分光光度法和火焰光度计分别测定了16个水样中Mn、Pb、Zn、Fe、Co、Mo、Cr、Al以及Na和K的浓度。在位于拉贾斯坦邦西部地区的卡祖瓦拉的井水中,发现Fe、Pb和Na金属超过饮用允许水平(分别为0.1-1.0、0.05和175ppm)。Fe、Pb和Na的最高浓度分别为1.22、0.96和922 ppm。这些结果表明< / p > 孟加拉湾沿岸环境沉积物中铅的地球化学分配 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/geochemical-partitioning-of-lead-in-sedimetns-of-the-coastal-environment-bay-of-bengal/ 2006-05-25 2020-06-11 B.K. Sahu, K.S. Tripaty, Ejaz Ahmed 卷1,问题1

Introduction The level of trace metals in the water and particulate matter of Cochin estuary were reported by Nair et al. (1990) and sediments were reported by Nair et al., (1991). Nair (1992) obtained various fractions of trace metals in the sediments of the southern and northern arm of Cochin estuary. The reports available on trace metal distribution from the estuaries of Indian subcontient Paul and Pillai (1983a) in Cochin estuary, Satyanaryana et al.(1985) in Visakhpatnam harbour. Al...

对孟加拉湾Rushikulya河口、Gopalpur海岸和Bahuda河口海岸环境沉积物中铅的地球化学分区进行了一年多的研究。由于铅在生物化学循环中的作用,不同季节铅的溶解率和特定分数存在显著差异。这些部分铅进入沿海环境的运输已解释在吸附的基础上。< / p > 农业废弃物从水中去除Ni(ii):油去除椰子残留物 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/removal-of-niii-form-water-by-agricultural-waste-oil-removed-coconut-residues/ 1970-01-01 2020-06-11 K. Srinivasan, S.S. Saravanan 卷1,问题1 < / p > < p >…

活性炭由椰渣(CORC)和抽油后的农业废弃物副产品制备,用于吸附Ni(II)水溶液。吸附过程遵循Freundlich和Langmuir吸附等温线。动力学研究表明,它服从拉格拉姆动力学模型。在PH范围4.0至10.0范围内,从含有10mg/L Ni(II)的100mL水溶液中观察到镍(II)的定量去除。研究了该材料处理镍

安得拉邦菩提的尼扎姆德干糖厂环境空气质量状况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/ambient-air-quality-status-of-nizam-deccan-sugar-factory-at-bodhan-andhra-pradesh/ 2006-05-25 2020-06-11 D. Dasharath 卷1,问题1

Introduction Pollution of air is due to increase in industrialization, insufficient implementation of preventive measures, emission of waste gases into the air without taking adequate technical problems. Air pollution becomes one of the main problems facing by man today, which literally means spoiling the environments of living beings, climate and plant kingdom. Nizam Deccan Sugar Factory (NDSF) is one of the major sugar factories of India. It is situated in the heart of the Bodhan town of...

空气污染在全世界造成了严重的问题。由于杂质或污染物的存在,使环境质量恶化。空气污染不仅影响到人类,也影响到植物和动物的自然习惯和环境。本研究是在安得拉邦菩提的尼扎姆德干糖厂进行的,目的是测量SPM / RPM,并估计环境空气中NOx和SO2的浓度。观察到SPM / RP的浓度

埃及苏伊士运河坦萨湖水、底泥和鱼类中多环芳烃污染评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/assessment-of-polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbons-contamination-in-water-sediment-and-fish-of-temsah-lake-suez-canal-egypt/ 2006-07-08 2020-06-11 H.R. Ali , Nour , SH. El-Gendy, S. Ezbewy, G. El-Gemaee, Y. Moustafa, M.I. Roushdy 卷1,问题1

Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are classified as environmentally hazardous organic compounds due to their known hydrophobic and mutagenic characteristics in addition to its toxicity and carcinogenicity (Hatch and Burton, 1999). PAHs are included in the European Community (EC) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority pollutant list (Anayakora et al., 2005). They are ubiquitous in the environment largely due to the extensive use of fossil fuels. Investigation ...

列出的参考美国环境保护署(EPA)优先污染物的性质、来源和分布;采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对埃及Temsah湖水体、沉积物和鱼类中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了研究。测定了所有样品中多环芳烃的组成,以便将其作为识别研究区域多环芳烃不同污染源的化学标记物。定性和全< / p > 清洁燃料生产的GTL技术 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/gtl-technology-for-production-of-clean-fuels/ 2006-05-26 2020-06-11 Merajuddin Ahmad 卷1,问题1

Introduction GTL is the use of natural gas1 to make a clean versatile liquid fuel. Natural gas is available in large quantities and the reserve is not used to the same extent as petroleum crude. There are many potentially rich gas fields that are not drilled (about 2500tcf of natural gas, nearly half of proven reserve is left in the ground) because of the need to lay expensive pipes to transport the gas. Transporting by ship, train or truck is much less costly, but methane&rsquo;s high ...


常压下合成新型磷酸铝分子筛 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/vol1no1/synthesis-novel-aluminophosphate-molecular-sieves-at-atmospheric-pressure/ 2006-05-06 2020-06-11 N Venkatathri, L. Saikia 卷1,问题1

Introduction A new generation of molecular sieves, aluminophosphates (AlPO4s) were reported by Wilson et al. having framework compositions comprising [AlO2]- and [PO2]+ tetrahedral.1-3&nbsp;Aluminophosphate molecular sieves are the first reported novel class of crystalline microporous oxide framework structures synthesized without silica.1,4&nbsp;These molecular sieves are similar to zeolites in some properties and it has been claimed that they may be used as adsorbents, catalysts a...

首次采用六亚甲基亚胺模板在常压下(373K)合成了新型小孔磷酸铝分子筛AlPO4-Atm1、AlPO4-Atm2和AlPO4-Atm3。以凝胶成分Al2O3: P2O5: 1.16HEM: 45H2O为标准,得到AlPO4-Atm12。水的摩尔比变为67.5得到AlPO4-Atm2。在相同摩尔凝胶组成下,将铝源由弹射B变为异丙醇铝,得到AlPO4-Atm3。所有材料均为chara