通过生物反应器的液体废油的%T生物修复:一个案例研究%9第9条第0%D%J当前世界环境%R 10.12944 / CWE.11.3.04%P 715-719%v 35%N 38%U www.a-i-l-s-a.com/第975条/%8 - 12月09,2016%x -抽象的:本文旨在解释废油生物修复的过程,发现反应动力学模型微生物率。样品是从印度尼西亚南苏门答腊省的液体废石油和天然气公司。使用培养基Zobell的隔离过程,并产生来自植物杆菌SP,微基奇杆菌和黄杆菌SP组的10种细菌。These bacteria’s is used in wastewater treatment bioreactor which have characteristic as follow: operate semi-continuously, using aeration column that contain polyurethane foam, variation of air discharge is 2 and 6 ml/sec, volume waste variation is 5 and 10 liters, 10 liters’ isolate, KNO3 (640 gram) and K2HPO4 (10 gram) as nutrition. The results showed that when bioremediation process contains 10 liters’ liquid waste, 10 liters’ isolate, and 6 ml/sec air discharge, it can reduce pH, specific gravity, BOD level, and the final weight of waste. Remediation process also increases the number of microbes, fatty oils and DO. Microbial maximum productivity is 59.50 with saturated concentration (Ks) at 3.25, and its slope is 0.43. Kinetics equation model following could be formulated as μ = 0.43/s/3.25+s. %0 - Journal Article %I - %@ - 0125-895