%T Seasonal Variation of Leaf Dust Accumulation and Biochemical Parameters of Selected Plant Species Alongside the National Highway-7 in Sirmaur, H.P, India %9 Article %D %J Current World Environment %R 10.12944/CWE.12.2.26 %P 421-428 %V 39 %N 51 %U www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1012/ %8 - June 02,2017 %x -抽象的:本研究进行了评估粉尘截取效率和粉尘沉积对植物物种生化参数的影响,在印度Sirmaur,H.P,H.P,H.P,Indirm Griving and Smally and Smalies生长。植物是二氧化碳的通用水槽。选择该研究的植物物种是Ficus Roxburghii,Mallotus Philippensis,Shorea Robusta,Woodfordia Fruticosa。观察到的尘埃积累趋势是榕树罗克斯犬(38.30mg M-2)>甲卓尔氏菌(26.94毫克M-2),> Mallotus Philippensis(22.31 mg M-2)> Woodfordia Fruticosa(16.70 mg m-2)。目前的研究表明,叶尘累积随着国家公路的距离增加而降低。叶尘积累受年度季节(30.70)在季风季度最高(30.70)的影响,季后赛季节最低(21.42)。%0 - 杂志百分比i - %@ - 0125-895