@article{CWE/992/2017, author={}, journal ={Current World Environment}, publisher ={}, title={医疗废物管理:埃塞俄比亚Menellik II转诊医院目前的问题},年={},月= {},volume = {39}, url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/992/}, pages = {42-52}, abstract ={医院因医疗活动产生的医疗废物没有得到足够的重视。在发展中国家,医疗废物仍被不加区别地处理和处置,对公众健康和环境造成巨大威胁。在埃塞俄比亚,这种情况更糟糕,那里缺乏令人信服的关于医疗废物产生率和管理系统的证据。在Menellik II医院进行了一项横断面研究,以评估医疗废物管理系统。采用观察检查表收集医疗废物管理系统的初步数据。此外,还对11名选定的线人采用了关键线人访谈指南,以评估废物管理实践,并根据主题框架进行分析。结果表明,卫生保健废物在产生和处置前均未进行分类隔离和消毒处理。HCW处理和处置机制主要为低温单室焚烧炉焚烧;露天焚烧; burring in to amputation pit and open dumping on municipal dumping site as well as on the hospital back yard. Furthermore, there was negligence, attitudinal problem and low level of awareness about safe healthcare waste management. To diminish the risk of healthcare waste on public health and environment, a cost effective interventions include providing better medical waste management facilities, adherence to national regulatory and rising awareness of all concerned need to adopt in the hospital. }, number = {40}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.12.1.06} }