作者@article {CWE / 955/2017 ={} ={}当前世界环境》杂志上的出版商= {},title ={气候变化对农业的影响和改变自适应策略Lakshmipur地区的沿海地区,孟加拉国},年={},月={},体积= {35},url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/955/},页面= {700 - 714},孟加拉国沿海地区的地形易受灾害影响,气候变化对沿海农业产生了新的不利影响。本研究的主要目的是探讨气候变化对孟加拉国Lakshmipur沿海地区农业的影响和不断变化的适应策略。通过实地观察调查、问卷调查和专题小组讨论(FGD)收集初步数据。为了进行问卷调查,从拉克什米普尔区Ramgati和Kamal Nagar upazilla的沿海地区随机抽取了大约120名受访者。整个调查在2014年3月至2015年2月的季风和冬季进行。本研究通过收集一手和二手资料进行。完成现场观测调查、问卷调查和专题小组讨论(FGD)(2014年3月- 2015年2月),收集初步数据。问卷包括结构化和封闭式问题,通过面对面访谈的方式收集受访者的信息。次要数据是从孟加拉国气象局(BMD)收集的。 Collected data were processed and analyzed by the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS: version-16) and map of study area were prepared by Arc GIS 9.1 software. The results revealed that about 87.5% of respondents have experienced climate change and its impact on their agriculture gradually from 40 years. They also perceived increase in temperature, drought, flood, cyclone and salinity intrusion, rain less winter season, long summer season, unpredictable rainfall, and changing the monsoon respectively. About 96.6 % respondents perceived decrease in rainfall. Results also revealed that about 53% of respondents experienced severe intensity of major climate change induced disasters. Furthermore, 9% respondents experienced little bit severity. Agricultural crops cultivation is changing from previous time due to the climate changing events and decreasing crop production due to their damaging effects. Almost 40% of respondents in the study area were not familiar with coping strategy in response to climate change. They tried to adjust and cope with cultivation of short duration crops, introducing new variety and making embankment.To minimize the effects of climate change short duration crops, new variety and making embankment for crop cultivation need to adopt in study area.}, number = {38}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.11.3.03} }