@ARTICLE {CWE / 808/2017,作者= {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {天气变化对拉达克地区Leh区的裁剪模式的影响},年= {},月= {},卷= {30},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/808/},页面= {489-493},摘要= {Leh区位于32-36°N纬度和75之间-80°E经度高度从2500到6000米以上平均海平面。LEH是该国最大的地区,面积为45,100公里。农业是该区农村人民的主要占领。对数据的初步分析表明,小麦作物的面积从2003年增加了。值得注意的是,观察到大麦作物的面积同时下降。小麦作物从2003年从2003年取代了大麦作物是明显的。发现这种种植模式的变化与天气状况的变化有关。观察到从2003年开始每天最低温度的每月平均值从4°C增加到2007年。同样地,每日最高温度的月度平均值在2003年之前观察到更高(> 20°C),但期间减少2003年至2009年(15至20°C)。 Snowfall was a common phenomenon during month of May before 2003, but was not observed during 2003 to 2009. Therefore, it is hypothesized that increase in both minimum and maximum temperature during May had enabled the farmers to grow wheat in place of barley. Moreover, during the month of April, snowfall events were significantly reduced in 2003-2009 and in month of May snowfall events was not recorded at all. This may perhaps another reason which enabled farmers to sow the wheat crop during last week of April to mid of May. Interestingly during last two years, the cropping pattern is again reversed. The acreage under wheat crop was decreased and the acreage under barley increased. Such reversal may be due to re-occurrence of snowfall events during first two weeks of May, which was absent during 2003-2009. Therefore, it is quite apparent that weather condition influenced the cropping pattern and crop acreage. However, many other factors like timely availability of seed, quality of seeds as per need of local farmers as they prefer some straw producing varieties, crop rotation pattern, etc., also plays some role in shifting of cropping pattern. Long term data base on crop-weather relationship among with the other factors may help in developing crop weather modeling. }, number = {32}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.10.2.13} }