作者@article {CWE / 782/2017 ={} ={}当前世界环境》杂志上的出版商= {},title ={土壤无脊椎动物的Bio-Monitors有毒金属污染影响土壤},年={},月={},体积= {30},url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/782/},页面={367 - 385},文摘= {bio-indicator势两种无脊椎动物物种,在尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的Akwa Ibom州,对eugeniae(蚯蚓)和Pachybolus ligulatus(千足虫)在有毒金属影响下的土壤进行了评估。本研究收集了分布在4个地方政府辖区的10个地点的eugeniae和Pachybolus ligulatus的不同影响和非影响土壤样本。采用酸消解后的原子吸收光谱法对土壤和生物指示物中的有毒金属(Pb、Fe、Zn、Ni和Cd)进行了分析。利用地积指数(Igeo)测度土壤污染程度;生物积累因子(BAF)通过生物指标计算土壤对金属的吸收;以及多元统计,以确定金属与污染源之间的相互关系。所有土壤中金属含量均高于背景水平,并分为未污染至极重度污染。eurilus eugeniae中Pb、Fe、Zn和Cd含量较高,Pachybolus ligululatus中Ni含量较高,均为0.05。微生物对所有金属均有吸收(BAF<1),但eurilus eugeniae富集Cd和Fe, Pachybolus ligulatus富集Ni和Fe (BAF>1)。 Metals were clustered into three (Eudrilus eugeniae) and two (Pachybolus ligulatus) dissimilar groups. Two principal components extracted, each for Eudrilus eugeniae and Pachybolus ligulatus accounted for 64% and 72% of total variations, respectively. The invertebrates exhibited varying levels of affinity in metals uptake. Eudrilus eugeniae appeared to accumulate Pb, Fe and Cd more, and could serve as a better bio-indicator for monitoring these metals. Pachybolus ligulatus accumulated 3-folds more Ni, and could provide a monitoring tool especially in agriculture, in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria, plagued by crude oil pollution of its land and water bodies. }, number = {32}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.10.2.02} }