@article{CWE/579/2017, author={}, journal ={Current World Environment}, publisher ={}, title={Modeling the Transport of Potassium Level in Yarmouk Basin Using SWMS-3D Model}, year ={}, month ={}, volume ={26}, url ={www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/579/}, pages ={646-652},耶尔穆克盆地是约旦和叙利亚共有的跨界盆地。盆地总面积(7 242平方公里)中只有1 426平方公里位于约旦境内。研究区海拔高度从南部1150多米到西北部海平面以下200米不等。在耶尔穆克盆地西部,上层含水层的地下水普遍受钾污染。钾的浓度在0 ~ 163 mg/l之间,平均为7 mg/l。本研究旨在评估该盆地上含水层钾离子浓度,预测该离子未来的潜力,并找出这些浓度是否符合安全范围。主要数据来自水利部(MWI)。Al Balqa应用大学实验室对地下水井的化学性质进行了分析,并与约旦的标准进行了比较。研究了钾作为污染指标的时空变化规律。 Pollution of groundwater level maps were generated using a Geostatistical program GS+ version 5.1, with the Kriging interpolation method. It was concluded that an increase in potassium concentrations for the decade ahead (2020) was noticed. But the tremendous the rise between 2020 - 2030, can be either attributed to intensive cultivation which enhances use of organic and chemical fertilizers, where both are sources of potassium, or to over abstraction of groundwater which enhances potassium along with other pollutants concentrations in groundwater of Yarmouk Basin upper aquifer.}, number = {29}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.9.3.13} }