@article{CWE/511/2017, author={}, journal ={Current World Environment}, publisher ={}, title={饮用水短缺对人类心理功能的作用},year ={}, month ={}, volume ={26}, url ={www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/511/}, pages ={244-250},这项研究是基于对水资源短缺对人类心理功能影响的生态心理学方法。本研究的目的在于:(1)了解缺水地区和缺水地区农村居民心理问题的患病率;(2)评估人类对水资源短缺可能成因的归因;(3)探讨人类应对水资源短缺的方式;(4)认识社会文化因素对上述因素的作用。参与者包括3850名伊朗农村居民、缺水者(WWS)和不缺水者(WOWS)。使用人口统计问卷和一些自评措施。由此得出的数据表明,在缺水的农村居民中,心理健康问题的患病率明显更高。对水资源短缺的归因类型由个人、社会、自然和组织四部分组成。 Coping styles of participants (with water shortages) indicated an emotional-avoidant coping style, the utilization of water consumption methods to optimize water usage, the use of water-free technologies, social adaptation to life with regards to water, and the application of high quality technologies for water saving. Demographic and sociocultural factors influence psychological functioning with regards to water scarcity. This study demonstrates that mental health problems are more prevalent in areas with water shortages. It also indicates the impact of attributional styles, coping methods and the role of demographic and sociocultural factors on psychological functioning when water shortages occur, }, number = {28}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.9.2.03} }