@article{CWE/441/2017, author={}, journal = { Current World Environment}, publisher = {}, title={Thin-Layer Chromatography: Comparative Estimation of Soil’s Atrazine}, year = {}, month = {}, volume = {22}, url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/441/}, pages = {469-472}, abstract = {Herbicide atrazine is a broad spectrum herbicide, used worldwide to protect the crops from weeds, but overuse of atrazine have caused the huge environmental problems from few decades. So it is very essential to study and develop the lab based analytical methods, which are important for the detection of atrazine in environment as well as in biological media. In this study we have collected the soils samples from farm fields and extracted the atrazine by Soxhlet method. Also we have extracted the atrazine from formulated grade considered as standard/pure sample in our study. Both extracted/standard and atrazine samples were characterized by UV and FTIR analysis. Further thin layer chromatography was run to check the purity of soil extracted sample. }, number = {25}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.8.3.17} }