@ARTICLE {CWE / 425/2017,作者= {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {诺基瓦(Bikaner)土壤和植物的水泥粉尘中的重金属的影响},年度= {},月= {},volume = {22},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/425/},页面= {299-303},摘要= {在诺基亚(比卡纳)水泥行业辐射水泥附近的农民领域的灰尘。在这些行业中,发射的水泥粉尘含有六价铬的痕迹,并在调查中允许的面积允许极限。然而,在规定的限制下发现了镉和镍。为了分析重金属,从表面和20cm深度的四个方向收集100和20个样品的Cr + 6,铅,镉和镍,并在原子吸收分光光度计上分析。从上面的研究来看,很明显,如果萨维塔甘豆水泥的情况下,只有其他两种植物的所有方向和深度都只有铅含量。在老虎和诺基哈水泥作品中,除了东方方向之外,前1公里的铅污染了更多。铅的移动性比20cm深度相对较长。北方水泥的六价铬含量更多。 Whereas, it was more in east direction in case of tiger cement. This indicated influence of prevailing direction of wind on distribution of heavy metals present in cement dust. Heavy metal toxicity results in reduction in plant height, burning of leaf margins and tip, slow leaf growth and over all wilting of Prosopis cineraria, Pearlmillet and clusterbean plants, when this metal deposits in Human body results in genetic disorders. Electrostatic precipitator can be installed to reduce the cement dust emission.}, number = {24}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.8.2.16} }