@ARTICLE {CWE / 341/2017,作者= {D.G. Shah and P. M. Trivedi}, journal = { Current World Environment}, publisher = {}, title={Pysico-Chemical Analysis of Bore Wells and Open Wells Drinking Water of, Kathalal Region}, year = {}, month = {}, volume = {16}, url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/341/}, pages = {287-290}, abstract = {Physico-chemical analysis such as temperature, PH, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, chloride, total alkalinity, calcium and magnesium hardness, sulphate, phosphate nitrate of bore wells water was carried out from twenty sampling station of kathalal territory area during the May-2011 in order to assess water quality index. }, number = {18}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.6.2.14} }