@ARTICLE {CWE / 253/2017,作者= {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {Rohu,Labeo Rohita(Ham。)Fry},年= {},月= {},卷= {13},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/253/},页面= {111-116},摘要= {碱和碱性地球的生物累积在Rohu,Labeo Rohita(火腿)的Fry中,研究了Na,K,Ca和Mg等金属,这是印度淡水水产养殖的物种。在一个实验中将Rohu鸡蛋暴露于肥胖阶段的实验室条件下进行实验;并炒至其他实验中的先进肥胖阶段,以不同浓度的盐。氯化钠(0.15,15,15和150mg / L),氯化钾(0.015,0.15和1.5mg / L),氯化镁(0.15,1.5,15和150mg / L)和氯化钙(0.15,1.5,15和150mg / L)用作试验盐。该试验是在20升容量玻璃水彩上进行的,其中800个鸡蛋达到弗莱舞台;并在第二个实验中,60个乳化阶段高达了60岁的油炸。在没有加入盐的情况下在实验室中饲养对照动物。实验一式三份进行,每一个持续为期一个月。遵循正常的饲养实践,每周用新鲜水族馆的50%的测试解决方案被新鲜的。 The bioaccumulations in wet weight basis in whole tissue of fry reared from eggs and in advanced fry exposed to respective salts at the end of the experiment were 100-572 and 91-147 ppm for sodium; 71-104 and 13-22 ppm for potassium; 16-32 and 24-48 ppm for calcium; and 210-660 and 150-300 ppm for magnesium respectively. In control the bioaccumulations for fry reared from eggs, and in advanced fry were 150-212 and 371-412 ppm for sodium; 85-99 and 80-85 ppm for potassium; 18-22 and 5.5-7.8 ppm for calcium; and 250-260 and 15 ppm for magnesium respectively. No definite relationship could be established between the alkali and alkaline earth metals concentration in aquatic environment and bioaccumulation in fish tissue, except sodium and calcium in fry stage. }, number = {14}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.5.1.17} }