@article{CWE/1946/2021, author={}, journal ={Current World Environment}, publisher ={}, title={空气质量是否影响SARS - COV2在大城市的传播?——一个案例研究来自印度城市},年={},月={},体积= {79},url = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1304/},页面={},文摘= {COVID 19大流行已逐渐成为最严重的流感大流行在过去几百年里世界各地的初始爆发后在中国,包括印度。为防止感染传播,政府从2020年3月24日至4月14日开始实施封锁措施,随后延长至2020年5月3日。封锁对人类活动、车辆移动和工业运作施加了限制;从而降低了城市的污染水平。这项研究的目的是确定印度七个大城市的空气质量变化,并确定活跃的COVID病例与空气质量参数之间的任何相关性。分析了7个大城市(德里、孟买、加尔各答、班加罗尔、海德拉巴、钦奈和昌迪加尔)70个监测站的最常见参数(PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、NH3、CO和臭氧)的空气质量数据集和空气质量指数。比较了封锁前和封锁期间的空气质量。获得的结果表明,在封锁期间,空气质量有了充分的改善。在研究的下一部分,将封锁期间的活跃COVID - 19病例与该时期的空气质量变化进行比较。 A significant correlation between active COVID case and change in the air quality was observed for Delhi and Kolkata with 0.51 and 0.64 R2 values respectively. A positive correlation was also observed between air pollutant parameters and incidents of COVID cases in this study. Thus from the analysis it was identified that air quality index improved considerably as a result of the nationwide lockdown however, there was no significant impact of this improvement on the infection rate of the prevailing pandemic.}, number = {81}, doi = {} }