@ARTICLE {CWE / 1834/2021,作者= {},Journal = {当前世界环境},Publisher = {},标题= {Okhla,Bhalswa和Ghazipur市垃圾垃圾场(垃圾填埋场)在Delhi}地下水质量},年= {},月= {},卷= {79},URL = {www.a-i-l-s-a.com/article/1268/},页面= {210-220},摘要= {迅速城市化,越来越繁荣,经济发展。再加上改变的生活方式已经产生了大量的巨大浪费。倾销这一大量的部分隔离废物已成为公共卫生和环境问题。根据估计,在德里(城市固体废物)的估计数(城市固体废物)超过9500吨(TPD),大约60%的废物按照Bhalswa最大的最大值运输到这三个活跃的垃圾填埋场,然后是Ghazipur和Okhla非科学垃圾填埋场填埋场和不到40%的垃圾填埋场被运送到堆肥厂和废物到能量厂。这些废物倾倒网站已完成委托日期并越过允许的高度,并在成熟的垃圾填埋场(旧)下。在这些垃圾填埋场中倾销未知的废物导致地下水的长期威胁,因为各种参数,如无机,有机和重金属免于未指定的固体废物的渗滤液,浓度随季节而变化。发现土壤污染,空气污染和各种环境,健康和社会影响在这些垃圾填埋场附近被发现与不受控制的垃圾倾倒有关。该研究报告称,直到德里的日期,没有单一的垃圾填埋场被控制并提供基准器或适当的盖子。 All three active landfill still received solid waste beyond their capacity without any attention to waste segregation. Impact of landfill leachate on groundwater revealed by presences of high concentration of various parameters like Chloride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Ammonium, Phenol, Iron, Zinc and Chemical oxygen demand in assessed which showed that quality of groundwater is significantly affected by the percolation of landfill leachate. The main problem of the landfill is the generation of toxic leachate and gases which finally end their life in groundwater and environment and ultimately reach to human and damage aquatic life present in water. On the other hand emission of greenhouse gases lead to the risk of fire and also cause global warming. Presently NGT had warned officer of these three landfills of Delhi to remediate landfill. There is an urgent need of leachate collection system and treatment facilities and gas trapping technologies at this landfill for energy generation and to protect the contamination of groundwater.}, number = {77}, doi = {10.12944/CWE.16.1.21} }